We are happy to announce an update to the

Policy for inclusion of Contemporary New Thought Writers

If you wish for your work to be included in the library,

You should contact one of the librarians who will direct you to the application form.

We require certain paperwork and an upload of the work.

We only include published works and they are reviewed to see if they are appropriate for the library.

New Writers are now listed in the

Authors Section


Writers bio pages have a list of links to his or her works.

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Our "Be The Change" Volunteer program is fun and a valuable experience. You will learn web technologies through hands on experience helping make more texts available to the world.

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Volunteers can earn certification and qualification in New Thought Library Science.


is an important part of our lives. Celebration supports our spiritual journey through the sharing & releasing of energy. Join people around the globe to celebrate New Thought Day on August 23th


Spiritual & Emotional Healing

For as long as we have been on this wonderful earth, Humans have had thoughts and feelings. New thought will teach you how to embrace your powerful self and move into a new healing and strength.


Personal Empowerment

New Thought has been around for quite some time. The standard history goes back to Phineas Quimby, but the Spiral Dynamics New Thought History traces the ideas of New Thought back to Anne Hutchinson who in 1638 taught that: we are not converted to Christ but awaken to the truth of our present Unity with God; all people are reflections of the Divine and "being a woman is a gift not a curse".

You can take wonderful New Thought classes from a variety of New Thought teachers from around the globe, both independent and from different New Thought denominations. There are at least ten!


We Serve

Public Domain works (currently those published before 1944) and New Works by Contemporary New Thought Authors that have registered into our promotional program and given us permission to publish their works.


Help us put more New Thought Media at your fingertips

We provide New Thought Media for Free!
In fact, we do everything with donations / voluntary contriubtions!

Send contributions,
including Books, Tapes, Records, Films to:
9445 Coors Blvd. NW #109,
ABQ, NM 87114 USA

We archive public domain works online, other works will be sent to one of the physical repositories in Canada, USA etc...

Join us! Become a part of our international team!
Help us to continue our work of expanding and improving the Library.

Library inquiries only: call (USA) 505-216-6397
or fill in the contact form
and we will contact you


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"The truth, once announced,
has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals
and therefore should be universal in its appeal
Under the guidance of the spirit,
it should grow in good works
until it embraces many lands
and eventually the whole world."

--Mr. James A. Edgerton on New Thought Day, August 23, 1915

More Great New Thought Resources:

Spiritual Exploration

Today, with free countries experiencing actual intellectual and religious freedom. People are free to explore more than ever before. Although religious fundamentalists in the 2nd and 3rd world's seek to restrict this basic divine / human right. You can explore. Use your mind and you will find deep positive means to express yourself spiritually in caring communities.