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~ 2 Corinthians 2:17
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"The metaphysical secrets within the works of these New Thought Authors contain mystic insights. There are programs which enable seekers to get more out of New Thought Media as well as the training essential to building a proper spiritual practice. Learn about New Thought and New Thought Today." ~ Avalon de Rossett
"Every man, every woman must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In daily meditation lies the secret of power. No one can grow in either spiritual knowledge or power without it." ~ Emilie Cady
Links to Harriet Emilie Cady's Works:
“All of life is the Breath of God. When God created man… 'he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.'” (Gen. 2:7)
“The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4)
“There is but one kind of life in the universe. All life is divine; all life is the Breath of God.”~ Emilie Cady
Emilie Cady was a homeopathic physician from New York when her little booklet, Finding the Christ in Ourselves crossed the desk of Unity Founder Myrtle Fillmore. This led to a dynamic partnership with the Fillmore's, a personal and professional relationship that would come to help and encourage untold millions.
Cady had a concise and straightforward manner of expressing the Truth and was consequently asked by Charles and Myrtle to author a series of lessons for publication in the Unity periodicals. With some reluctance, Ms Cady accepted the assignment. The rest is history!
The resultant book, "Lessons in Truth" has become the defacto textbook of Unity as it explains the founding principles of the Movement. This book is a dynamic tool to assist each of us in our spiritual unfoldment.
Emilie Cady was one of the pioneers of New Thought. Her training as a homeopathic physician combined with her insights as a metaphysician, enabled her to treat patients medically and spiritually. Her approach was simple, clear and rooted in her own experience. Cady teaches that one's life can be transformed by the power of one's thoughts, words, and beliefs, encouraging us to find the truth as it is written in our hearts and then apply these truths in every area of one's life.
Cady was a student of Emma Curtis Hopkins, who at one time was lionized by Ernest Holmes as a New Thought "teacher of teachers". A contemporary of popular New Thought writer Emmett Fox, as well as Ernest Holmes and many other New Thought Greats. Inspired by Biblical teachings and influenced by the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson, she partnered with Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, in the foundation of the Unity School of Christianity.
Since it's first publication in 1896, Unity's textbook Lessons in Truth by H. Emilie Cady has sold over 1.5 million copies. Over the years millions of people have read Lessons in Truth. Emilie Cady shared the belief of the Fillmore's and Albert Grier that "truth should be told not sold." Thus her books were placed in the public domain for all to discover the path to inner peace.
When her booklet Finding the Christ in Ourselves came to the attention of Myrtle Fillmore, she gave it to her husband, Charles Fillmore, who lost no time in asking permission to print and distribute the booklet and invited her to write for Unity Magazine. As a result, beginning in 1892, a number of articles by Dr. Cady appeared in the magazine and she later went on to write the Unity textbook, Lessons in Truth which was translated into eleven languages and braille. From all over the world, from the length and breadth of the continent, letters came, testifying to lives transformed, physical ailments healed, money problems resolved, domestic difficulties dissipated, all through the study of her inspired book and the application of the principles therein.
Few have made a greater contribution or left a more shining monument to a long life of unselfish service than did Dr. H. Emilie Cady, physician and metaphysician. Her work will succor humanity for millennia!
"Healing of the body is beautiful and good. Power to heal is a divine gift, and as such you are fully justified in seeking. But God wants to give you infinitely more." from Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady
At this time we have processed Emilie Cady's Lessons in Truth and we are processing How I Used the Truth and present it here unprocessed. We will be happy to process more of her work if you contact us.
Lessons In Truth
How I Used The Truth
God a Present Help
Remember that Emilie's books are in the public domain and thus you can find them free on the web in electronic versions but some unscrupulous people are offering them for sale. If you want a physical book go to Amazon, if you want a pdf, we will have one soon depending on the level of tithes that come in this year.
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