Do not be fooled into believing these writers are somehow conservative because of their black and white pix or writings on ancient wisdom.
These writers are radical representatives of the most powerful ideas of all time. New Thought Authors CoCreate...
TPP passed, not ratified - could impact your reading choices There is still time to resist the negative impact on the Public Domain, within each country. The near-final text, with analysis, is available
"Societies ensure their greatness, when elders plant trees, whose shade they know they will never sit in."
Titles marked with:
NEW = new addition;
= phone friendly;
= has audio downloads;
= has big screen version;
= has eBook / pdf downloads;
= Children's book;
= Parenting / Teaching;
(Readers are cautioned that reading New Thought texts can lead to profound personal transformation resulting in changes in your life.).
Swami Abhedananda
- Swami Abhedananda - This early vedic New Thought teacher explores Spiritual Unfoldment and more ...
Abel L. Allen
- Abel Allen's 1914 book The Message of New Thought. "In considering this subject, the word "New" should be duly and freely emphasized, because the expression "New Thought" relates only to what is new and progressive." "Those who grasp the true meaning and spirit ofNew Thought, or, as it is sometimes called, progressive or unfolding thought, do not conceive that a finished or completed system of thought, either philosophical or religious, is a possibility." Abel Allen's Message of New Thought sets forth the most important understanding in the New Thought Movement. Our predecessors have given us a wealth of insights and individual systems of New Thought, while some may feel content to memorize and recite the words of others, even ape their points of view, the New Millennial New Thought, or New Thought 3.0 moves beyond the confines of ether saturated teachings to a new comprehension which recognizes that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are essential to our progress such that humanity may not only survive but thrive today and for all time.
James Allen
- James Allen is famous for his book: As A Man Thinketh. Allen authored a number of other wonderful New Thought books. "It is not enough that an action is prompted by a good impulse or intention; it must arise in thoughtful consideration if it is to be a true action; and the man who wishes to be permanently happy in himself and a power for good to others..." "'God is Love,' Love is God. Man knows no God except Love manifesting in the human heart and life in the form of stainless thoughts, blameless words, and deeds of gentle pity and forgiveness." "Truth cannot be limited; it can never be the special prerogative of any man, school, or nation, and when personality steps in, Truth is lost." "And this only is true service--to forget oneself in love towards all, to lose oneself in working for the whole." ~ James Allen Allen counsels us again and again to begin within, work upon ourselves, let go of ego and strive in service to create a better world.
A. Alpheus
writes about Mesmerism, Hypnotism, Mind Reading; it's history and how to do it.
- An exciting writer througout the ages, Ann demonstrates a wide spectum of styles which evoke a rainbow of feelings.
William Atkinson
- An essential New Thought writer "I believe in the Brotherhood of Man. I believe in being Kind. I believe in everyone minding his own business --- and allowing everyone else the same privilege. I believe that we have no right to condemn --- 'let him who is without sin cast the first stone' ... I believe in the absolute equality of the Man and the Woman --- sometimes I think that the odds are slightly in favor of the Woman. I believe in the Sacredness of Sex ..." Atkinson was the editor of New Thought Magazine. He was essential to the growth of New Thought writing: "The desire of every reader is to get, hot
from his pen, all that a progressive writer
has to say." Atkinson, like all genuine New Thought leaders was a progressive who believed in the advancement of science and Universal Human Rights, writing under many names teaching many modalities of New Thought in order to support the greatest number of souls.
B.F. Austin - Today Benjamin Fish Austin is celebrated and honored by the United Church of Canada. In 1899 he gave a passionate speech encouraging people to "seek the truth within yourself even if this truth conflicts with institutional dogma and doctrine." Austin was popular throughout North America and in his book: How to Make Money, he points to New Thought writer Helen Wilmans as an example of success..
PT Barnum
Although P.T. Barnum is best known for the saying: "There is a sucker born every minute." which often causes some souls to wonder: "Am I the sucker?" This is in fact a confabulation. Barnum never said this. In his book: The Art of Money Getting Barnum sets forth timeless wisdom from choosing one's field of endeavor to treating customers kindly.
John Bascom*the ORIGINAL 1881 Science of Mind! - The original author of Science of Mind was a powerhouse in his time. John Bascom's Science of Mind focuses upon the concept of highest good and the importance of sounds choices. Bascom is the heart of New Thought and Science of Mind.
C. L. Baum
- Daisy Baum's book Studies in Divine Science is an excellent textbook for this form of New Thought.
"Practice healing, both for its effect on those who are in a negative state, as well as for your own unfoldment and growth in consciousness of the truth and its power... hands, also, are instruments for service. It makes no difference how they serve, what apparently menial tasks they may be called upon to perform. The only essential is that whatever form of service they are used in, shall be done in Love and without resistance to the task at hand.. "The Word of God that shall heal the sick." What is its real meaning? What or who is the Word of God that shall heal the sick? It is yourself. You are the healing word, for it is your consciousness of Truth that goes forth to help one who has not that consciousness." Those who truly awaken to higher consciousness are called forth to healing. In the face of terror, those awakened to higher consciousness are called upon to share loving kindness through compassionate action. By building with love, we create heaven on earth and thereby eliminate the roots of discontent.
Genevieve Behrend
- (1847- 1916) was the only student of Thomas Troward. Behrend explores visualization and other tools while making Troward's insights accessible.
Essential Science of Mind reading.
Edward Bellamy
- In 1890, Bellamy published a book called Looking Backward. In 2008, Bellamy was accused of plagiarizing de Broglie's theory of partical wave dualism. Although Bellamy proved that phase sequencing or phasing of two distinct
particles could be used in what he called 'kabuki' parallelism, his notions that this use of Quantum Entanglement was responsible for 5 distinct articles
that influenced human development must be firmly rejected. In fact, it
would have been impossible for Bellamy to have plagiarized de Broglie because
Bellamy died in 1898. Looking Backward is a book describing a future
"utopia." The problem with Bellamy's novel is that his descriptions of life in
2000 are more befitting of Sweden than Boston. We are presenting a series
of "utopia" novels for readers pleasure and to illustrate the visions of various
writers from the late 19th and early 20th century.
Joseph Benner
- born in 1872, Benner championed the use of the "I am" and was a powerful influence on Elvis Presley who gave away thousands of his books. Elvis had a copy of one of Benner books with him when he died.
Kathleen Besly
- Besley's book the Divine Art of Living explores powerful New Thought Tools in about 100 pages.
Annie Besant
was a Theosophist. Theosophy is a spiritual path contiguous with and related to New Thought but which adds layers of subjective complication comparable to the extremes within New Thought. Besant is referenced by Ernest Holmes who found her work fascinating and informative.
Kate Atkinson Boehme
- Kate Boehme demonstrates a powerful healing insight beginning with her book Mental Healing, she progresses through her book Thinking With the Heart evolving to her final book New Thought Healing. Boehme's works give us a concrete example of evolution in consciousness reflected in the author's works.
Nona Brooks
- An essential New Thought author, Nona Brooks was part of the Colorado Divine Science group. Distinct from the Malinda Cramer, the founder of Divine Science. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was the beginning of the end for Cramer's ministry. Across the Bay in Oakland, the Rix sisters weathered out the quake in the newly constructed Home of Truth. The Great Fire following the earthquake took out the immense library Cramer had amassed of 19th Century New Thought manuscripts, notes from lectures and more ....
Brother Lawrence
- Practicing The Presence, a major classic. This book has inspired millions across the globe. Highly recommended. Brother Lawrence is essential spiritual reading.
Henry Harrison Brown
- Brown was a major figure in the early New Thought movement. He wrote some wonderful books filled with spiritual insights and a unified philosophy.
Uriel Buchanan
- authored a lovely and poetic book called Heart of Being.
Richard Maurice Bucke*Read Cosmic Consciousness
- Writing under pen names, Canadian mystic and psychologist Richard Bucke expressed his deep spiritual insights through a book that would influence Aldous Huxley, the Beatles and the entire educated metaphysical world. Cosmic Consciousness is essential metaphysical reading.
H. Emilie Cady
- A chiropractor who rocked the world with her insights. Emelie Cady's Lessons in Truth have been translated around the globe. That and her other works, included magazine articles are essential reading to understand the Unity approach to New Thought.
Edward Carpenter*New
- In opposition to the adherents of Late New Thought, (an aberrant form of New
Thought that manifested toward the end of the 20th Century) we find Edward Carpenter
advocating for social reform, freedom of thought, vegetarianism, and pollution controls.
Opponents of Human Rights become alarmed at Edwards' advocacy of sexual freedom for consenting adults.
Carpenter's blatant advocacy of adults' rights to privacy in the bedroom
stirs deep anxiety among adherents to decadent manifestations of Abrahamic Thought forms
who feel intense fear of
the sexual liberation of women and the LGBT community. Carpenter believed
that sex education would help reduce teenage pregancy, which has been proven
correct whenever implemented. In his work Love's
Coming-of-Age, Carpenter draws attention to the fact that women's liberation
is an essential part of a healthy society.
During his time, Carpenter's belief in gender equality were considered radical
throughout the world, even in Europe, England
and the United States. Today Carpenter's ideas are still considered radical in
those decadent societies
that reject the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
George Clason
- The Richest Man in Babylon is a powerful prosperity book used in classes around the world. It is a great read filled with insights.
Robert Collier
- Robert Collier's Secret of the Ages has inspired millions around the planet to deeper insights and thus joy and success.
Russell Conwell
- a Baptist minister, was inspired to write: Acres of Diamonds, in 1869 while traveling in the Middle East.
Moralists consider Conwell to be a prototype Sgt. Bergdahl because he left his post during the civil war, despite this, Russell's Acres of Diamonds is considered a New Thought classic. Perhaps Conwell is despised by conservatives because he was a progressive. Conwell not only wrote a book lauding Abraham Lincoln, Conwell also deplored the practice of viewing women as chattel: "the wedding ring is but a reminder of that ... practice of buying a woman and fastening of a chain to her wrist ... the idea that a woman is the slave of man ...." Russell reveals a romantic side writing: "In this age of intellectual equality when men and women ... inspired by the spirit of divine love ... knew ... they were intended ... for each other from eternity to eternity."
Ada Craddock+19th Century New Thought Sex Goddess
discovered the traditions of Sacred Sexuality prompting her to found the Church of Yoga teaching that healthy sexuality has a foundation of love. Ida Craddock taught 'full partnership in 4 quadrants: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical' can help a couple raise their consciouness and channel sexual energy to create healthier, happier and more productive lifes. "First Cause, the Ultimate Force, impersonal though it be, must be inherently capable of sexual feeling and of individual personal attraction ... to enter into the most perfect communion ... Divine Scientists insist, all power is ours, when we rise in thought to oneness inwardly with the Divine Central Force." ~ Wedding Night. "I here use the term 'suggestive therapeutics,' ... the method may also be called applied psychology, or mental science, or divine science, or yoga.... if yoga were properly understood and practiced in the marital embrace by every newly married couple, their sex life would be, from the start, so holy, so healthy, so happy ... The word 'yoga' is a Sanskrit word which means 'union.' It comes from the same root as our English word 'yoke,' i. e., that which unites. It has been used for centuries by Hindu occultists and metaphysicians, to signify the philosophy which teaches mankind to enter into that state of oneness with the Divine which will secure them both spiritual bliss and power over their bodies and over material things. To what a wonderful extent this yogic power can be caried is only beginning to be dimly apprehended by us in America, here and there, among students of the 'higher thought.'" Ida Craddock anticipated Rianne Eisler's work articulating the partnership paradigm considered the most important work in the field of human relationships and human rights to date.
Malinda E. Cramer
- The founder of Divine Science, Malinda Cramer lived in San Francisco enduring the 1906 earthquake and the fire that followed. She supported the Brooks sisters in Colorado to create their own college. The Great Fire that followed the 1906 earthquake devoured the New Thought Library assembled by Cramer.
New Thought stands on a foundation of Science and Human Rights.
While we share a common understanding that through changing our thinking we change
our lives, there are a variety approaches to this essential belief within the
New Thought movement.
Creative Thought dot INFO provides insights into the leading minds
of our time. Some contemporary New Thought magazines appear
to have abandoned the scientific approach in favor of a 'catch as catch' can approach
in their quest to expand their viewer base.
We provide a window on the New Minds of our time that point the way to a deeper
understanding of life which is founded in New Thought.
We invite you to join us as we delve into the deepest foundations of truth and thereby
attain higher levels of consciousness. Don't be left out.
Discover the New Minds of our time and learn how you can use their insights
to create a better life for yourself and thereby a more compassionate world.
Lillian deWaters
- a prolific and wonderful writer. Lillian deWaters is one of many souls who transcended Christian Science evolving into a powerful New Thought writer.
Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey
- was a popular writer in his day. Frederic focused on stories which illustrated the power of the mind and the ability of people to transform their lives through simple principles, consistent changes and persistence actions. The Magic Story is short and good.
Newton Dillaway*Read The Gospel of Emerson
- Dillaway thoroughly explores the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson with joy and delight producing a book that offers expert insight into Emerson through well cited quotes from Emerson's works.
Horatio W. Dresser
- was the son of the Dressers who were part of Phineas Quimby's entourage. Quimby taught a fusion of the princples of Mesmerism with biblical justification. This supported people to recognize the importance of the mind-body connection. Researchers have at times drawn attention to the idea that the Dresser's may have had a mixed background and thus were quintessentially American. The idea that the Dressers had African American heritage is a demonstration of the power of the combination of nature plus nurture. This would explain the powerful genius of Horatio Dresser whose works are considered essential reading for those exploring New Thought.
Henry Drummond
- One of the early explorers of Spiritual Evolution.
Drummond is an essential New Thought Author
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Along with Thoreau, Emerson is another writer who earned the single name to describe his cannon of work. He had deep insight into the soul saying, "I have in me the capacity for every crime."
Warren Felt Evans
was one of a small group of people who sought healing through Phineas Quimby.
While Eddy created a personal religion, and the Dressers sent their son Horatio to Harvard, Evans wrote about the Mental Cure. Read his ideas in his book by that name.
A.B. Fay *Read Divine Science Bible Textbook
- This wonderful New Thought Bible Textbook is a blessing to all desiring to explore Abrahamic New Thought. It includes commentary on the Hebrew texts of the old testament and the texts selected by Constantine which best reflect his concepts concerning Christianity.
George Filian *Read Armenia and Her People or The Story of Armenia
- The first in a series of eye witness accounts of the Armenian Genocide by the Turks. On August 22, 1939, Hitler, a fascist (fascism is a teaching that promotes the combinaton of state and corporate power at the expense of human rights), said:
"I have issued the command - and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad - that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness - for the present only in the East - with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
WE REMEMBER THE BRUTAL MURDER OF THE ARMENIAN PEOPLE BY THE TURKISH STATE and witness them repeating this action against the Kurdish people today, 100 years later.
Charles Fillmore
- Charles Fillmore was one of the founders of Unity in the late 19th Century. Charles outlived his first wife Mytrle, then married Cora. Charles' cosmology is largely predicated upon his metaphysical interpretations of Abrahamic works, his Metaphysical Bible Dictionary provides a comprehensive interpretation of the Hebraic texts within the Old Testament and the Constantinian selection of works from the Christian Canon of Abrahamic works.
Cora Fillmore
- Cora Fillmore wrote Teach Us To Pray with Charles which is considered Essential Unity Reading. "When Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray He warned them against making a display of their praying in order to be seen of men. They should retire to their "inner chamber" and pray to the Father who sees in secret and rewards openly. Then He said, 'After this manner therefore pray.'"
For adherents to Christian New Thought, as well as a number of other New Thought forms
The Lord's Prayer provides the basis for some New Thought Prayer structures: 6 step prayer which includes 'denial,' 5 step prayer structure which eliminates 'denial' and a three step formula usually described as: God Is, We Are, I Am.
Cora Fillmore's Teach Us To Pray explores the Fillmore's process of prayer while outlining Fillmorean Christian New Thought.
Myrtle Fillmore
Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters elucidates the Myrtle's New Thought form. Considered Essential Unity Reading, it sheds light upon Myrtle's Healing Letters are considered Essential Unity reading.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
was a gifted New Thought author whose children's book about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is essential reading for all children. Canfield introduced Montessori to the United States. It then took 50 years for Montessori to be recognized as a major breakthrough in child education.
Emmet Fox
- Divine Science Minister Emmet Fox was a New Thought minister whose teachings have echoed across the globe. His books are a staple of reading for AA.
Ursula N. Gestefeld
- Another one of the geniuses who worked with Mary Baker Eddy and was booted out of Christian Science for having too many powerful and original insights.
Khalil Gibran
is best known for his book: The Prophet, translated into over 30 languages. Writing in both English and Arabic, Khalil Gibran helped millions of people find deeper meaning, peace and happiness through his simple, profound and powerful expression of spirituality.
Born on Kings Day (January 6) 1883, Gibran is considered one of the greatest Epiphany gifts ever manifested. Khalil was born in Lebanon, which was part of Greater Syria formerly "under the Ottoman yoke" which dominated the region for centuries. Gibran's works can help one understand the diverse ethnic and spiritual traditions at the roots of Lebanese prosperity for centuries. Religious conflicts beginning in 1958 reduced the diversity impoverishing the land. Ethnic and Religious diversity continues in neighboring Syria but terrorist "ethnic cleansing" (genocide) financed by outsiders has displaced millions of Druze, Maronite Christians, Yazids and others who do not share the same religion or interpretations as the terrorists.
Charles F. Haanel
- One of the earliest business inspiration authors. Haanel's Master Keys have informed thousands of successful business folks around the globe.
Henry Thomas Hamblin a.k.a. Harry Hamblin
Beginning with the principle that Love is the key, Hamblin's New Thought conveys that
"it is not necessary to define what is meant by the term good,
for we each know intuitively what is good, and what is not good."
Hamblin teaches us that we do not need to dwell within illusions,
we can work upon our respective consciousness and once having made the "adjustment"
to inner harmony, we can share our good fortune with others. "Religious people speak
of 'leaving it to a Higher Power'. This is not much better than the advice given in the popular press,
because although it acknowledges a Power higher than that of the world, it yet uses the term only as a kind of anaesthetic.
It does not master the trouble, but merely causes one to sink down into a state of coma, allowing things to drift.
Only too often it is simply a mere hoping for the best.
People who give or follow such advice are not masters, but are simply slaves..."
After beta testing the Health section with Library Patrons, it has been decided to share certain articles
with non-supporting visitors. Our March 2016 article on Zika is shared.
Our insights about Zika being an STD have been borne out by the latest research.
Napoleon Hill
- Considered essential New Thought reading, Napoleon Hill works have inspired wealth again and again.
Herbert Hoffman
- Esoteric Osteopathy offers insight from an Osteopath (the same as an MD, but with additional training in chiropractic and naturopathy) into how one can enhance healing through understanding the Mind-Body connection. .
Ernest Holmes
- Considered by some to be one of America's great mystics, Holmes' texts provide insights that transcend previous paradigms. His work has inspired millions, perhaps due to his hard nosed New England focus upon the "how" of practical metaphysics devoid of the "why". Today Holmes' teachings are referenced by multiple New Thought organizations, both old and new and Ernest Holmes' texts are standard reading for Wiccans, Theosophists and Spiritualists of all kinds. Why? Because Holmes genius is found in his focus on how to condition the mind in order to manifest ones' desires without any inhibitions, constraints or limitations.
Fenwicke Holmes
- Essential Religious Science reading. Ernest's brother
Fenwicke Holmes is best known today for being Ernest Holmes handsome brother. Yet as many models know, both male and female, beauty does not preclude intelligence, in fact quite often they go hand in hand. Elder brother Fenwicke had the advantages of an education at Colby College. Some Religious Science ministers claim Fenwicke as their most important influence.
Emma Curtis Hopkins
- Considered to be an essential Teacher of Teachers, Emma Curtis Hopkins' writing is replete with references to the classics which amaze and delight readers to this day. Scientific Christian Mental Practice and High Mysticism works are considered essential reading by Religious Scientists.
Elbert Hubbard
- Everyone has heard of Elron Hubbard, but before Elron, there was Elbert.
"... a religion of kindness and useful effort is nearly a perfect religion. We used to think it was a man's belief concerning a dogma that would fix his place in eternity.... A really good man would not damn you even if you didn't like him, but a bad man would."
Elbert is beloved around the globe because he explores New Thought issues and offers unique insights that ring true for many.
Thomson Hudson
- wrote The Law of Psychic Phenomena which was a major influence on Thomas Troward and Ernest Holmes.
Hudon's books are considered vital reading for those seeking better understanding of New Thought principles, as well as those interested in exploring the underlying mechanisms at work within Spiritualism and Spiritual treatments.
- This writing collective located on Terra, the third planet from the sun Sol in the the Milky Way galaxy has written some awesome works. The greatest spiritual work collectively produced thus far by these spiritual beings having a human experience is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is presented here in its entirety.
Anne Hutchinson
- There is a strong case to be made that the first New Thought teacher was Anne Hutchinson who was a champion of a religious freedom.
Home of Truth
- Essential New Thought reading, It all begins when a bunch of metaphysicians gather together and present insights. Their insights reveal that the challenges being faced today were basically the same as those faced by New Thought Leaders over 100 years ago. Now ... after 100 years ... are we going to make changes necessary.
J / The James Gang of New Thought!
Fannie James
- One of the Brooks sisters.
Fannie's work offers powerful insights into the Divine Science path.
George Wharton James
- The prototype "Bad Boy" of New Thought, George James was at times called the "Napoleon Bone" of New Mexico; the "Colorado Preaching Colonel", and the "Pasadena Passion Preacher". Unabashed by the moralists, George Wharton James was a passionate, insightful New Thought leader and lover who "awakened the star within others."
William James
- William James was a compelling leader in the field of psychology who gave validation for New Thought as a major New Religion in his work Varieties of Human Experience, James describes New Thought as the "religion of the healthy minded." We present an expanding collection of James works along with works by his colleagues.
Thomas Jefferson
- Putting Paine aside, Jefferson could be considered the first New Thought author because of his work: Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth which some call "The Jefferson Bible." In this book,
Jefferson focuses on the words of Jesus from the evangelists, in parallel Greek, Latin, French and English; Jefferson avoids biblical references to the supernatural, including miracles and such perhaps because he felt the underlying humanist philosophy of Jesus is so powerful that it can stand upon its own without them. Thomas Jefferson was one of the premiere thinkers to recognize Paul of Tarsus as the "first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus" and to warn fellow Americans to beware of 'wolves in sheep's clothing' namely the clergy, writing in "every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty ... they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon."
Due to the laws of his time which held that "slaves being property cannot be freed while an owner is in debt to another when said property could be used to alleviate debt owed" Jefferson was prevented from freeing his slaves while living. Death was necessary for Jefferson to be able to free his slaves. Jefferson's only surviving descendants are through his partnership with Sally Hemmings. One of Jefferson's greatest legacies is the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which was ratified in 1786, The act made it unlawful to compel men to attend or give money to any religious establishment declaring that men "shall be free to profess ... their opinions in matters of religion." Jefferson donated to the American Bible Society, several local denominations near his home in Virginia. Thomas Jefferson felt people around the world who truly believe in Human Rights would one day create a 'new spiritual path extracting the best traditions of every religion, choosing reason over supersticion and emphasizing service to ones' fellow man.'
William George Jordan
Jordan's educational insights could serve as a guide for people today:
'There are two great things that education should do for the individual —
It should train his senses, and teach him to think. Education, as we know it to-day,
does not truly do either; it gives the individual only a vast accumulation of facts,
unclassified, undigested, and seen in no true relations. Like seeds kept in a box,
they may be retained, but they do not grow.'
Mary L. Kupferle
- an early request from a Unity leader somewhere in the Northwest was accompanied by synchronicity of having the requested work in the library.
Christian Larson
- "To ignore the welfare of others is to place ourselves out of harmony with human life. And we can gain nothing of value from life when we are at variance with human life, because we are all dependent upon each other for what we receive in this world." Larson has remained one of the most popular New Thought Masters because he teaches a simple understandable path devoid of nonsense. The art of Concentration leads us to deeper richer, happier lives while enjoying the latest tech even more! Mental Cure supports the adherent to find and maintain harmony within. Despite having no "church" of his own, Larson remains the most well read New Thought author to date!
Maude Allison Lathem
- One of Ernest Holmes writing partners. Maude Lathem also ran Holmes' Religious Science Institute for many years and along with Alberta Smith helped define the final form of Holmes' Religious Science. Read It's Up to You! written with E.S. Holmes
Morris Lichtenstein
- An essential Abrahamic author in the field of Jewish Science. Along with Alfred Moses Lichtenstein shared this form of New Thought which is based upon the Tanakh.
Jack London
- Was one of the first writers in the world to achieve international fame due to his truly superb writing. London was a deeply spiritual soul who believed in fair play, fair wages and safe working conditions for all Americans and indeed all people around the world. London's work explores lives upon the ocean as a merchant sailor and more. London is often considered whose writing is quintessentially American in his understanding of human nature and portrayal of higher truth. He was prolific, professional and progressive in his life while illuminating the human soul though his work. One cannot help but be impressed by the prodigious amount of great novels and other works he produced before dying at the young age of 40.
Bruce Maclelland
- In 2007, we republished Bruce MacLelland's Prosperity Through Thought Force for its 100th Anniversary. We have upgraded the presentation book and added another book to his collection. Read them for free and share the pdf's with anyone you wish.
Maurice Maeterlinck
- Nobel Prize Winning Symbolist Poet and Playwright Maurice Maeterlinck deeply influenced early New Thought Leaders such as Ernest Holmes with his powerful imagery and deep mystic understanding.
Magna Carta
- The Magna Carta was produced by
English Nobility to protect themselves from the capricious
behavior of dictator Monarchs such as undesired war, abusive taxation,
unjust legal manipulation etc...
Mildred Mann
- Mildred Mann was a controversial figure in her day who annoyed some New Thought colleagues people through her adamant espousing that New Thought must be practical and should not be drowned in nonsense teachings which characterized New Age understandings that at times ignore the challenges and misery faced by many people. She cautioned her students against investment in beliefs that lead to a lack of compassionate wisdom.
Orison Swett Marden
- Essential New Thought reading. - Marden is considered the first success writer. Many of his books utilized "Horatio Alger" concepts and were marketed to young folks.
Harmon McQuilkin
- Published prior to World War One, McQuilkin's Evolution of Psychic Healing, explores 6 methods of Mental Healing,from the ancient greeks through the 20th Century. So popular it provided McQuilkin with a steady income and with the means to evolve his viewpoints with more research. He draws attention to the common threads in Gnosticsm, the Kabbalah, New Thought and other forms of healing that rely upon belief to take effect. His historical insights provide context for evolving New Thought movement of his time while contrasting it with "Eddyism," (Christian Science), the Emmanuel Movement, spiritualism, faith healing and Theosophy.
Annie Rix Militz
- While San Francisco burned, Oakland was the chosen haven of the Rix sisters where they built their Home of Truth on Alameda Island where it still stands today. Under the leadership of Annie, Harriet worked on
Master Mind magazine. When Annie died, her sister Harriet changed the name to
Christ Mind magazine.
Christopher Morley
- Christopher Morley wrote a bunch of New Thought Children's stories in the 20th Century.
Alfred Moses
- An essential Abrahamic author in the field of Jewish Science, Moses, along with Lichtenstein shared Jewish Science New Thought which was quite influential upon Ernest Holmes and other early 20th Century New Thought sharers.
Prentice Mulford
- Essential New Thought Author. Prentice Mulford was one of the first practical New Thought teachers.
New Minds Magazine
- Discover the essential minds of our time, With a bit of reading, you can delve into the deepest foundations of truth and thereby
attain the highest level of consciousness. Don't be left out. Discover the New Minds of our time.
New Thought Holidays
are increasingly being claimed and enjoyed by a growing number of New Thought adherents.
The first New Thought Holiday was New Thought Day which is August 23rd.
"The truth, once announced,
has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals
and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit,
it should grow in good works
until it embraces many lands
and eventually the whole world."
--Mr. James A. Edgerton on New Thought Day, August 23, 1915 This 100 year old tradition was enhanced with 5 additional holidays which encompass the important principles of New Thought and the five steps of Affirmative Prayer: Recognition; Unification, Realization, Thanksgiving, and Release.
There is also an extra New Thought day created in 2013: Spring New Thought Day.
Nicolas Notovitch
wrote The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ which documents the journey of Jesus to Tibet where he lived during the missing years from 13 to 29 where he mastered the healing arts and more.
Initially skeptical, Vedic New Thought Master Swami Abhedananda tells of a visit to the Himis gonpa and includes a Bengali translation of two hundred twenty-four verses essentially the same as the Notovitch text. This convinced Abhedananda of the authenticity of Notovitch's work. There are at least three independent verifications of Jesus's travels in Tibet and Kashmir, additional details of Jesus life during this time are provided by Yogananda Paramahansa and later by Nicholas Roerich
Phineas P. Quimby
- For much of the 20th Century, Quimby was considered the father of New Thought. This is because Quimby the clockmaker mastered hypnosis, then discovered distance healing through the medium of a companion. "Quimbilism" is the term used to describe a joyful obsession with Phineas' work. Are you a Quimbilist?
H. Stanley Redgrove *New
wrote Bygone Beliefs Being a Series of Excursions in the Byways Of Thought
This book takes on added interest in
a time of odd proliferations 'Crystal Beds'
and novel new age teachings
such as 'spiritual genetic attunments'
at some 'Spiritual Living' Centers. Do these teachings have validity?
or are they 'nonsense teachings'?
Redgrove's exploration of ancient superstitions
is an apt
addition to New Thought Library during at time in which scientific breakthroughs
occur almost daily, yet are often followed by unscientific New Age 'insights'
whose promoters promise will extend life and assure success.
For those New Thought Sharers
(teachers, practitioners and ministers)
interested in understanding the traditions of
odd belief systems which at times permeate even the more widely adhered to
religions of today,
This book will support the teaching of sound principles of
New Thought today.
Sanford Robinson John Bascom Prophet of
Science of Mind documents the amazing life and philosophy of John Bascom. Bascom was the progentitor of Science of Mind whose books New Theology and Natural Theology teach many of the principles that are part of New Thought today.
Norma Sackheim
an English writer who founded the first Religious Science Church in South Africa
after migrating there with her husband following World War 2.
Sackheim introduced Religious Science to a broad range of people within her circle.
Margaret Sanger
- Margaret Sanger brought a new understanding of the importance of women's reproductive rights to civil society. Sanger counted many of the early New Thought progressives among her friends and colleagues. Sanger has been accused of many things, we have not been able to substantiate any of the negatives, so we invite you to explore her work for yourself and form your own conclusions.
Florence Scovel Shinn
- With her book, the Game of Life, Shinn entered into the consciousness of the 20th Century. Rejected by traditional publishers, Florence self-published her works which became instant classics. Millions of people throughout the world have read Shinn's work and been inspired to deeper happiness and greater prosperity..
Samuel Smiles
was New Thought before New Thought got the name. Smiles' work preceded Mary Baker Eddy's creation of Christian Science and was contemporary with Emerson. Samuel Smiles was a member of the Chartist movement which called for six reforms to make the British political system more democratic; one of these reforms was the right of the regular working man to vote. Angry Royalists under the leadership of Disreali struggled to suppress democratic desires of regular british citizens which they felt were due to the "negative influence of Yankee Democracy." Only the landed gentry were allowed to vote. After working for years to secure the rights of the common man to vote and run for election to parliament, Smiles realized that this was out of his hands and turned his energies to uplift regular folks through other means, writing Self Help in 1859.. Englishmen did not gain the right to vote until 1867, thus Smiles made a wise decision, albeit this decision was forced upon him by circumstances. Although his book Self Help has sometimes been called a "eulogy of selfishness," Smiles work would be despised by Corporate Anarchists (Libertarians) because his observations of unregulated markets led him to the understanding that regulations are essential to the protection of regular people. His sound teachings regarding thrift and prosperity would also upset adherents to old New Thought ideas of the late 20th Century.
- The ancient greeks believed in the mysteries and understood the true meaning of loyalty. It was felt that drama was the vehicle by which humanity could understand itself, the forces of life and thereby discern the truth of the Divine. Sophocles illuminated the way to deeper understanding and higher wisdom. We present Antigone which explores the themes of Human Rights / Divine Law versus tyranny. What decides fate? Genetics? Fate?
Aaron Swartz
- A major figure in Human Rights and the Open Access movement. Aaron still inspires.
We include Aaron's Guerilla Open Access Manifesto to support your spiritual journey.
Emanuel Swedenborgreferenced by many Abrahamic New Thought writers
Swedenborg was both a scientist and spiritualist who believed deeply that unseen energies permeate every aspect of existence.
"At this day nothing but the self-evidenced reason
of love will re-establish the Church." -- Canons,
Prologue. "
The only faith that endures with man
springs from heavenly love. Those without
love have knowledge merely, or persuasion.
Just to believe in truth and in the Word is not
faith. Faith is to love truth, and to will and do
it from inward affection for it." -- Heaven and Hell, n. 482 "Not only is the individual man the neighbor, but the collective man, too. A society, smaller or larger, is the neighbor ... to whom good is to be done from love. These are also the ascending degrees of the neighbor; for a society consisting of many is the neighbor in a higher degree than is the individual; one's country in a still higher degree ... like the steps in a ladder, at the top of which is the Lord." -- Heavenly Doctrine, n. 91 ""Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel
of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor
sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in
the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate
day and night."
Jane Grey Syme
- A New Thought poet who created some delightful poems that speakers love to use in their talks.
Henry David Thoreau
was a powerful progressive who was a member of the Transcendental Movement. Along with Emerson, Thoreau is often considered one of the father's of New Thought depending on which of the widely divergent schools of thought on that subject one is a member of.
Thoreau's Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience was profoundly annoying to Conservatives who prefer folks to be obedient and simply wait on God to manifest necessary changes in life. We bring this quintessential work to your fingertips so that you can decide if he is an important contributor to creating a better life and a better world or someone pushing us to do "terrible" work such as changing your thinking, changing your life and lovingly working to create a better world.
Elizabeth Towne
was the first publisher to focus almost exclusively on New Thought texts. Towne writes: "the Christian Science manner of saying 'All is Good,' will avail you nothing permanent in the
way of growth." "Believe only the wisdom which God gives you in the sanctuary of your own heart and mind....Nobody is any closer to God than you are...Trust no authority but the authority of your own heart and mind, which is the heart and mind of God....Call no man Master, call no teacher Master, call no Mahatma Master, call no Lord Master. Only One is your Master, the One within you." Elizabeth's powerful voice brings clarity to confusion helping the reader understand there are many New Thought forms, thus we choose the form which best suits us individually . Despite the tendency of some New Thought writers to conflate terms, Mental Science is the choice of agnostics & athiests. Others choose Christian New Thought which does not go to the Christian Science extreme which purports the world is an illusion. Although Towne admonishes us to think, some prefer "cults of personality". However erroneous the path, it is easier for some people to practice a "quasi-worship" of a dead author turning old texts into new gospels, memorizing and parroting words and ideas. This is simply the province of a weak mind. The New Millennial New Thought adherents believe in science, evolution, philosophy, progressive thought, and a non-motive higher power with which you can co-create. New arrivals to New Thought today are more often choosing the new Science of Mind and Spirit which restores Bascom's Science of Mind (while absorbing Holmes' Religious Science).
William Towne
- Husband of Elizabeth Towne. William offers Way to Perfect Healing.
Ralph Waldo Trine
- An early New Thought self-improvement and success writer. Trine was a proponent of progressivism in New Thought outlining the importance of international institutions such as the League of Nations in promoting peace and prosperity. Trine was disgusted that the conservative congress opposing U.S. President Wilson's good works failed to ratify the treaty founding the League of Nations. He felt this might have prevented the second world war. Only after the second world war was the United Nations created through the support of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. President Einsenhower's 90% income tax on the super rich was part of a deeper New Thought understanding of the importance of all people to contribute to a shared concept of American Society as a place where veterans were respected, students could get an excellent free education at State Universities, Health Care recognized as a Human Right and all Americans would have wages that support a "standard of living" eliminating the need for a poverty index. Trine believed that one day we will see such a nation. Trine's metaphysical teachings continue to be the greatest and most widely read works of New Thought in the world.
Thomas Troward
- An essential "Roots of Religious Science" author, Troward was deeply influenced by Thomson Hudson using his concepts of Objective and Subject thought extensively in his book Edinburgh Lectures as well as concepts from John Bascom's Science of Mind and New Theology. Troward's work had a deep effect on Ernest Holmes who is best known for his synthesis of various New Thought Concepts in his Religious Science form of Bascom's Science of Mind.
Mark Twain
- is considered one of world's greatest authors. Twain was also a skilled archeologist. During his archeological endeavors, Mark Twain uncovered a box of correspondence from Satan to God. This discovery was both controversial and shocking! Ancient History and Alien enthusiasts often cite Twain's letters as essential reading.
Are they real? Or are they forgeries by ISIL/Daesh? We present them here for you to decide.
UnityThe History of Unity and story of the Fillmore's
with links to classic Unity Authors in the New Thought Library including H. Emilie Cady and Ernest Wilson
as well as Mary Kupferle and the Fillmore's
- championed a unique form of New Thought which evolved into the first New Thought society or organization.
Wallace D. Wattles
- One of the early free thinkers whose Mental Science books celebrate the humanistic form of New Thought which is often embraced by those who are more inclined toward an aethiestic understanding. "Man's right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, his right to be rich... getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way ... in order to do so, men must become able to think in a certain way.
YOU must get rid of the last vestige of the old idea that there is a Deity whose will ... or whose purposes may be served by keeping you in poverty.... The universe desires you to have everything you want to have. Nature is friendly to your plans. Make up your mind that this is true.... You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now. If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox* More texts! - With the precision of a wordsmith, Wilcox can conjure thunder or evoke starlight as she shares the deeper spiritual vibrations that inspire higher wisdom. A powerful spiritual progressive, Wilcox was a nationally syndicated writer. Wilcox's The Heart of New Thoughtconveys the vibrancy of early New Thought "Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, then get out of your ego and help create a more compassionate world that works for everyone" approach. Perhaps because of her strong views about the importance of compassionate action as part the New Thought spiritual path, Wilcox is not a favorite of ministers teaching New Thought Stoicism which advocates a "suck it up, sit back and watch" approach.
"Now, the object of Mental Science, as I teach it, is to rescue man from his beliefs in his own limitations by showing him his true relations to the Universal Law; thus demonstrating to him the unlimited possibilities of his being ... There is but one substance. This substance is both seen and unseen. On its unseen side, it is the Universal Spirit of Life, or the Law of Attraction, which is love. Man is feeling his slow way from animalhood to divinity. What is his guide? I answer, the hope of happiness... there is a positive and a negative pole to everything ... Negative corresponds to ignorance--it is the not knowing. Positive corresponds to intelligence--it is the knowing...
I am aware that Christian Scientists say there is no power in drugs but that drugs possess only that power conferred upon them by the belief of persons--by the belief of the world. But this is not so. The peculiar quality of almost all medicinal herbs was discovered accidentally. The true character of the herb created the belief; the belief never created the character of the herb. We might as well say that belief created the quality of cold in ice or of heat in fire."
Ernest C. Wilson
was a Christian New Thought teacher who emerged from the Unity School. His Master Class Lessons
is a helpful template for teaching Christian New Thought principles. "Make the most of what you have. Bless your work, your associates, your relatives. Be single-eyed to goodness. Cultivate the habits that will serve you, the habit of prayer, of right thinking, of vision, and in time of need they will rise up to bless you." "Become a thinking, feeling, breathing, acting prayer of faith, and your prayer will find fulfillment through all the channels that you open to it by our consciousness of prayer." "You are a radiant center of the Christ light, mighty to attract your good, and to radiate good to others."
J.W. Winkley
is probably the first Medical Doctor to do an ongoing examination of the emerging New Thought movement, its different schools
and approaches to healing.
Winkley contrasts New Thought and its embrace of Science and Scientific Medicine with Christian Science which propounds that 'the world is an illusion'
and therefore has a tradition of opposition to science and medicine. In every edition of Winkley's First Lessons in New Thought, he propounds that the source of destructive tendencies within people is "ignorant Selfishness."
Winkley eventually opened his Divine Unity New Thought Church becoming one of the pioneers of New Thought evolving his views and attaining new insights right up to his death in 1912.
presaged many discoveries that were verified in the 20th Century. His groundbreaking studies of the effects of light on emotion, his identification of 'Religious Mania' as a mental disease, along with his insights into the psycho-social influences as causative in crime were all explored in the 20th Century and proven to be true in the New Millennium.
writes "The simplest and most concise definition of God is a Biblical one: 'God is love.' It is not, God has love, but God is love." This contrasts with Ernest Holmes who writes: "Let us not think of God as Love, or even as Conscious Intelligence, but let us say It is that Source from which our life springs.... we like the word SOURCE." Wood goes on to write..."no one can sit down and think money into his pocket... If so, success would be so cheap as to have little value...
legitimate New Thought ... law is: Seek first the highest, and that which is lower in rank will be "added," and "fear may well be called the New Thought devil". Wood's offers a seven step daily spiritual practice.
It has been observed that some people tend toward individual adulation which
can be defined as the "cult of personality." While dead authors
created great value in the works they wrote, New Thought will always be a
living spiritual path. The New Thought today conforms to the
principles but is not constrained by the dead. Adherents of Late New
Thought preferred to focus on the motor of New Thought: "Changes in ones'
life are preceded by changes in ones' thinking" disgarding the truth of New
Thought as a dynamic progressive spiritual path. You, the
reader, can embody New Thought and these old works by Holmes and Woods can
help you. They can only provide seeds, you must provide the soil, toss
out the useless weeds and create the garden of your mind.
Jane Yarnall
- Another teacher rejected by Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science / Eddyism) writes: "This philosophy of healing by understanding divine law, is based on man's sonship to God as Mind, Spirit, First Cause,
which are all names of Deity." In 1891, Yarnall drew attention to a number of existing branches of New Thought: "Metaphysical Science, Divine Science, Christian Science, Mental Science, Mind Cure ... and while we do not hold to the name "Christian Science" (because of the assumed exclusive right to that name by a certain class of Scientists) we still hold most firmly to the Christ Science as the 'Science of Mind.'"
Essential Spiritual Reading. Yogananda was a key figure in the life of Roy Eugene Davis -- RED -- the founder of Spiritual Awareness Centers which teach his unique form of Vedic New Thought.
Togmey Zangpo
Togmey Zangpo (1297-1371) is best known for his text 37 Bodhisattva Practices.
This teaching is considered essential for the spiritual leader desiring to make a lasting positive impact on the world.
Discover a rainbow of exciting New Thought Communities around the corner and around the globe.
New Thought Day was declared by James Edgerton on August 23rd, 1915
During research while expanding the free New Thought Library,
one of the ministers came across an interesting quote from early New Thought Alliance President James A. Edgerton:
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
New Thought Day, August 23rd
, 1915."
Listen to New Thought Radio broadcasts from the New Thought Streams PodCast Archive,
along with a growing collection of New Thought Music directly from New Thought Artists around the world.
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
~ James A. Edgerton, New Thought Day, August 23rd, 1915."
Explore the New Thought Tao and discover deeper wisdom.
New Thought has many forms, Taoist New Thought brings insights to the table that are not so apparent in Abrahamic forms. While many Abrahamics fight to impose their views on the rest of the world. Taoist New Thought teaches the way of acceptance and understanding. Principles in the New Thought Tao provide powerful processes which serve as keys to deeper happiness and inner peace from the inside out.
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