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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
Science of Mind
"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett
Introduction - Intellect - Mental Science's Divisions - Intellect's Divisions and Perceptions - The Understanding - The Reason - The Dynamics of the Intellect - Physical Feelings - Intellectual Feelings - Spiritual Feelings - Dynamics of Feelings - The Will - The Nervous System - Nervous System of Man - Executive Volition - Primary Volition, or Choice - Dynamics of the Will and the Mind - The Relations of the Systems Here Offered to Prevalent Forms of Philosophy - Index - Contents -
that they remove all conflict from our powers, and blend them in satisfied and indivisible activity. This is not asserted of art as divorced from virtue, but of art as the highest embodiment of rational life, of virtue.
The chief difference between play and labor seems to be that the one gives vent to a superabundant power and life in a direction in which it spontaneously flows, and the other demands, in view of a reward, exertion to which the physical or intellectual state does not prompt. Labor approaches play in its character in proportion as the effort becomes spontaneous. Now success stimulates the feelings, and the quickened feelings arouse the active powers in the direction of their gratification. Hence it happens, that those whose labor is abundantly rewarded often take so keen a delight in it, as scarcely to be willing to turn aside for so-called play. The true amelioration of labor is success, the success which expresses power and enhances it, making realization easy and sportive. Drudgery is not so much labor as poorly requited labor. Hence labor that is undertaken under the prompting of strong and gratified desire, is much more easily endured than the same exertion when coerced. Self directed and prosperous labor will, in proportion as these elements of liberty and power enter into it, assume the character of play, and the ultimate lifting up of the burden of toil will be found in a more spontaneous and successful movement, that is, in one more thoroughly spiritual. Exactly in the degree in which higher power is present and prevalent, do we already see the servitude of labor removed.. Beauty and virtue must assume this easy, irrepressible character which belongs to the physical putting forth of animal life, before they can lay aside the harsh aspect of: toil and struggle, and present the beauty of angelic strength strength that is no more burdened by the load laid- upon, it, than the hero of the ring with his own muscle.
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