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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
New Thought Common Sense
"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought media from Abrahamic to Vedic reflecting the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy contrasts with 'old thought' Religion. Today's 'New Thought 3.0' teaches personal responsibility, self-development, human rights and compassionate action as essential spiritual paradigms." ~ Avalon de Rossett
The Ancient Lineage of New Thought - The Anti-toxin of Common Sense - Are You Doing the Best You Can? - Be Not Easily Offended - For What Are You Living? - Ignore Misfortune - The Power of Personality - Common Sense and "Goodness" - "Good Business" - The Trapeze Performer - The High Calling of Fatherhood - The High Calling of Motherhood - Thought Building for Children - The New Thought Economy - What Is a Good Woman? - The Color of Your Thoughts - "In God We Trust" - Are You Alive? - Something About Celibacy - The Old and the New Thought View of Life - The Cities Beyond - The Onward March - Common Sense Ideas in Marriage - The Shading of the Picture - Woman and the Cigarette - Sinning Against the "Holy Ghost" - New Thoughts and Beauty - Famous and Infamous Women - Enemies to Happiness - The New Year - Enthusiasm - Brace Up - Universal Need - Every Day Opportunities - The Masters - Building Kindness Cells - What Is Optimism? - What Is the Loving Thing to Do? - A New Thought Rosary - Unto the End - Keep Still and Wait - What Life Means to Me - Contents - Index
A MOST beautiful calendar opens with the lines:
"I'll not easily offend,
Nor be easily offended;
What's amiss I'll try to mend,
And endure what can't be mended."
One could hardly start the year with a better resolution than is contained in these words.
To not easily offend is to be continually considerate. To think before speaking; to restrain the careless word and the useless criticism; to forego the pleasure of a laugh when it would fall as ridicule on sensitive ears, and to avoid the little sins of omission which mar friendship --- the unanswered letter, the unpaid call, the word of approval or congratulation for achievement or success, and the word of sympathy for trouble or loss.
Then, too, even more admirable still, it seems to me, is the resolve:
"Nor be easily offended."
One of the most expensive luxuries of life, and the least profitable as an investment for happiness, is the friend who is "easily offended," and to whom you are forever apologizing for the mistakes you did not mean to make, and the slights you did not know you had given, until they were forced upon your unwilling attention.
The easily offended nature is usually the selfish and
"Be The Change" Volunteer program.
eBook downloads for Ella Wheeler Wilcox's New Thought Common Sense include: pdf, Open eBook, OEB, ePub & audio book MP3
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