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John Bascom - Creator of Science of Mind - progenitor of New Thought

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

John Bascom's

Science of Mind

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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Introduction - Intellect - Mental Science's Divisions - Intellect's Divisions and Perceptions - The Understanding - The Reason - The Dynamics of the Intellect - Physical Feelings - Intellectual Feelings - Spiritual Feelings - Dynamics of Feelings - The Will - The Nervous System - Nervous System of Man - Executive Volition - Primary Volition, or Choice - Dynamics of the Will and the Mind - The Relations of the Systems Here Offered to Prevalent Forms of Philosophy - Index - Contents -

six, seven, eight, nine, come to designate these numbers as readily as the corresponding Arabic numerals, though at first they involve addition and subtraction. The abbreviation of mental processes by the omission of familiar steps, and by the more direct union of remote ones, is a cardinal fact in mind.

The connection of this idea of a subconscious region with materialism plainly appears in Lewes' Physiology of Common Life. He affirms: "that all nervous centres in action, give rise to Sensation, and thus furnish elements to the general Consciousness" Thus we are made to be -conscious of all the muscular and involuntary movements that take place in the body. This strange affirmation is thrown into the very teeth of consciousness itself, momentarily affirming the reverse truth to us all, on the purely a priori grounds, first, that a similarity of ganglionic structure in these nerve-centres implies similarity of office; and second, that constant, physical impressions must be made upon them, and hence, must enter consciousness.

"Every such excitement of the sensitive organism must be a sensation. These sensations will necessarily be very various, as the organs excited, and the exciting causes, are various; but they must all be sensations, they are all active states of the general property of sensibility. Ergo, they must all be elements of consciousness." Thus, this author so thoroughly identifies physical with mental states, that having established the first, he out-faces the mind itself, and declares that they must be consciously found in its record. This is only a bolder movement in the one general direction, since it pretty much annihilates the distinction between conscious and subconscious phenomena, and brushes lightly aside any testimony the mind itself may offer, as to anything that is, or is not, passing within it. If there is any mockery of consciousness more extreme

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