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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
Scientific Christian Mental Practice
Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books
Foreword - Statement of Being - Denials of Science - Affirmations of Science - Foundation of Faith - The Word of Faith - Secret of the Lord - The Spring of Life - Rending the Veil - Righteous Judgment - Fearlessness - The Way of Wisdom - The Crown of Glory - Contents - Index
of health, all of inspiration. He, therefore, saved the whole world. Even to look at Him would cure, when He was manifest in the flesh. He, never having gone away from our side, we can look upon Him now, and be cured of whatever ailment we cry about. Some people cry with lonesomeness. He will cure that entirely, if they look upon Him. Looking at Him mentally is the way we look nowadays, though it is certain that some people even in this century have seen Jesus, the Healer, as present before them as He was before the two Marys at His tomb.
Looking, mentally, upon Jesus Christ as present, will cure poverty; it will cure blindness; it will cure deafness; it will cure palsy; it will cure rheumatism; it will cure insanity.
The amethyst is the symbol of the miracle-working power of love. It is the love stone in the sense that the chalcedony is the love stone, and in a still further sense than that stone. It is the stone of the resurrection, of ascension, of the New Kingdom, where love is filling man's mind and overflows to the world, and awakens the same love to shine back. It is that love that is stronger than death, and when it enters into man's love death is not possible. It is that love which, being entered into man's, is stronger than hate, stronger than poverty, stronger than swords, stronger than crucifixion and the tomb.
The amethyst stone has the hues of all the stones. There is no stone which, as you look into the heavenly face of the amethyst is not seen shining in beauty. Twelve works of God as Holy Spirit are all manifest in the amethyst. John said the twelfth power of the gospel, showing forth in you, would be like the amethyst stone.
Whoever gets into the state of overflowing unquenchable love is manifesting Jesus Christ. He sees no evil in anybody or anything. He sees their Good only. He receives no injuries at anybody's hands. He rejoices at everything that occurs. Everything has a light and a life and a joy and a renewal of pleasure
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