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Henry Drummond a major early New Thought writer and speaker

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Henry Drummond's

The Changed Life

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Preface - The Changed Life - The Formula of Sanctification - The Alchemy of Influence - The First Experiment - Contents

All things that he has ever seen, known, felt, believed of the surrounding world are now within him, have become part of him, in part are him --- he has been changed into their image. He may deny it, he may resent it, but they are there. They do not adhere to him, they are transfused through him. He cannot alter or rub them out. They are not in his memory, they are in him. His soul is as they have filled it, made it, left it. These things, these books, these events, these influences are his makers. In their hands are life and death, beauty and deformity. When once the image or likeness of any of these is fairly presented to the soul, no power on earth can hinder two things happening --- it must be absorbed into the soul, and for ever reflected back again from character.

Upon these astounding yet perfectly obvious psychological facts, Paul bases his doctrine of sanctification. He sees that character is a

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