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Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Ella Wheeler Wilcox's

New Thought Common Sense

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought media from Abrahamic to Vedic reflecting the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy contrasts with 'old thought' Religion. Today's 'New Thought 3.0' teaches personal responsibility, self-development, human rights and compassionate action as essential spiritual paradigms." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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The Ancient Lineage of New Thought - The Anti-toxin of Common Sense - Are You Doing the Best You Can? - Be Not Easily Offended - For What Are You Living? - Ignore Misfortune - The Power of Personality - Common Sense and "Goodness" - "Good Business" - The Trapeze Performer - The High Calling of Fatherhood - The High Calling of Motherhood - Thought Building for Children - The New Thought Economy - What Is a Good Woman? - The Color of Your Thoughts - "In God We Trust" - Are You Alive? - Something About Celibacy - The Old and the New Thought View of Life - The Cities Beyond - The Onward March - Common Sense Ideas in Marriage - The Shading of the Picture - Woman and the Cigarette - Sinning Against the "Holy Ghost" - New Thoughts and Beauty - Famous and Infamous Women - Enemies to Happiness - The New Year - Enthusiasm - Brace Up - Universal Need - Every Day Opportunities - The Masters - Building Kindness Cells - What Is Optimism? - What Is the Loving Thing to Do? - A New Thought Rosary - Unto the End - Keep Still and Wait - What Life Means to Me - Contents - Index

Building Kindness Cells

IN THE laboratory of Dr. Elmer Gates, of Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C., I was shown through a microscope, an atom of gray matter, taken from the brain of a rabbit that never saw colors. The animal was chloroformed after living a few weeks in a dark DOOM.

I was shown another atom of brain, of a rabbit of the same age, which had been made to see lights of various colors every day of its brief life. The difference in the appearance of these two portions of brain matter was remarkable. The portion of the brain cell subjected to the lights was finely veined like a leaf of a delicate plant. Every time the animal looked at the light, and thought of the light, as we might say, a physical change took place in the brain structure. That physical change created what is called color cells. Just exactly so every thought of sympathy and pity creates a kindness cell in the brain of human beings. Every person on earth is making some sort of a cell in his brain every waking moment of the day or night.

Thoughts are things. Thought is energy --- thought is a creative power. That is why it is important to direct the minds of human beings to good, kind, helpful thoughts.

Have you ever heard a doting parent say, "My children love animals so dearly; we always keep a kitten or a puppy for them to play with." Then have you observed those children while at play? Have

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