TPP passed, not ratified - could impact your reading choices There is still time to resist the negative impact on the Public Domain, within each country. The near-final text, with analysis, is available
Titles marked with:
NEW = new addition;
= phone friendly;
= has audio downloads;
= has big screen version;
= has eBook / pdf downloads;
= Children's book;
= Parenting / Teaching;
(Readers are cautioned that reading New Thought books can lead to profound personal transformation resulting in changes in your life.).
Above Life's Turmoil
by James Allen
This wonderful book teaches us that we can find inner peace through changing ourselves and that attempting to change others can bring unhappiness. How can we find personal happiness? This is a road map. Life inevitably brings challenges to us in many forms: trolls, tolls and polls. The Master of the Divine Life rises above these through compassionate wisdom. Learn to recognize the spiritually frozen and the anguished angels. The man of integrity may seem to fail for a time, but he is invincible.
Acres of Diamonds
by Russell Conwell
Although one might think that Acres of Diamonds is about the Kimberlite mines in South Africa and how Diamonds are worthless stones having an artificial value which does not account for the pain and suffering to the people that extract them in miserable conditions for low wages. It is actually about how many people have been sitting on millions of dollars on their property or within themselves but sought riches elsewhere.
It also teaches folks not to despise the rich simply because they are rich which is an important lesson. New Thought teaches us to not to judge people, or at very least to understand them the basis of their present state of being, not to fall into the mistake of judging them on the basis of their wealth or lack of it.
A Life for A Life
by Henry Drummond
"if you are subjects of the kingdom of God, you must work to reform the world and reform your country... the movements that are going on just now in society, in education, in sanitation, in University Extension, in philanthropy, are all working together for good in that direction;"
All These Things Added
by James Allen
"Every soul, consciously or unconsciously, hungers for righteousness, and every soul seeks to gratify that hunger in its own particular way, and in accordance with its own particular state of knowledge. The hunger is one, and the righteousness is one, but the pathways by which righteousness is sought are many."
An Ambitious Man
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"The consciousness that we have anything to hide from the world stretches a veil between our souls and heaven. We can not reach up to meet the gaze of God, when we are afraid to meet the eyes of men."
Anatomy of Suicide
by Forbes Winslow
Death With Dignity! Right to Die! It is increasingly understood by spiritual people living in Civil Societies that "it is a fundamental human right for every adult of sound mind, to be able to plan for the end of their life in a way that is reliable, peaceful & at a time of their choosing." While this is controversial for those who are do not live in the free world, it is felt by informed citizens of civil socieites that this is the ultimate civil right
Another View of Metaphysical Healing
by Ursula Gestefeld
"Here is admission of the truth of "Divine Science" teaching that thought is the cause of these conditions. It follows, naturally, that the condition is according to the kind or quality of the thought, on the principle that the seed produces according to its kind. It follows, as naturally, that a higher kind or quality of thought will be a corrective of undesirable conditions, these being the legitimate fruit of a lower kind."
by Sophocles
This powerful version of Sophocles play is both poetic and dynamic. Antigone explores the themes of Human Rights + Divine Law versus Raw Power, Money, Tyranny. What decides fate? Genetics? Destiny? "Is it justice to deny higher law?" Do all people deserve equal treatment? Is the UDHR to be the law of the world or can humanity live with a lesser version based on decadent religions such as the UIDHR? "Even with his super pack of foreign mercenaries the traitor did not breach a single door." "Hold your goal within your mind, and you can cross both space and time, or traverse the frozen tundra or the baking sands of the Sahara." "Although stupidity knows no limits, there are also no limits to the power of the mind."
Arcane Formulas
by William Atkinson
"The Arcane Formula for the manifestation of Will Power consists simply in the development of the realization of Egohood --- of the fact that the individual is a focalized centre of force and Will in the great Cosmic Will. The higher the degree of this realization the higher degree of positivity will the individual possess."
Armenia and Her People or The Story of Armenia
by George Filian
WE REMEMBER THE BRUTAL MURDER OF THE ARMENIAN PEOPLE BY THE TURKISH STATE and witness them repeating this action against the Kurdish people today, 100 years later.The first in a series of eye witness accounts of the Armenian Genocide by the Turks. On August 22, 1939, Hitler, a fascist (fascism is a teaching that promotes the combination of state and corporate power at the expense of human rights), said:
"I have issued the command - and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad - that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness - for the present only in the East - with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
This is why it is important to discuss the Turkish government's murder of the Armenians. In 2016, Erdogan began defending a Valentine's Day cross-border bombing of Kurdish soldiers in Syria. Early in 2016, videos emerged from Turkey showing Turkish Soldiers murdering civilians in cities with predominantly Kurdish populations.
What happened 100 years ago to the Armenians is now happening to the Kurds.
Art of Logical Thinking
by William Atkinson
"'Reasoning' is defined as: 'The act, process or art of exercising the faculty of reason; the act or faculty of employing reason in argument; argumentation, ratiocination; reasoning power disputation, discussion, argumentation.'"
The Art of Money Getting
or Golden Rules for Making Money
by PT Barnum
is a book from a master who built a prosperous empire in entertainment.
Instead of nonsense, such as that
often purveyed by the pundits of the Prosperity Gospels, this book opens the door to understanding business and manifesting success.
As A Man Thinketh
by James Allen
was published in 1902. Allen's most famous book, out of his 19 published works, it is considered his best. It is also one of the most important books in the canon of New Thought. Its underlying premise is that the key to transformation is through progressively choosing noble thoughts, and through this, one's actions will be noble. Are you ready to redefine yourself through higher thought and action? "We find him a master of certain forces of the mind, which he wields with worldwide influence and almost unequalled power. In his hands he holds the cords of gigantic responsibilities; he speaks, and lo, lives are changed; men and women hang upon his words and remould their characters, and, sunlike, he becomes the fixed and luminous centre round which innumerable destinies revolve. He has realized the Vision of his youth. He has become one with his Ideal."
The Astonishing New Revelation
by Lillian DeWaters
"This Truth is the very Truth which shall set us free today. As man, our days are limited, our power restricted, our life outside our control; but as Truth itself, Life itself, the Way itself, all power is ours, – joy, peace, abundance are now all within our reach."
Atom-Smashing Power of Mind
by Charles Fillmore
"BEING HAS two aspects: the invisible and the visible, the abstract and the concrete. The visible comes forth from the invisible, and this coming forth is always according to a universal method of growth from minute generative centers. All forms are built according to this law. From center to circumference is the method of growth throughout the universe."
Attaining Your Desires
by Genevieve Behrend
" is the will which holds the thought to a given purpose until it is consummated; or keeps an idea in its place in one's mind until it is objectified in form. It might be termed a thought-stabilizer."
Autobiography of a Yogi
by Paramahansa Yogananda
has inspired millions around world. Exploring the realms of Vedic mysteries and how they relate to
Abrahamic teachings, especially Christianity, this book opens doors of understanding that cannot be denied.
Before Adam
by Jack London
Within each soul are the imprints of many lives ... each life lived produces a spirit permanently imprinted upon the fabric of the universe. Some call this "the hall of spirits." This is part of the eternal life promised in so many religions. Transmigration of the Soul means you live forever. Do you have mystic memories from millennia long ago? Jack London tells such a story in Before Adam.
Be Still A Treatment Against Fear
by Emmet Fox
During a time in which right wing pundits and politicos stoke the fires of fear in response
to the barbarous acts of terror by deluded maniacs seeking to distort an Abrahamic religion over
1000 years old, this treatment is an excellent remedy to the daily drudge and dredge.
New Thought Bhagavad Gita
by William Atkinson
The Bhagavad Gita is part of the Mahabharata which is a sacred text in the form of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide & charioteer Lord Krishna concerning methods of the attainment of Moksha (liberation).
The Gita reveals yogas (teachings) of Gnani, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga, as well as revealing insights into Samkhya philosophy.
The Bible in the Light of Religious Science
by Ernest Holmes
In his personal preface to this book, Ernest writes: "The Bible was written by human beings whose thought was reaching toward Ultimate Reality, and, if it is to be understood, it must be read with the same motive. Always, the mind that writes is the mind that reads, for there is but One Mind in the universe and all inquiry into Truth is an inquiry into this Mind." This book is revelatory of Ernest Holmes' thinking processes, providing insight into his metaphysical interpretations of the bible while lighting the way for others to create deeper insights that uplift humanity even more through such higher wisdom that can be found within their interpretations.
Birth Control Methods
by Margaret Sanger
explores the various methods of modern birth control available to women in Civil Society. Sanger's avowed intention was to reduce the need for abortion through supplying women with the means to control reproduction.
Blossom of the Century *
Both Riches and Honor
by Annie Rix Militz
"PROFOUND LAWS are to be found in the realm of spiritual prosperity, and when the operation of these laws is not viewed with superstition or as miraculous in the sense of doing violence to natural law, it will be more frequently recognized. Moses received these laws both from his Egyptian tutors and from his spiritual instructor, great Jehovah, and he understood them."
The Breath of Life: A Series of Self-Treatments
by Ursula Gestefeld
"I am no more what I was. I am new-born.
I am awake to my eternal being in which is all glory and all power.
What I was when I was asleep is gone.
It belongs to the dead past."
Bygone Beliefs Being a Series of Excursions in the Byways Of Thought
by H. Stanley Redgrove
"It is easy for the
superficial thinker to dismiss much of the thought of the past (and,
indeed, of the present) as mere superstition, not worth the trouble
of investigation: but it is not scientific. There is a reason for every
belief, even the most fantastic, and it should be our object to discover
this reason."
Broken Wings
by Khalil Gibran
"There is nothing else in that little temple except deep silence, revealing to the living the secrets of the goddess and speaking worldlessly of past generations and the evolution of religions."
Byways of Blessedness
by James Allen
teaches us to live in the present and appreciate the moment, create our happiness from within by beginning in this moment. "Life is full of beginnings. They are presented every day and every hour to every person. Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and insignificant, but in reality they are the most important things in life."
The Call of the Century
by Henry Brown
"We, proclaimers of the New Emancipation, are the pioneers in the world's last advance on the kingdom of the undeveloped. On our banner is the word, 'Peace.' In the kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of Man, there are neither 'wars nor rumors of wars.' These are echoes from the kingdom of the animal. When the ape is crushed and the tiger is dead, then from the eternal stillness of the Soul, comes the word, 'Peace.'"
The Case for Birth Control
by Margaret Sanger
explores the reasons why Women's Reproductive Rights are important to free societies
Changed Life
by Henry Drummond
"... For more than twenty-five years I instinctively have gone to Christ to draw a measure and a rule for everything. Whenever there has been a necessity for it, I have sought --- and at last almost spontaneously --- to throw myself into the companionship of Christ; and early, by my imagination, I could see Him"
Character-Building Thought Power
by Ralph Waldo Trine
"UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish, while their opposites would, on the contrary, bring as much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power. Have we it within our power to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our lives? In other words, is habit-forming, character-building, a matter of mere chance, or have we it within our own control? We have, entirely and absolutely. 'I will be what I will to be," can be said and should be said by every human soul.'"
Christian Healing
by Charles Fillmore
"One should make it a practice to meditate regularly on the love idea in universal Mind, with the prayer, Divine love, manifest thyself in me. Then there should be periods of mental concentration on the love center in the cardiac plexus, near the heart. It is not necessary to know the exact location of this aggregation of love cells." This classic from Unity CoFounder Charles Fillmore is filled with wonderful moments that inform the New Thought Christian in a process of prayer and more ...
Christ and Conduct
by James Allen
"The supreme aim of all religions is to teach men how to live; and the learning and the living are religion itself. The purification of the human heart, the building up of a blameless life, and the perfecting of the soul, these are the great underlying and enduring factors in all religions and creeds the world over. That which is vital in every religion is the striving after, and the practice of, Goodness; all things else are accretions, superfluities, illusions. Goodness — and by Goodness I mean sinlessness — is the beautiful and imperishable form of Religion"
City Without a Church
by Henry Drummond
opening with a chilling vision from John of Revelations:
"I, John
Saw the Holy City,
New Jerusalem,
Coming down from God out of heaven.
And I saw no temple therein.
And his servants shall serve him;
And they shall see his face;
And his Name shall be written on their foreheads."
Henry Drummond is part of the Abrahamic tradition within New Thought, his main influences coming from a 3rd /4th generation Christian Culture (Catholic and Protestant.) 2nd Generation Orthodox Christian thought and its important metaphysical heresies are not able to participate in much of Western Europe again until relatively recently. Essentially there was a division between Christianity for 1000 years after the Catholic church ordered the 4th Crusade forego fighting the Turks and instead attack against Constantiniple, looting the city and leading to its fragmentation, then conquest. has a powerful evangelical voice. This is why Drummond is placed within a small group of early "Christian New Thought" prophets.
Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure (1889)
by Edward Carpenter
Observing the abuse of the majority of humanity, the insanity of the huge wealth gap
of the late 19th Century (1800's) similar to the inequity today. Edward Carpenter questions
the sanity of what people call civilization. The Ottomans were already habitually murdering
various groups of citizens based upon their ethnicity or religion.
The British Empire was at its height, along with the abuses of the imperial army.
Russia was still ruled by abusive Czar's.
New Thought was in a nascent state and most of the groups were struggling with their identities.
The year of the publishing of this book was the same year that Mohandas Ghandi enrolled in the
Inner Temple in London to become a barrister and
marked the year of the
first great
International New Thought Conference which included Theosophists and others.
Helena Blavatsky had founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.
Adherents of 'Late New Thought' (such as those adherents flogging 'jars of celestial substance'
and touting 'Crystal Beds' as the cure to one's ills would have felt quite comfortable at this conference,
but Charles Fillmore resigned from the board and did not attend feeling that it was more New Age
than New Thought because so many attendees denied Scientific Thinking.
Science and Human Rights are essential parts of New Thought's Foundations.
Clairvoyance and Occult Wisdom
by Swami Panchananda
The skeptical person who "believes only the evidence of
his senses." The man who has much to say about "horse sense."
"Common Sense" versus Uncommon Senses. But in fact there are seven physical senses, instead of merely five.
Some folks get into New Thought simply to develop their psychic powers. What is their intention? Do they desire to push their personal power or to help others? Is it true that using psychic powers to harm others will bring deep soul scars to the user?
Only you can decide for yourself and you will reap what you sow. Read on ...
Comments On The Psalms
by Thomas Troward
explores the the Psalms providing New Thought insights for each. It is a masterpiece.
Common Sense How To Exercise It
by Yoritomo-Tashi
""The progress of science by ameliorating the general conditions of existence, introduces a need created by civilization which rejects barbarous customs; the mentality of a warrior is not that of an agriculturist; the man who thinks about making his possessions productive has not the same inclinations as he whose life is devoted to conquest, and the sweetness of living in serenity, by modifying the aspirations, metamorphoses all things."
Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism
by A. Alpheus
Although forays into understanding the role of the mind in spirituality occurred as early as 1846 with the integration of Swedenborg's ideas with the insights of Charcot and Mesmer, Alpheus delves into the history, facts and how to's of mesmerism / hypnosis in 1903.
by Annie Rix Militz
"Worldly success is one of the out-picturings of the power of concentration. Those who have made material success will tell you that it has come by concentration upon their business, and devoting all their strength and time to it. The secret of Paderewski’s skill with the piano was this, that he gave himself to eighteen hours’ practice at a time. A certain rich man, who was very successful with railway stocks, gave it as his secret, that he studied the manual of railways, night and day; would read it before he world go to sleep, then the first thing in the morning before meals, after meals--- all the time. And when some one asked him the secret of his success, he said it was concentration--- studying night and day upon that in which he was successful."
Concentration: The Road to Success
by Henry Brown
"Judging from letters and questions of pupils, no part of the Mental Science causes so much difficulty as the demand that there be Concentration. I propose to take from this demand all that is difficult, and remove all obstructions from the mind so that there will be a clear understanding of what is meant by, 'Concentration,' and what by the phrase so much in use, 'In the Silence!'"
by Christian Larson
- In an era of "digital dysfunction", in which some unfortunate souls are so attached to the next message, they cannot put the phone down to be fully present within the moment. Christian Larson teaches us that we can master the art of Concentration to lead deeper, richer, happier lives while enjoying the latest tech even more!
Conquest of Fear an important Pre-Holocaust work
by Morris Lichtenstein
explores the Mind-Body connection specifically focusing on the tenet of Fear versus Love tenet which is such a powerful meme for many.
Conquest of Poverty *
Contemporary Indian Philosophy
Cosmic Consciousness
by Richard Maurice Buck
is considered essential reading for the modern mystic. This book was read by the Beatles and millions of others
around the globe. Have you had a transcendent experience: a sudden experience of the Divine LIght, a feeling of moral elevation, sense of immortality, heightened intelligence, sense of immortality (loss of fear of death), sense of new found innocence? Time to read this book.
Creative Mind
by Ernest Holmes
was the first popular book written solely by Ernest Holmes. Simple and concise, it delights.
Creative Mind and Success
by Ernest Holmes
is the second book written by Ernest Holmes. It builds upon the first providing additional insights
from a writer renowned for weaving together the ideas of others into a more cohesive whole.
The Creative Process in The Individual
by Thomas Troward
"However happily any of us may be circumstanced we can all conceive something still better, or at any rate we should like to make our present good permanent; and since we shall find as our studies advance that the prospect of increasing possibilities keeps opening out more and more widely before us, we may say that what we are in search of is the secret of getting more out of Life in a continually progressive degree."
New Thought stands on a foundation of Science and Human Rights.
While we share a common understanding that through changing our thinking we change
our lives, there are a variety approaches to this essential belief within the
New Thought movement.
Creative Thought dot INFO provides insights into the leading minds
of our time. Some contemporary New Thought magazines appear
to have abandoned the scientific approach in favor of a 'catch as catch' can approach
in their quest to expand their viewer base.
We provide a window on the New Minds of our time that point the way to a deeper
understanding of life which is founded in New Thought.
We invite you to join us as we delve into the deepest foundations of truth and thereby
attain higher levels of consciousness. Don't be left out.
Discover the New Minds of our time and learn how you can use their insights
to create a better life for yourself and thereby a more compassionate world.
Dawning Truth
by Fannie James
"Heaven is as large as God is. We have seen that God is everywhere. Is there not plenty of heaven, then, to be everywhere? This is just what Jesus' words mean. Within and all around us is heaven, or the state of happiness, but we must know of this and choose it before we can say we have it."
Delights of Conjugal Love Versus Sinful Pleasures of Adultery
by Emanuel Swedenborg
+Warning! Adults Only!
In this tome, one of New Thought's most referenced authors, Swedenborg, explores hot topics such as concubinism, polygamy, adultery and more ...
Divine Adjustment
by Henry Thomas Hamblin
"At first, we accomplish things ourselves by the use of inward powers. This is a great advance on the old method of striving to accomplish things by the use of our surface powers, a way that is trying and exhausting in the extreme. We are astonished at what these powers can achieve. But after a time we discover that while we possess powers which can be directed towards certain ends which appear to us to be desirable, yet the achievement of our aims and purpose, brings neither happiness nor true harmony into the life."
The Divine Art of Living
by Kathleen Besly
"There is nothing no important in the training of a child as the cultivation of this power of concentration. Nothing in the child's training is more neglected. The practice of finishing a work before another is undertaken, and keeping the attention fixed upon it. is of immeasurable value."
Divine Science
by Fannie James
"This is Infinite Mind, in Stillness and Fulness, but with all Power of action. It 'creates,' or manifests Itself in Its own likeness. Therefore we find the 'Three in One' in all creation; and God-Mind includes the whole creation, and holds it in oneness with Itself."
Divine Science and the Truth
by Nona Brooks
"Scientific religion was something unimagined until recently. Life governed by divine law and order has not been comprehended; yet, such an understanding is essential to harmonious and peaceful conditions. A scientific religion deals with cause to understand effect. Its worship is not a "system" nor a "rite," but a constant recognition of the Holy Presence and Power of Omniscient Spirit, and the demonstration of this truth in the healing of all ills and in the destruction of all evils."
Divine Science Bible Text Book
by A.B. Faye
This wonderful sprawling textbook explores the Bible from the Divine Science P.O.V., download the free eBook/pdf and create your own New Thought Bible class and explore the bible through a powerful progressive lens supporting personal evolution and co-creation of a better world.
Divine Science Principles & Practice
by Malinda Cramer
"That which is omni-present fills all space. That which fills all space cannot be limited to form, but must contain all form within itself and be the substance of all form. Omnipresence shows that all things live and move within it; that their true Being has neither beginning nor end of days, and cannot be limited by either time, space or conditions. Hence in reality it must be eternal; it must be what has always been and will always be; it must be the substance of all that is created."
Dollars Want Me!
by Henry Brown
"Before you spend a dollar, the question comes, 'Is it right?' Whether you have a single dollar, or whether behind the one you think of spending are a million, makes no difference. If it is right to spend the dollar in the proposed way, had you the million, it is right thus to spend this, the lone one."
The Dore Lectures
by Thomas Troward
"The more perfect, therefore, the working of the personal factor, the greater will be the results developed from the Universal Law; and hence our lines of study should be two-fold--on the one hand the theoretical study of the action of Universal Law, and on the other the practical fitting of ourselves to make use of it;"
The Drama of Love and Death
by Edward Carpenter
Carpenter was one of the foremost thinkers and advocates of New Thought spirituality
of his time, yet while his colleagues consistently borrowed from his works
and ideas, they did not cite him as a source.
In the case of Ernest Holmes, we can point to Ernest's lack of education and his reliance
upon co-writers, yet overall the failure to cite Carpenter was due to the fact that he was gay.
"Nothing is more astounding than the results of these investigations;
and they not only show us that the protozoic cells (and sex-cells) ... represent
the microscopic beginnings of life in its most primitive stages,
in reality they stand for the first visible results of long antecedent operations,
and indicate highly organized and, we may say,
intelligent forces at work within them."
Dynamics for Living
by Charles Fillmore
arguably Fillmore's best.
"People in this atomic age civilization ask why God does not reveal Himself now as He did in Bible days. The fact is that God is talking to people everywhere, but they do not understand the message. We need to divest ourselves of the thought that wise men of the Bible were especially inspired by God, that they were divinely appointed by the Lord to do His work. Everything points to their spiritual insight as the result of work on their part to that end."
Dynamic Thought or The Law of Vibrant Energy
by William Atkinson
Some may find this to be a strange book. A marriage between Ancient Wisdom and the latest and most advanced conceptions of Science in 1906. --- an odd union to be sure, for the parties thereto are of entirely different temperaments. Yet this is the essence of New Thought which embraces science while exploring the ancient wisdom of all human civilization in order to reveal those truths essential to surviving and thriving.
Dynamic Thought
by Henry Thomas Hamblin
"When studies become difficult, instead of faltering, the mind puts forth greater effort, generates more power, and overcomes the subject of difficulty. When friends try to entice you to leave your task and join them in their pleasure, then entreaties fall upon deaf ears. You reply, 'I must complete this course of study,' or 'I must pass this examination,' 'when I have succeeded and won the position I seek, then, and not until then, I will unbend a little.'"
Earth Gods
by Khalil Gibran
Often one hears expressions "earth-bound" what does this mean?
It is simply a turn used by nonsense peddlars who might also be using table tipping and other tricks to convince you of something specious?
"You invoke the unknown,
And the unknown clad with moving mist
Dwells in your own soul.
Yea, in your own soul your Redeemer lies asleep,
And in sleep sees what your waking eye does not see.
And that is the secret of our being.
Would you leave the harvest ungathered,
In haste to sow again the dreaming furrow?
This short elegant dramatic piece could bring more insight.
Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science
by Ernest Holmes
"I believe that God is Universal Spirit, and by Spirit I mean the Life Essence of all that is --- that subtle and intelligent Power which permeates all things and which, in each individual, is conscious mind. I believe that God is Universal Spirit, present in every place, conscious in every part, the Intelligence and mind of all that is....It does not seem necessary, to me, that we approach God through any formula or intermediary, but rather that the Spirit of God, the Eternal Mind, is the power by which we think and know. It is self-evident that the only God we can know is the God our consciousness perceives."
The Edinburgh Lectures
by Thomas Troward
In his Edinburgh Lectures, Troward explores Thomson Hudson's concepts of Subjective and Objective Mind adding new insights while weaving Hudson's breakthroughs with his (Thomas Troward's) unique views. This book had a powerful influence on the Holmes brothers creation of the Religious Science extension of Bascom's Science of Mind form of New Thought.
Education and the Philosophical Ideal
by Horatio Dresser
"By cultivating peace, serenity, receptivity, by turning day by day to the one source whence all power springs, each of us may become a centre of distribution of spiritual life on that we may carry it to the sorrowing and the afflicted, to the ignorant and the darkened who cannot see, each of us may give that food which nourishes and that water which quenches."
Eight Pillars of Prosperity
by James Allen
Is "Regime Change" spiritual?
Prior to the dawn of the New Millennium, people around the world often looked to the U.S. for moral leadership. Trust in U.S. leadership was shattered through the prevarication concerning "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. This is perhaps the best demonstration of how:
"It is popularly supposed that a greater prosperity for individuals or nations can only come through a political and social reconstruction. ... Better laws and social conditions will always follow a higher realisation of morality among the individuals of a community, but ... it cannot prevent the ruin of, a man or a nation that has become lax and decadent in the pursuit and practice of virtue."
Entering the Kingdom
by James Allen
"EVERY HUMAN SOUL IS IN NEED. The expression of that need varies with individuals, but there is not one soul that does not feel it in some degree. It is a spiritual and casual need which takes the form, in souls of a particular development, of a deep and inexpressible hunger which the outward things of life, however abundantly they may be possessed, can never satisfy. Yet the majority, imperfect in knowledge and misled by appearances, seek to satisfy this hunger by striving for material possessions, believing that these will satisfy their need, and bring them peace."
Esoteric Osteopathy
by Herbert Hoffman
explores the work of an early Osteopath (An Osteopath is the same as an M.D. but better, with the addition of Chiropractic and Naturopathic training.)
How can visualization of healing support the healer to better facilitate recovery?
Essays on Nature, Addresses and Lecture
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today, there is a growing belief that what the ancient greeks called 'the philosopher', is today called a 'shaman'. Some souls prefer Emerson, others prefer Troward, and others prefer simply love to share the hearts and minds, absorbing the feelings and thoughts of others and sharing their own.
How do you explore the Eleusinian Mysteries?
"Three problems are put by nature to the mind; What is matter? Whence is it? and Whereto? The first of these questions only, the ideal theory answers. Idealism saith: matter is a phenomenon, not a substance. Idealism acquaints us with the total disparity between the evidence of our own being and the evidence of the world's being."
Essays on History, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Spiritual Laws, Love, Friendship, Prudence, Heroism, The Over-Soul, Circles, Intellect, Art
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
"...diseased with the theological problems of original sin, origin of evil, predestination and the like? These never presented a practical difficulty to any man, -- never darkened across any man's road who did not go out of his way to seek them. These are the soul's mumps and measles and whooping-coughs, and those who have not caught them cannot describe their health or prescribe the cure. A simple mind will not know these enemies. It is quite another thing that he should be able to give account of his faith and expound to another the theory of his self-union and freedom." Emerson (1865)
Eternal Life by Henry Drummond
by Henry Drummond
To meagre minds, the understanding that life has been evolving for millions, if not billions of years is a mind boggling mystery.
The work of Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin was revolutionary in their time and even today, over 150 years later there are decadent minds which cannot grasps these principles. Yet Henry Drummond did not shrink from embracing the truth of evolution, he simply began to apply the revealed principles to his own spiritual and theological understanding.
"All Life indeed consists essentially in correspondences with various Environments. The artist's life is a correspondence with art; the musician's with music. To cut them off from these Environments is in that relation to cut off their Life. To be cut off from all Environment is death. To find a new Environment again and cultivate relation with it is to find a new Life."
Links to info about Ethanol
"What is Ethanol?
Is there good Ethanol and bad Ethanol?
Ethanol is Alcohol?"
Every Man a King
by Orison Swett Marden
features Ernest Holmes as a co-writer and may have been Holmes first published work.
The Evolution of Psychic Healing
by Harmon McQuilkin
is an early (1909) exploration of the various schools of psychic healing from the ancient greeks through the 20th Century. McQuilkin's historical insights provide context for the 19th Century and 20th Century New Thought development and other movements such as the Emmanuel Movement, spiritualism and Theosophy.
Experiences in Self-Healing
by Elizabeth Towne.
"Now all this is certain to happen just as I have pictured it, no matter what is the cause of your getting 'worked up.' You will invariably be sorry for following the advice of a worked up mind, no matter whether the cause of the agitation was something that somebody else did, or that you did, or whether it was worked up by anxiety or worry or hurry or fear of anything or anybody. A worked up mind is ever a blind guide and leads you into the ditch."
Fair World For All
by Dorothy Canfield Fisher.
is a Children's Book about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Essential for every child in the New Millennium! If your consciousness is trumped by an extreme right point of view such that you are walling off your health and prosperity, then we don't recommend this book for you, but if you are aligned with highest good, then this is an excellent resource for you and your children.
Faith That Heals
by Fenwicke Holmes, the brother of Fenwicke Holmes, was published one year after World War One: "A NEW world dawns for us every morning.
Everything in it is fresh and unknown. To the hopeful and daring soul, each day is a thrilling adventure. What it will bring, he does not know. That it will be good, he can but believe. This belief is his faith. We all live by faith for we are always on the borderland of the future. Each act is an act of faith ..."
This message was perhaps the perfect opening to the Roaring Twenties.
First Lessons in New Thought
by J.W. Winkley
Winkley explores the various spiritual paths within New Thought and how they differ from what he terms Eddyism (Christian Science).
In every edition of this now classic New Thought book, Winkley propounds that the source of destructive tendencies within people is "ignorant Selfishness."
"New Thought people, as evidenced by spiritual practices and spiritual healing, are intense believers in the spirit -- in the reality and power of the spirit; in the Infinite Spirit, and in the human spirit also, as derived from the Infinite; believing that this spirit is divine. All life flows from the divine source with is the same though many people give it different names. All souls are one with the Divine and the spirit and vessel they inhabit are the product of the divine process of spiritual evolution. We are all one with the Divine, divinity flows from the Source through us. This is our oneness." p. 41.
Winkley eventually opened his Divine Unity New Thought Church.
The Forerunner
by Khalil Gibran
written after the Turkish government's slaughter of the millions of Maronite Christians and other non-islamic groups across the Ottoman Empire, before today's "modern Turkey" completely subsumed countries such as Kurdistan while beginning the 20th Century with the most brutal genocide comitted in modern history. The poetry in Khalil Gibran's The Forerunner contains prophecies regarding future conflicts within the area what was once called Turkish Syria. Does it include predictions that the Turkish government would shell Syrian citizens such as recently occured in Alepo?
Foundation Stones
by James Allen
This stellar presentation of the elements of success:
Right principles, Sound Methods, True Action, True Speech, Equal-mindedness, Good Results is a prime example of practical New Thought in the assurance of progress and consequence prosperity.
From Passion to Peace
by James Allen
"Hatred and love, strife and peace, cannot dwell together in the same heart. Where one is admitted as a welcome guest, the other will be turned away as an unwelcome stranger. He who despises another will be despised by others. He who opposes his fellow man will himself be resisted. He should not be surprised, and mourn, that men are divided. He should know that he is propagating strife. He should understand his lack of peace."
From Poverty to Power
by James Allen
"A Book for all those who are in search of better conditions, wider freedom, and increased usefulness." Published in 1901, From Poverty to Power was Allen's first book. It is also titled The Realization of Prosperity and Peace. It is a combination of two books
The Game of Life and How to Play It
by Florence Scovel Shinn
This timeless classic has supported millions across the globe to transform their lives. "Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game.It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving."
The Garden of the Prophet
by Khalil Gibran
"If my words reach not your understanding, then let be until another dawn. If you have cursed this stone because in your blindness you have stumbled upon it, then would you curse a star if so be your head should encounter it in the sky. But the day will come when you will gather stones and stars as a child plucks the valley-lilies, and then shall you know that all these things are living and fragrant.... seek a poet though he may live beyond the seven rivers, and to be at peace in his presence, nothing wanting, nothing doubting, and with no question upon your lips"
Genetech: Genetic Technology Affects Us All
by Humanity
"How is Genetic Technology affecting humanity?
How does Genetic Technology affect the food supply?
Is it possible to have smarter children?
Can you out think your genetics? Is Epigentic technology available to
you to simply access through your mind?"
Germany, Turkey, and Armenia; A Selection of Documentary Evidence Relating to the Armenian Atrocities from German and other Sources
by Eyewitnesses of the Armenian Genocide
100 years ago today, the Turkish government was implementing the mass murder of over 1 million Armenian citizens. All people of conscience and those espousing higher consciousness must not forget this or the other crimes committed against humanity. "Those
who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Great nations admit the mistakes, then atone for them with both words and actions. This is the mark of higher human civilization. The past is gone. Thus behavior now, within this moment demonstrates the truth of being. We do not seek to dredge up half truths from long ago, but rather to illuminate history and herstory such that negative events do not repeat themselves. Today the Turkish Government is murdering their former allies the Kurds while at the same time seeking to incite a war between Nato and Russia. We must overcome the "...unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong–these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history."
Gnani Yoga The Yoga of Wisdom
by William Atkinson
Modern Science has recognized this truth, and one of its fundamental principles is the Unity of Energy --- the theory that all forms of Energy are, at the last, One. Science holds that all forms of Energy are interchangeable, and from this idea comes the theory of the Conservation of Energy or Corelation of Force.
God Never Fails
by Mary Kupferle
supports the neuro-principle that belief in a higher power supports the believer to achieve great things.
"THE FOUNDER Of the famous Bristol, England, orphanages, George Muller, [was able to] build and maintain homes for more than two thousand orphans, able to raise nearly one and a half million pounds without asking anyone for a penny, able to be daily a living example of the goodness of God. At one time he remarked, 'Not once, or five times, or five hundred times, but thousands of times in these threescore years, have we had in hand not enough for one more meal, either in food or in funds; but not once has God failed us; not once have we or the orphans gone hungry or lacked any good thing.'"
Good Cheer
by Lillian de Waters
A short poetic piece which is upbeat and positive. Intended for reading to little children, but great for adults too.
The Gospel of Emerson
by Newton Dillaway
is an excellent concise exploration of Emerson's work and how it informs New Thought spirituality.
Gospel of Ramakrishna
The Greatest Thing Ever Known
by Henry Drummond
"That is the inevitable effect of Love. Any man who fulfils that cause must have that effect produced in him. Try to give up the idea that religion comes to us by chance, or by mystery, or by caprice. It comes to us by natural law, or by supernatural law, for all law is Divine.... Thank God men know better, by a hairsbreadth, what religion is, what God is, who Christ is, where Christ is. Who is Christ? He who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick. And where is Christ? Where? --- whoso shall receive a little child in My name receiveth Me. And who are Christ's? Every one that loveth is born of God."
The Greatest Thing Ever Known
by Ralph Waldo Trine
"Infinite Being, God, then, is the one and the only Life. You and I in our true selves are Life. It cannot be truly said that we have life, for we are Life; Life that manifests itself in the form in existence that we denominate by the term body. And as the Infinite Being, the Infinite Life, God, is the "I Am", the life of all in existence, then we indeed are parts of the Infinite Being, the Infinite Life, the "I Am", of the very God Himself."
The Greatest Truth
by Horatio Dresser
"Probably every one knows people whose prejudices are so deep-rooted that it is apparently futile to allude to any subject in which the prejudices are closely involved. One sees that something profound must touch these victims of their own beliefs, but that this something must come from another source. For usually the most prejudiced people we know are friends or members of our own household, and hence we are unable to utter the freeing word which a prophet from another household must sometime declare."
The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
by Aaron Swartz
Access to information can mean the difference between life and death.
Aaron teaches the higher truth that access to essential scientific and philosophic writings is a human right. New Thought Library has a focus on the evolution of Human Thought with special attention to the scientific and philosophical works that contribute to New Thought today which eschews magical thinking and focuses on true transformation from within compassionately shared such that we implement progressive positive change for all people of the world. Spirituality is not about dogma, fixed beliefs or inflexible attitudes. Spirituality does not conflict with science unless it devolves into fictions that deprive us of freedom or magical thinking which leads us into delusion. Just like there is a difference between genius and madness, there is a difference between New Thought and old New Thought. Join us today in implementing principles based upon Aaron Swartz manifesto.
Happiness and Marriage
by Elizabeth Towne
Use the Law of Attraction to get the perfect mate!
"The Law of Attraction, or Love, almost invariably attracts opposites, and for their own good. A visionary, idealistic woman is drawn to a practical man, where, kick and fuss and despise each other as they will, she is bound to become more practical and he more idealistic. They exchange qualities in spite of themselves; each is an unconscious agent in rounding out the character and making more abundant the life of the other."
Happiness and Success
by James Allen
This stellar presentation of the elements of success:
Right principles, Sound Methods, True Action, True Speech, Equal-mindedness, Good Results is a prime example of practical New Thought in the assurance of progress and consequence prosperity.
by Malinda Cramer
In this wonderful short piece, Malinda Cramer outlines her journey from illness to health. "During the hours devoted to silent meditation and affirmation of the good, I realized that the mental change taking place was the mental act of passing from the individual to the universal; and at one time, while making absolute statements of Life, I saw the fallacy of the popular belief that there is a lower self and a higher self, for Cause and effect must forever be united. With this realization, passed away the belief of the separation of Divine Mind and body. I saw that holiness consisted in oneness; that Spirit and body are at-one in truth."
Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters
by Myrtle Fillmore
"This book is made up of extracts from the letters of Myrtle Page Fillmore, "mother of Unity," as she was lovingly called and as she was in its founding. By her mothering spirit of love and faith and service, in cooperation with her husband Charles Fillmore, she molded Unity and upheld it during the years of its growth."
After beta testing the Health section with Library Patrons, it has been decided to share certain articles
with non-supporting visitors. Our March 2016 article on Zika is shared.
Our insights about Zika being an STD have been borne out by the latest research.
Health Through New Thought and Fasting
by Wallace Wattles
begins with
"Starve and be a Samson!". It goes on to teach principles of diet that some may find shocking, while others will affirm their truth. The book also explores a truth that today's science has confirmed: "First, if the power which is to heal you is to be stored in your brain during sleep, you had better study sleep, and learn how to surround yourself with favorable conditions for the charging of your storage battery with power; sleep intelligently, and with a purpose, so as to get the best results. There are laws which govern the process of charging the brain with vital force; some of them are known; enough to enable you to set to work with a reasonable certainty of getting good results."
The Heart of Being OR Truth and Destiny
by Uriel Buchanan
"If man would keep at the head in the great procession of life, it is essential that he understand the basic principles by which humanity is to be governed and universal harmony maintained. No one can stand aside while the wave of progressive life encircles the globe. Each one must either rise with the tidal wave of deeper life and pass to nobler spheres of usefulness, or be carried by the receding tide to the waters of oblivion.
Bound by the duties that progression claims, it is man's work to remove the yoke of bondage from the neck of his fellow-man; to free from the dark and dreary dungeon of ignorance the imprisoned, the despised, and greet them"
The Heart of New Thought
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"A GREAT many people are attracted to the New Thought of the day, by its declaration of our right to material wealth, and by its claim that the mind of man can create, command, and control conditions which produce wealth.
There is no question concerning the truth of this claim.
But woe unto him who cultivates his mental and spiritual powers only for this purpose....
Make, therefore, your assertion of opulence the last in your list, as you make Love first.
Call unto yourself spiritual insight, absolute unselfishness, desire for universal good, wisdom, justice, and usefulness, and last of all opulence."
Helminthic Therapy?
Can helminths ameliorate auto-immune disorders?
Article coming soon!
The Hidden Power
by Thomas Troward
"...this recognition of the power of suggestion, say even as a mere money-making power, to leave alone other misapplications of it, is a feature which is taking hold, so to say, of certain sections of the public who do not realise a higher platform in these things. It is deplorable that it should be so, but it is in the nature of things unavoidable. You have a power which can be used affirmatively, and which can be used negatively, which can be used for higher purposes, and can be used for lower purposes, and consequently you will find numbers of people who, as soon as they get hold of it, will at once think only of the lower purposes, not of the higher.... The maxim, "The end justifies the means," is the greatest perversion of truth, and still more so if this hidden power, the power of suggestion, is used to injure any one"
High Mysticism
by Emma Curtis Hopkins
"There is One King of Kings and Lord of Lords, whose whole purpose toward His kingdom has ever been peace, health, wisdom, majesty even to the greatness and wisdom of His Own Self: 'Look unto Me.' 'I extend peace like a river.' 'I am the Lord that healeth thee.' 'I will instruct thee and teach thee.' These are the words of the High Redeemer inhabiting Eternity, whose way upon the earth is the saving health of the nations."
Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit
"the last two or three years have brought home to us as never before the fact that those who come to our shores must come with the avowed and the settled purpose of becoming real American citizens, giving full and absolute allegiance to the institutions, the laws, the government of the land of their adoption.... Our theory of the state, the theory of democracy, is not that the state is above all, and that the individual and his welfare are as nothing when compared to it, but rather that the state is the agency through which the highest welfare of all its subjects is to be evolved, expressed, maintained. No other theory to my mind, is at all compatible with the intelligence of any free-thinking people."
by Ralph Waldo Trine <<<
an active approach to creating a better world!
Hindu Religion
by Swami Abhedananda
Though some folks sadly define themselves and others by the color of their skin instead of the content of character, human blood is read and all are truly brothers under the skin. All lands and peoples must learn to look in the mirror and within such that we can rise above the assumptions and find the truth.
History of the Nation
by Khalil Gibran
"By the side of a rivulet that meandered among the rocks at the foot of Lebanon's Mountain sat a shepherdess surrounded by her flock of lean sheep grazing upon dry grass. She looked into the distant twilight as if the future were passing before her. Tears had jeweled her eyes like dew-drops adorning flowers. Sorrow had caused her lips to open that it might enter and occupy her sighing heart. After sunset, as the knolls and hills wrapped themselves in shadow, History stood before the maiden...."
A History of the New Thought Movement
by Horatio Dresser
explores the topics of:
The New Age, Phineas Quimby and his method of healing. Beginnings of Christian Science, the 'Mental Science' period. New Thought's early organizations, first conventions, New Thought around the globe.
It is pivotal book within New Thought which will soon be 100 years old.
Hit Man - A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors
by Rex Feral
This book was sent in by a New Thought minister who claims that for some folks toward the end of the 20th Century,
this manual was part of their training.
While we can't verify this, the story about ninja training for moronic magical thinkers is both bizaare
and believable. This story
certainly aligns with the FUistic distortions
of original New Thought teachings that became prevalent in Late 20th Century New Thought
Hit Man has become a staple for criminologists everywhere.
Some people are familiar with the ancient Ninja schools that required such training.
It is interesting to see this novel twist.
Home Study Course in Mental Science
by Helen Wilman
"Desire as manifesting in individuality is simply an ever-increasing demand for more and more happiness. Happiness is the right of every person. It is our one aim and object, and our only pursuit; and there is not a solitary exception to the rule in the world, or in the universe.... What he now needs to do is to learn the immense importance of his desires, and to seek just and humane methods of gratifying them.
In proportion as he sees the strength and importance of his own desires, he will see the strength and importance of his neighbor's desires; and as desire is pure love from the influx of the Law, he will hold his neighbor's desires as sacredly as he holds his own, and so justice will be born."
How I Eliminate Fear
by George Wharton James
"Now and then I am urged by the exigencies of work to do things that are not good for me, but I go ahead, trusting in the All Health for health. When I seemed to fail as I did a couple of months ago, when I had a severe attack of grippe that took hold of my bronchial tubes, I went where I could take off my clothes and get the air and sun on my body, fasted for four days, lived on nothing but milk the next ten days, and then went and delivered seven lectures a day to show that I was convalescing."
How I Used the Truth
by Emilie Cady
"Each little atom of one's physical body, taken separately is completely filled, permeated by Spirit-life. This must be true because there could be no external form to the atom without first the sub-stans, that which stands under, or as the basis of all material things. The Spirit permeating each atom is now, always has been, and always will be absolutely perfect, because it is God, the only life in the universe."
How to Be a Yogi
by Swami Abhedananda
explains Vedanta philosophy and different kinds of Yoga.
How to Control Fate
by Henry Brown
"The manifestations of Unity through humanity are progressive, despite prognostications of evil and decay. The race will pass safely through this change from instinctive action to intelligent and consciously predetermined action, and thus will dethrone every "absentee" god and enthrone Unity within. It will defy all law by being itself Law."
How to Find Your Real Self
by Mildred Mann
"Do you want to accomplish things in your life? Then learn to keep your mind intact. That is your job. That is my job. No one can do it for you but yourself. If you cannot hold your thought steady on the particular thing you are attempting to do at any particular moment, you are not going to get very far. Make a law for yourself that no matter what you are doing, be it trivial or be it important, you are giving it your complete attention."
How to Let God Help You
by Myrtle Fillmore
"We should help others to get away from the old race beliefs about life: that we are born, grow to maturity, have children, rear them, and then decline and die. We can and must help others to catch the higher vision of living, the development of soul qualities that make life a beautiful and helpful experience."
How to Live Life and Love it!
by Genevieve Behrend
"A well trained and experienced practitioner is able to treat just as effectively absently as presently; and there are some who do better work absently. In Spirit there is neither time nor space, and the distance of the patient from the healer makes no difference at all."
How To Make Money
by BF Austin
"'Make the World your debtor,' by serving humanity in every way, but especially on the highest possible plane of service, the spiritual. Make the debt as great as possible. Do all the good you can, every time you can, everywhere you can, in every way you can, and to every man."
Human Efficiency
by Horatio Willis Dresser
"EFFICIENCY is becoming the great word in modern life. We are passing out of the period of careless and wasteful use of resources, in this great land of promise, and entering a period of conservation and scientific management."
I Believe In You
by Khalil Gibran
"what is it to be a good citizen?
It is to acknowledge the other person's rights before asserting your own, but always to be conscious of your own.
It is to be free in word and deed, but it is also to know that your freedom is subject to the other person's freedom."
In an era of trolls seeking to silence those they disagree with, this message from 1922 to young Syrian Americans rings loudly with the importance of bringing truth to the table while protecting the rights of others to bring their views to the table as well.
Ideal Suggestion Through Mental Photography
by Henry Wood
"HUMANITY is one. I am living and loving, not for myself, but for the race.
If I rise, I help to lift all about me, and if I fall, I drag others down.
Loving thought, sent out, has a positive healing influence both on sender and recipient.
We live the life of humanity,-- others in us, and we in them.
We cannot be saved disconnected from relations.
Our highest privilege and office is to be channels through which the divine life shall flow out to invigorate and inspire.
The essence of salvation and of true healing is the death of selfishness."
The Illumined Life
The Impersonal Life
by Joseph Benner
For those readers who love Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations With God. This is the prototype for that book and it too is divine. "First, try to realize that I made you in My Image and Likeness, and that I have My Being within you. Even if you do not know this now and believe that I, God, AM somewhere without, and that we are separated, try for the time being to imagine I AM within you."
Imminent Methane Outgassing
Imminent Methane Outgassing is no longer imminent.
Craters in the Arctic caused by explosive outgassing
are being reported by climatologists.
'Cascade effects are imminent' say some scientists.
In Tune With The Infinite: Fullness of Peace, Power and Plenty
by Ralph Waldo Trine
"THE great truth we are considering is the fundamental principle running through all religions. We find it in every one.... A place may have its factions that quarrel and fight among themselves, but let a great calamity come upon the land, flood, famine, pestilence, and these little personal differences are entirely forgotten and all work shoulder to shoulder in the one great cause."
Into The Light
by Bruce Maclelland
"Charity is world-wide and is the product of the individual without regard to his faith. It has been common to mankind since history began and Christianity has no claim upon it. Ethics, or the science of human duty, is not the exclusive property of any sect, but belongs to the world."
It's Up to You!
by Ernest Holmes and Maude Allison Latham
One of the first books by the writing team of Ernest Holmes and Allison Maude Latham, It's Up to You was published in 1936 after President Roosevelt's programs had fostered economic recovery from the 1st Great Depression. In August, Jesse Owens won Olympic Gold to both Hitler's and Father Coughlin's dismay. 1936 marked the the completion of the Hoover Dam, as well as the end of the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl was a major ecological disaster caused by severe drought in combination with ignorance of proper farming practices.
Jesus Christ Heals
by Charles Fillmore
"Let your words of praise and thanksgiving be to Spirit, and the increase will be even greater than when they are addressed to man. The resources of Spirit are beyond our highest flight of imagination. You can praise a weak body into strength, a fearful heart into peace and trust, shattered nerves into poise and power."
Jesus: Son of Man
by Khalil Gibran
one of the most wonderful Christian Mystic authors of the early 20th Century writes about Jesus and other biblical characters in this powerful Christian New Thought work.
Jewish Science
by Alfred Moses an important Pre-Holocaust work
sheds lights on anti-semitism within Mary Baker Eddy's Christian Science making the argument that is another reason why people should choose New Thought instead of Eddyism. Moses presents powerful arguments in logical sequence to awaken people to the truth that life is real and the people within ones' life are real beings who breathe, eat, love, have feelings and can be hurt both emotionally and physically.
This is essential reading for those who find themselves straying from higher thought into the types of delusions which lead to a lack of compassion or failure to apprehend higher truths.
Joy Philosophy
by Elizabeth Towne
"Good morning! Isn’t it a glorious sunrise? Just see! -- not alone one sun is showing its golden rim above the world’s edge, but ten million suns are rising upon ten million waiting hearts, and shadows flee to find a place of rest. Truly, a good morning to you of the NEW THOUGHT, whose hearts have turned to smile straight at the sun of life."
Just How to Wake the Solar Plexus
by Elizabeth Towne
"There is a real sun center in us, the Solar (or Sun) Plexus. This is a great nerve center situated back of the stomach. When this central Sun, from which all the nerves of the body radiate, is in its normal condition, it steadily radiates a real energy, just as the sun does. This energy vibrates through the nerve highways and by-ways of the body out toward the surface of the body in all directions"
Keep A True Lent
by Charles Fillmore
"He said, 'Appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.' He gave the same instruction concerning prayer. Prayer and fasting, then, are matters of communion with God"
The Law and the Word
by Thomas Troward
"Now the more we know of these things, the greater becomes our responsibility, and I would therefore solemnly warn the reader against any attempt to use the powers now indicated to the injury of any other person or for the purpose of depriving anyone else of that liberty of action which he would wish to enjoy himself. Such use of our mental powers is in direct opposition to the Law of Unity"
The Law of Mind in Action
by Fenwicke Holmes
"The greatest power in the world is the power our thought, for it is Creative Mind in action. Nothing exists that did not first exist in thought from the first sun that blazed only in the Mind of the Creator, to the last doll-dress fashioned by a childish hand."
The Law of Psychic Phenomena
by Thomson Hudson
explores the principles of "subjective" and "objective" Mind. A major influence on Thomas Troward, Ernest Holmes and hundreds of other New Thought writers. This book was a world wide sensation when it first came out and is still a great read.
Lazarus and His Beloved
by Khalil Gibran
one of the most wonderful Christian Mystic authors of the early 20th Century wrote this play about the biblical Lazarus
Lessons in Living
by Elizabeth Towne
pleads the case for faith, outlines 7 New Thought principles: Attraction, Discrimination, Order, Cohesion, Fermentation, Transmutation and ..., writes of male and female principles, shares her feelings that Christian Science should be considered a "branch of New Thought" (although an extremist delusional branch) , outlines gradations within New Thought, as well as extremes and unfolds more ...
Lessons in Spiritual Mind Healing
by Ernest Holmes
Holmes' most insightful work.
Shorn of the accoutrements which prevent universal acceptance of Holmes' Religious Science spin on the Science of Mind form of New Thought. Simple, powerful, concise and useful. This work is arguably his best!
Lessons in the Science of Infinite Spirit
by Malinda Cramer
"God is infinite, indivisible and unalterable goodness. Goodness includes life, truth, love, power, understanding, strength, knowledge, faith, presence, justice, mercy, harmony, and charity."
Lessons In Truth
by Emilie Cady
"Thus in losing sight of all worldly goods and chattels, all merely selfish ends, and desiring above all things an understanding heart (or a spiritual consciousness of God within him as wisdom, life, power), Solomon received all the good or good things included, so that there was none among the kings like unto him in worldly possessions. “Seek ye first his kingdom..."
Letters to God
by Mark Twain
In addition to being a brilliant author, Twain was also a skilled archeologist. During his archeological endeavors in the Middle East, Mark Twain uncovered a box of correspondence from Satan to God. This discovery was both controversial and shocking! Abrahamists and Alien enthusiasts often cite Twain's letters as essential reading.
Are they real? Or are they forgeries by ISIL/Daesh? We present them here for you to decide.
Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth / The Jefferson Bible
by Thomas Jefferson
In 1803, when the Democratic and Republican parties were still one party called the Democratic Republican party, the third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson wrote to Joseph Priestley outlining his idea for this book as one on the "Christian System," beginning the morals of the ancient philosophers, exploring the "deism and ethics of the Jews," then concluding with the "principles of a pure deism" taught by Jesus, "omitting the question of his deity."
This book is the partial fulfillment of that idea.
Life For All
by Henry Drummond
"Love is the divine element in life, because "God is love," and because "he that loveth is born of God"; therefore, as one has said, let us "keep our friendships in repair." They are worth while spending time over, because they constitute so large a part of our life. Let us cultivate this spirit of friendship that it may grow into a great love, not only for our friends but for all humanity."
Life Power and How to Use It
by Elizabeth Towne
"Only the 'I Am' God does things. 'I Am' love impels you to love now. 'I Am' wisdom inspires you to act upon your ideas. 'I Am' power performs miracles, not yesterday or tomorrow, but now."
The Life Triumphant
by James Allen
"Superstition springs from sin. Looking through darkened eyes, men see evil things which are delusions of ignorance; conceiving in their hearts unlawful things, their imagination is troubled with monsters and terrors which have no existence in reality. Where there is pure insight there is no fear. Devils, demons, wrathful and jealous gods, vampires and evil spirits, and all the hideous host of the ideological monsters, have vanished from the universe along with the feverish nightmare which gave them birth."
Light on Life's Difficulties
by James Allen
When the light of wisdom is introduced into diminished understanding, confusion vanishes, difficulties dissolve, clarity blossoms as all things are seen in their true place and proportion. Then we can let go of the past and move forth with confidence through the comfort of the illumination of wisdom.
Looking Backward
by Edward Bellamy
Written in 1889, Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward predicts credit cards, the
internet and more. If the protagonist had awakened in today's Sweden it
would be even more accurate. The story is about a man who goes to sleep in
1887 Boston with the help of a Doctor of Animal Magnetism (like Phineas Quimby)
then wakes up in the year 2000. It is a book that gave birth to a movement
of Americans who wanted better lives with an 8 hour workday, a weekend, minimum
wages. Income inequality in the United States had become enormous over the
preceding 25 years prior to 1889. Regular people lived according the whims
of the super rich. Often working hours were neither consistent nor
reliable. Wages were low and benefits were non-existent. While it
seems like today, it was over 100 years ago.
Love, Life & Work
by Elbert Hubbard
"Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Civilization is the expeditious way of doing things. And as haste is often waste -- the more hurry the less speed -- civilization is the best way of doing things.
As mankind multiplies in number, the problem of supplying people what they need is the important question of Earth. And mankind has ever held out offers of reward in fame and money -- both being forms of power -- to those who would supply it better things."
The Madman's Parables and Poems
by Khalil Gibran
Often spiritual souls question themselves regarding life, love and compassion.
Is religion sane? Or Madness? Is Spirituality the only way to peace and prosperity?
In an era in which the "wealth gap" between the rich and the average person grows vaster than at any time in history, these are the questions that come back again and again to humanity.
The Majesty of Calmness
by William George Jordan
"Calmness comes ever from within.
It is the peace and restfulness of the depths of our nature.
The fury of storm and of wind agitate only the surface of the sea;
they can penetrate only two or three hundred feet,--below that is the calm,
unruffled deep. To be ready for the great crises of life
we must learn serenity in our daily living.
Calmness is the crown of self-control."
The Magic Story
by Frederick Dey
"Whatsoever you desire of good is yours. You have but to stretch forth your hand and take it. Learn that the consciousness of dominant power within you is the possession of all things attainable. Have no fear of any sort or shape, for fear is an adjunct of the minus-entity. If you have skill, apply it; the world must profit by it, and therefore, you."
Magna Carta
by English Nobles
"There were those among them who wished to have power over others, and those
who believed that domination, abuse and arbitary rule was how it was meant to be.
Then some, seeing the foolish king rape young girls saying it was his
right as granted by God, knowing he was lying, said: 'enough is enough'"
Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance
by James Allen
The world of things is the other half of the world of thoughts. The inner informs the outer. The greater embraces the lesser. Matter is the counterpart of mind. Events are streams of thought...
Man is, in the nature of things, a being of habit, and this he cannot alter; but he can alter his habits. He cannot alter the law of his nature, but he can adapt his nature to the law. No man wishes to alter the law of gravitation, but all men adapt themselves to it; they use it by bending to it, not by defying or ignoring it. Men do not run up against walls or jump over precipices in the hope that the law will alter for them. They walk alongside walls, and keep clear of precipices.
Margaret Sanger
details Sanger's struggle to insure that women have reproductive rights. For thousands of years, women were considered chattel to be bought and sold. Women first belonged to their fathers, then were sold to a husband, later belonging to the sons they gave birth to. This type of thinking persists today across many decadent cultures and societies. Read the story of Margaret Sanger for free at New Thought Library.
Marriage in a Free Society
by Edward Carpenter
One of the foremost thinkers of his time and an advocates of New Thought spirituality,
Carpenter points to the inherent problems of marriage in decadent societies.
He draws attention to the fact that within the countries dominated by various
Abrahamic Religions and thought forms, we find a degeneration of marriage
into a vehicle for the enslavement of women and thereby the destruction of
the peace of mind of both participants.
Carpenter's ability to take an unvarnished look at such degradations of his time,
and his demand
that women be given both suffrage and their full human rights provoked anger among
the bitter birds nested within decadent interpretations of Abrahamic Thought forms.
While those nations clinging to the 2nd Quadrant of Abrahamic Thought have advanced sufficiently
to embrace the UDHR, nations dominated by the 3rd Quadrant of Abrahamic Thought are still
languishing within destructive supersticion and suppression of women's rights.
The Master of Destiny
by James Allen
"Every successful accomplishment, even in worldly things, is repaid with its own measure of joy; and in spiritual things, the joy which supervenes upon the perfection of purpose is sure, deep and abiding. Great is the heartfelt joy (albeit ineffable) when, after innumerable and apparently unsuccessful attempts, some ingrained fault of character is at last cast out to trouble its erstwhile victim and the world no more."
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"With much hard labour and some pleasure fraught
The months rolled by me noiselessly, that taught
My hand to grow more skilful in its art,
Strengthened my daring dream of fame, and brought
Sweet hope and resignation to my heart."
Men and Systems
by James Allen
"This, indeed, is the very meaning of progress. When we think of progress, we at once think of something, by its superiority its greater fitness to the time and occasion taking precedence if something which is inferior and has fallen out of the line of advancement; and this progress, this advancement, this survival of the fittest, resolves itself into a moral principle, into a Divine Law.
Opponents of this teaching tacitly assume that the most selfish are the fittest to survive, and they thereupon condemn the teaching as callous, and accuse Darwin of making selfishness supreme....
When we realize that the unselfish are more fitted to survive than the selfish, this law assumes an aspect the very opposite from that which its opponents have given it, and we at once see that in it are involved the profoundest moral principles, namely, the principles of Justice and Love."
The Mental Cure
by Warren Felt Evans
"The whole subject of life, its nature and origin, has been involved in such profound mystery, that philosophy has sometimes deemed it the part of wisdom not to meddle with it, but to pass it by, as belonging to those inscrutable matters, which, owing to the necessary limitations of finite thought, we must wait the light of a higher day to disclose. This is a way of disposing of a subject we do not understand, more convenient than scientific.... In the progress of the light of the New Age, things will be taken from the class of the unknown, and what is deemed the unknowable, and placed among things revealed, that belong to us and our children."
The Message of New Thought
by Abel Allen
published in 1914, Allen's opening paragraph is: "NEW THOUGHT is not, as many believe, a name or expression employed to define any fixed system of thought, philosophy, or religion, but is a term used to convey the idea of growing or developing thought. In considering this subject, the word 'New' should be duly and freely emphasized, because the expression 'New Thought' relates only to what is new and progressive." The Message of New Thought explores New Thought and unveils the truth that New Thought is a progressive spiritual path which is primarily focused on the enfranchisement and empowerment of its participants. New Thought echoes the spiritual beliefs and teachings shared by Franklin, Jefferson, Paine and other founding fathers.
"Progress is the law of the soul." "Selfishness is the fruitful cause of all vicious and culpable conduct. Jesus undertook to tell man how to eradicate selfishness and remove it from his life. His antidote was expressed in one word, Love. Love your enemies, return good for evil, was the acme of his thought. 'Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul; Truth is the only angel that can bid the gates unroll.'"
The Metaphysics of Balzac
by Ursula Gestefeld
"As a seer, possessing spiritual insight and intuition, Balzac saw and knew the three-fold man, the eternal triad, and the equally three-fold order of his development. The interlaced triangles are the geometrical figure which illustrated the inner meaning -- the vitality -- of these books. The conformity is perfect and is proof of his recognition of an eternal necessity -- that the evolution of a higher civilization must be in accordance with the fixed principles of man's being; and that the greatest service the seer and the thinker can render mankind is to present these principles and this necessity in such form as is adaptable to its present status in that evolution..."
Links to info about Methane
"What is Methane?
Is Methane safer or more dangerous than Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?
How is Methane sourced or produced?
Does Global Warming affect Methane releases?"
Might in Mind-Mastery
by Orison Swett Marden
An inspired call to action, beginning within, then shared with all.
"'It is the greatest manifestation of power to be calm,' says Swami Vivekananda. 'It is easy to be active. Let the reins go, and the horses will drag you down. Anyone can do that; but he who can stop the plunging horses is the strong man. Which requires the greater strength --- letting go, or restraining? The calm man is not the man who is dull. You must not mistake calmness for dullness or laziness. Activity is the manifestation of the lower strength, calmness of the superior strength.'"
Mince Pie
by Christopher Morley
New Thought Children's Stories.
The Mind Cure
by Christian Larson
Get rid of nervousness. Learn to sleep well. Double your capacity for work. Build up a strong, clear, vigorous mind. Remove all depressing mental states. America's greatest president said: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." In these times, with terrorists seeking to instill fear, this is an essential teaching for those practicing New Thought 3.0. Get rid of fear, the greatest enemy.
Montessori Manual
by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
The first translation of Montessori's manual. This is essential reading for every parent of the New Millennium.
We want the best for our children and Montessori is the start.
Montessori Mother
by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
explores parenting and the great joys and support that Montessori teaching gives us.
Motherhood of God
by Swami Abhedananda
opens with the fact that in 1899 most of the Abrahamic world had become divorced from the Divine Feminine. The mysteries of the Goddess had long been hidden in the Nordic nations and faith in the Goddess remained so in the Abrahamic nations until the 1960's ushered in a celebration of the divine. "I am the Father and Mother of the Universe."
by Nona Brooks
What is a Mystery? Down through the ages men have been accustomed to call that which to them was unknown, unexplained, or uncomprehended -- a mystery. Brooks explores the various mysteries within our lives and how we can transcend through Divine Science.
Natural Theology
an Essential Science of Mind Text !
by John Bascom
"inconceivability of the infinite may mean one or other of two things; either that we can construct in the imagination, in a phenomenal form, no image of God; or that any statement of the nature of his being involves logical contradictions. In the first meaning, the objection has no force. The life of the Infinite cannot of course reappear in the imagination, since it has never come within the range of our experience."
Nature, Addresses, Lectures
by Emerson
"IT is essential to a true theory of nature and of man, that it should contain somewhat progressive. Uses that are exhausted or that may be, and facts that end in the statement, cannot be all that is true of this brave lodging wherein man is harbored, and wherein all his faculties find appropriate and endless exercise. And all the uses of nature admit of being summed in one, which yields the activity of man an infinite scope. Through all its kingdoms, to the suburbs and outskirts of things, it is faithful to the cause whence it had its origin. It always speaks of Spirit.
Never Again!
by Edward Carpenter
An advanced and aware advocate of New Thought spirituality,
Carpenter makes an impassioned plea for humanity to use their minds
and choose compassion and intelligence, over profit and domination.
Carpenter points out that humanity must move beyond profit motives and
that each citizen of every country must become conscious, which demands awakening
to the fact that wars are waged by the wealthy and powerful elites.
Carpenter demands true democracy with a firm foundation for human rights and
prophecies that without this, the world will experience another World War.
He was ignored, but like others, he did not live to see World War 2.
The New Frontier
by Khalil Gibran
Almost 100 years ago, this mystic author wrote about the challenges facing the middle east.
His writing is powerful and insightful. What did he relate about Iraq, Syria and Lebanon?
Read and discover for yourself.
International New Thought Congress
written over 100 years ago, this book illuminates the problems and challenges that have faced
the New Thought movement for over a century. At times argued over, but mostly ignored due to a propensity of some toward Magical Thinking which promotes avoidance as a way to solve challenges and problems. History bears witness to the fact that so many of the issues discussed by these early New Thought Leaders in the 19th Century persist.
New Thought Common Sense
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"To be sorry for anybody is a step toward spiritual education and a link in universal brotherhood. Instead of being angry and disgusted at the stupidity, the selfishness and the sins of human beings we ought just to be sorry for them. That is the first move toward helpfulness."
New Thought Healing Made Plain
by Kate Boehme
"The World Illusion is holding our eyes that we cannot see, holding our feet that we cannot walk, holding our hands that we cannot do. We are self-hypnotized by this Illusion, but the Truth stands waiting to set us free." The comforter is within everyone, God has hands, they are Christ's hands and those who open to the truth of the comforter knows that Christ hands are your hands, and Christ's feet are yours to go to those with a need and provide.
New Thought Holidays
are increasingly being claimed and enjoyed by a growing number of New Thought adherents.
The first New Thought Holiday was New Thought Day which is August 23rd.
"The truth, once announced,
has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals
and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit,
it should grow in good works
until it embraces many lands
and eventually the whole world."
--Mr. James A. Edgerton on New Thought Day, August 23, 1915 This 100 year old tradition was enhanced with 5 additional holidays which encompass the important principles of New Thought and the five steps of Affirmative Prayer: Recognition; Unification, Realization, Thanksgiving, and Release.
There is also an extra New Thought day created in 2013: Spring New Thought Day.
WHEN the great universe was wrought
To might and majesty from naught,
The all creative force was ---
That force is thine. Though desolate
The way may seem, command thy fate.
Send forth thy thought ---
Create --- Create!
New Thought Simplified
by Henry Wood
"Without underestimating the importance of special legislative experiments, high tariff or low tariff, questions of capital and labor, various methods of taxation, land and money and socialistic theories, the New Thought lies back of and encloses them all. It is the basis of real progress and development. The improved solution of any of the reforms enumerated depends upon spiritual character. Mind is the real worker, while these are but its outward tools and instruments."
New Thought Terms and Their Meanings 1942
by Ernest Holmes
A wonderful book filled with the favorite terms and their meanings according to Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science which was a 20th Century form of the Science of Mind school of New Thought.
Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning (1920)
by Edward Carpenter
"The different religions being lame attempts to represent under various
guises this one root-fact of the central universal life, men have at all
times clung to the religious creeds and rituals and ceremonials as
symbolising in some rude way the redemption and fulfilment of their own
most intimate natures—and this whether consciously understanding the
interpretations, or whether (as most often) only doing so in an
unconscious or quite subconscious way."
"Let us strive together to embody the New Thought which is the way of Freedom,
which means the way of responsibility to our fellow human beings....
We must embody the higher truth of our oneness, ensuring suffrage
for all of our sisters who are our divine partners in shared creation
of a more compassionate world.... The League of Nations offers us a vehicle for
shared salvation against another conflagration like the Great War. [W.W. I]
Never Again!"
The Path to Prosperity
by James Allen
Originally part of From Poverty to Power, "A Book for all those who are in search of better conditions, wider freedom, and increased usefulness."
by Ursula Gestefld
Ursula had strong convictions: "Thus woman's strongest foes have been of her own sex; and because her sense of duty and religious sentiment have been operative according to a false ideal, unintentionally women have been and will continue to be bigoted until they allow a higher ideal to penetrate their minds; until they see with the eye of reason and logic, as well as with the sentiment which has so long kept them the dependent class."
She was willing to share a vision which got results.
Philosophy of Jesus
by Ernest Holmes
Some say this is Ernest Holmes at his finest: "What we want to find out, then, is the nature of this Power that Jesus used, learn how it operates, and then apply it in our own lives in helping ourselves and also in helping others. I am not thinking only about the healing miracles ..."
I think it would be hard to disagree.
Philosophy of Work
by Swami Abhedananda
...appears to be work in itself when downloading it. ... it's yuge!
This Vedic New Thought book begins:
"Even wise men are deluded on this point, what is
action and what is inaction. I shall tell thee the philosophy
of work, by knowing which thou shalt attain to
absolute freedom from all imperfections."
~Bhagavad Gita 4:16
"THOSE who understand the Philosophy
of work and act accordingly, are pure in
heart and enter into the life of Blessedness."
The Pivot of Civilization
by Margaret Sanger
"Birth Control, Mrs. Sanger claims, and claims rightly, to be a question of fundamental importance at the present time. I do not know how far one is justified in calling it the pivot or the corner-stone of a progressive civilization."
"O thou who would’st teach men of Truth!
Hast thou passed through the desert of doubt?
Art thou purged by the fires of sorrow? hath ruth
The fiends of opinion cast out
Of thy human heart? Is thy soul so fair
That no false thought can ever harbour there?"
The Power of Silence
by Horatio Dresser
"ONE truth was clear at every stage in the foregoing discussion. Every atom, every event, every soul in the universe is imbued with the immanent Presence--life is a constant sharing of divine power."
The Power of the Spoken Word
by Florence Scovel Shinn
"There is a Spiritual prototype of your body and affairs. I call it the Divine Design and this Divine Design is a Perfect Idea in your superconscious mind. Most people are far from expressing the Divine Idea of their bodies and affairs. They have stamped the contrary pictures of disease, old age and death upon the subconscious, and it has carefully carried out their orders. Now we must give a new order; "Let me now express the Divine Idea in my mind, body and affairs." If you will impress the subconscious by repeating this statement you will be amazed at the changes which soon take place. You will be bombarded by new ideas and new ideals. A chemical change will take place..."
The Power of Thought
by Henry Thomas Hamblin
"As mental picturing is probably the most powerful form of thinking, too much importance can hardly be paid to its right cultivation. The effect of such cultivation is to bring about a state of positive-mindedness, a most desirable condition. It also builds up character, making us strong where once we were weak, and able to achieve many things which we were before quite unable to undertake."
Practical Healing for Mind & Body
by Jane Yarnall
"People are too prone to consider the way their father and grandfather believed in, the only righteous way. No matter how absurd their religious views may have been, or how little judgment was brought to bear upon their ways....
No matter how sincere our parents were in their beliefs, they all labored under the same darkness of error from which the world would never emerge if all should persist in holding fast to the old ways and travel in the same old ruts because the parents and grandparents did.
We are no more in duty bound to believe in and respect the false opinions regarding God and religion because our parents did, than we would be to retain and imitate the dishonest and immoral traits of parents."
Practical Mental Influence
by William Atkinson
"This form of the use of the power is that consciously or unconsciously exerted by the great leaders of men in the fields of statesmanship, politics, business, finance or military life. You will at once recall a number of the so called 'great men' of history from ancient times down to our own times who seemed to exert a wonderfully, almost miraculous, effect upon the minds of the people, causing men to see things through the eyes of the strong man, and making of all instruments to carry out the ideals, will or desires of these great masters of Mental Influence."
Practicing the Presence
by Brother Lawrence
"I must, in a little time, go to GOD. What comforts me in this life is that I now see Him by faith; and I see Him in such a manner as might make me say sometimes, I believe no more, but I see. I feel what faith teaches us, and in that assurance and that practice of faith I will live and die with Him."
Pragmatic Mysticism - 01 -
by Mildren Mann
"Metaphysics is the combination of Religion and Science that can and will completely heal the situation for you." "Pragmatic Mysticism is a Truth teaching, based on the Eternal Laws of God. Under the spiritual leadership of Mildred Mann, it has a
tremendously high record of success with people who are now students.
It is the Practice of the Presence of God in the every day world, with conscious effort and direction of thought. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced student. What does matter is your own sincere desire to find God, and thus improve your life....
Each of us needs a sense of belonging, and the knowledge ' that there are kindred and supporting spirits who consciously live in the same Presence. This generates a powerful force for good --- not only for the individual himself, but for the world.
The physical symbol of this spiritual bond and dedication is the member's support of the Society through attendance at lectures where it is physically possible, spreading the teaching to others, and financial aid in proportion to his or her ability to give."
Primary Lessons in Christian Living and Healing
by Annie Rix Militz
"AS with our mental eyes we look forth over the world and consider its people, and what they are living for, and what they are most earnestly desiring, we find that all mankind have one common pursuit, and all are desirous of but one thing, and that is Happiness."
by Charles Fillmore
"'Perfect love casteth out fear.' Fear is a great breeder of poverty, for it breaks down positive thoughts. Negative thoughts bring negative conditions in their train. The first thing to do in making a demonstration of prosperity in the home is to discard all negative thoughts and words. Build up a positive thought atmosphere in the home, an atmosphere that is free from fear and filled with love."
The Prophet
by Khalil Gibran
is considered one of the greatest books ever written.
It is often quoted for marriage ceremonies and many folks live their lives by it.
We have upgraded our presentation of this book so that you can read it on your phone.
Prosperity Through Thought Force
by Bruce Maclelland
"as wisdom increased, the mental forces were conserved, not driven to excess, exercised but not exhausted, which increased the limit of force. Accordingly one possessing wisdom and a slight degree of force could, by properly directing that force, accomplish more than one that had greater force and a less degree of wisdom."
Psychic Wedlock
by Ada Craddock
Volitional Human Relationships range from diadic marriages between two people to polyamoric marriages between three or more people. For most of human history adults have simply had relationships with other adults and there was no interference from others. This is as it should be, human relationships between consenting adults are a personal matter. "This circle, it will be seen, images the universe, not as a kingdom, with the Deity as a king who distributes his favors with the partiality and favoritism of an Oriental monarch; but as a republic, in which each sector, however tiny, has a vote in the General Council which directs the entire universe."
Questions and Answers re: Ernest Holmes' Religious Science
by Alberta Smith and Ernest Holmes
August, 1935: "The INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE is happy to present this new and enlarged edition of Questions and Answers on The Science of Mind. The questions in this book have been asked over a period of many years through the medium of The Science of Mind Magazine and local class work. Therefore, we feel these Questions and Answers will meet a real need."
Written before the 2nd World War, before the revelations of the Holocaust, the dropping of the atom bomb, or Maude Lathem's rewrite of Ernest Holmes 1926 version of Science of Mind, the questions were organized by Irene Haughey and the answers composed by Alberta Smith with the support of Ernest and Fenwicke Holmes. This book provides deep insight into Holmes' Religious Science version of Science of Mind.
The Quimby Manuscripts
by Phineas Quimby
"To many it seems strange indeed that the publication of the Quimby manuscripts has been so long delayed. As far back as 1882, Mr. Julius Dresser began to make it publicly known in Boston that the writings existed, and that when published they would disclose the real history of the discovery of spiritual healing."
The Quimby Manuscripts unveil the story of Phineas Quimby whom many believe is the father of New Thought and indeed may be so ... only you can truly say. Read it today.
Realization is a New Thought Holiday and the third step in Spiritual Mind Treatment
Realization is from September 18th to September 26th
Recognition is a New Thought Holiday and the third step in Spiritual Mind Treatment
Recognition is from March 18th to March 26th
by Swami Abhedananda
The majority of the people of the world believe in Reincarnation. This is sometimes called transmigration of the soul, and the greek term meta...
... only you can truly say. Read it today.
The Richest Man in Babylon
by George Clason
is one of the finest prosperity books ever written.
Concise and logical this book teaches simple truths that resound across time and space.
Science of Mind(original 1881 edition)
by John Bascom
"knowledge that centres directly in mind, in its moral and intellectual powers, and in the social, civil, and religious actions that arise immediately from them, is a full half of all knowledge;"
"The nature of right and its obligations, of liberty and its responsibilities, of the infinite in its application to God, as well as the positive and negative knowledge we have of his existence and attributes, are to be established by an inquiry into the phenomena of mind..."
"All the ideas on which morality and religion rest are established and defined in the realm of metaphysics..."
In the original 1881 Science of Mind, philosopher John Bascom sets forth the framework and many of understandings later subsumed by Ernest Holmes into his Religious Science version of the Science of Mind form of New Thought. Bascom's original Science of Mind adds essential value to New Thought 3.0.
Science of Mind 1926(the 2nd version)
by Ernest Holmes
In his first stab at creating his own version of John Bascom's work, Ernest Holmes includes a section on psychic powers, extending Bascom's ideas by building a mosaic of New Thought metaphysical thought. This masterpiece should be read by all! Whether New Thought or not, one can benefit from Holmes wonderful ability to synthesize a more encompassing vision of New Thought while finding key points important to his Religious Science version of Science of Mind.
Science of Mind 1938(the 3rd version)
by Ernest Holmes and Maude Lathem
The 1938 edition revised by co-writer A. M. Lathamremoves the section on Psychic Powers and modifies Holmes' Religious Science form of Science of MInd making it more palatable to a general audience.
Self Control Its Kingdom and Majesty
by William George Jordan
"Calmness comes ever from within.
It is the peace and restfulness of the depths of our nature.
The fury of storm and of wind agitate only the surface of the sea;
they can penetrate only two or three hundred feet,--below that is the calm,
unruffled deep. To be ready for the great crises of life
we must learn serenity in our daily living.
Calmness is the crown of self-control."
Self Help with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance
by Samuel Smiles
Champions of the "suck it up" approach popular among some late 20th Century New Thought leaders would not be happy with Samuel Smiles who wrote: "When typhus or cholera breaks out, they tell us that Nobody is to blame. That terrible Nobody! How much he has to answer for. More mischief is done by Nobody than by all the world besides. Nobody adulterates our food. Nobody poisons us with bad drink. Nobody supplies us with foul water." If Smiles were alive in 2015, he would level his powerful criticism at the creepy politics in Michigan which stripped citizens of their democratic rights, and governs by dictatorship based not upon the welfare of the citizens but on the basis of profit for corporations. This has resulted in the poisoning of thousands of children in Flint, Michigan and in more expense in the medium and long run. Smiles would be appalled by the fact that the governor of Michigan sought to cover up this negligence by hiring a PR firm. Regular citizens in England who did not own land were unable to vote, much less run for political office, until 1867. Smiles published Self Help in 1859, 7 years before citizens were given the right to vote because he had no other avenue to express his political opinion or uplift the Scottish people..
SEX = LOVE ? ! ?
by Edward Carpenter
Carpenter asks the questions that echo across generations.
Shouldn't sex be preceded by love?
Isn't it essential that humanity address the deeper issues of violence and domination
which destroy the very threads of the fabric of healthy living?
The Appendix is a translation of a French story about teaching the birds and the bees.
Carpenter consistently pushes for a recogniton of Human Rights for all people
especially women. Carpenter's understanding will support any New Thought seeker
in quest of true New Thought who has been confused by nonsense teachings such as
Crystal Colonics or FUism.
The Shining Gateway
by James Allen
"Come on, my fellow Pilgrims; it is straight ahead to the Shining Gateway; I have blazed the track for you."
Spirit of Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
is a representative collection of Swedenborg's texts which supports our understanding of the wonderful insights of Swedenborg's delightful progressive philosophy.
Spirits Rebellious
by Khalil Gibran
Before the book: Spirits in Rebellion, there was Spirits Rebellious.
A story about relationships
Star Rover's Jacket
by Jack London
Within each soul is a "Golconda," a treasure trove of wisdom from each life lived. If one is imprisoned and tortured, yet has no answers to give the wardens, is there a way out through the powers of the mind and treasury of the soul?
Aged warriors with broken bodies and crippled minds exist on all sides of every past conflict.
A great danger to civil society are the "wolves in sheep's clothing" garbing themselves in robes of ministry, touting cold war themes that are no longer valid. These sad old souls are unable to free themselves from, in order to push agendas that benefit no one. Angry Spirits howl for punishment of those who committed no crime, seek retribution for imaginary injuries, and always want to suspend Human Rights in order to fulfill their goals at others expense.
Did you like the movie Cloud Atlas?In this book, Jack London reveals the effects of such causes and unveils the way to deeper empowerment for those ensnared in abuse.
Studies In Divine Science
by C. L. "Daisy" Baum
Beginning with "God is All there Is, both invisible and visible." Baum proceeds through the major concepts that embody this old New Thought path which reaches all the way back to the 19th Century: Spiritual Realization, Overcoming Challenges, Application of "Divine Science," Helping Others, Rules of Action, Speaking the Word, Spiritual Healing, Non-Resistance, Service in Love, Joyful living, Spiritual Guidance and more ...
Thought Forms
by Annie Besant
"We have often heard it said that thoughts are things, and there are many among us who are persuaded of the truth of this statement. Yet very few of us have any clear idea as to what kind of thing a thought is, and the object of this little book is to help us to conceive this."
Thoughts Are Things
by Prentice Mulford
In New Thought, one often hears the phrase: "Thoughts are Things". This is a major concept which supports the belief that through belief, or the power of the mind on can change one's life. Often erroneously attributed to Emmet Fox, this concept in fact originated with Prentice Mulford.
Thoughts I Met on the Highway
by Ralph Waldo Trine explores the progressive ideas which were deeply influential upon Trine and other early New Thought spiritual leaders.
The UDHR / Universal Declaration of Human Rights
by Humanity
is considered to be the highest and most sacred spiritual work ever produced by Human Beings thus far. There have been many spiritual works channeled by people all over the world, but this work is without doubt the greatest. This is an essential work for adherents of New Millennial New Thought.
Unification is a New Thought Holiday and the second step in Spiritual Mind Treatment
Unification is from June 18th to June 26th
Unity The History of Unity and story of the Fillmore's
with links to classic Unity Authors in the New Thought Library includingH. Emelie Cady and Ernest Wilson
as well as Mary Kupferle and the Fillmore's
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ
by Nicolas Notovitch
documents the unaccounted years of Jesus' life between the ages of 13 and 29. Notovitch learns of ancient scrolls and journals detailing Jesus' studies in Buddhist monasteries, then persuades a monk to allow him to have the scrolls translated. They relate how Jesus learned and mastered the teaching in record time, then traveled from Tibet to India where he angered the Brahmins by teaching that all people are equal regardless of caste or acquisition of wealth. This prompted his expulsion from India leading to his return to Palestine. Notovitch's work has acquired increasing credibility as corroborating information surfaces from New Thought teachers such as Swami Abhedananda.
The Unknown Stranger
by Maurice Maeterlinck
"described as 'psychometric'; of the knowledge of the future: presentiments, omens, premonitions, precognitions and the rest; and lastly of the Elberfeld horses. In the second, which will be published later, I shall treat of the miracles of Lourdes and other places, the phenomena of so called materialization, of the divining-rod and of fluidic asepsis, not unmindful withal of a diamond dust of the miraculous that hangs over the greater marvels in that strange atmosphere into which we are about to pass."
Maeterlinck was one of the great masters of the myths for the New Millennial New Thought Today.
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
by William James
(1902), explores the relationship between religious experience and 'abnormal' psychology.
This groundbreaking work illuminates the importance of New Thought for the modern world.
As we see the deadly destruction wrought by fundamentalists throughout the world,
James' message about New Thought being the religion of the Healthy Minded is essential for today.
Walden, and On Civil Disobedience
by Henry David Thoreau
have been influential since they were published in 1859. Walden is a voyage of spiritual discovery in which Thoreau emphasizes: Self-reliance and Simplicity. 'One must love that of the wild just as much as one loves that of the good.'
'What men already know instinctively is true humanity.' 'If the day and the night make one joyful, one is successful.'
'The highest form of self-restraint is when one can subsist not on other animals, but of plants and crops cultivated from the earth.'
seeks a more objective understanding of society through personal introspection. Simple living and self-sufficiency were some of Thoreau's goals. It was inspired by transcendentalist philosophy. Thoreau encourages the reader to be “forever on the alert” and “looking always at what is to be seen.” Civil Disobedience explores citizens duty to champion justice and resist injustice.
The Wanderer
by Khalil Gibran
More Stories and poems from a Lebanese Christian New Thought master.
The Way of Peace
by James Allen
"Hidden deep in every human heart, though frequently covered up with a mass of hard and almost impenetrable accretions, is the spirit of Divine Love, whose holy and spotless essence is undying and eternal. It is the Truth in man; it is that which belongs to the Supreme: that which is real and immortal. All else changes and passes away; this alone is permanent and imperishable; and to realize this Love by ceaseless diligence in the practice of the highest righteousness, to live in it and to become fully conscious in it, is to enter into immortality here and now, is to become one with Truth, one with God, one with the central Heart of all things, and to know our own divine and eternal nature."
Women and the New Race
by Margaret Sanger
is a book that gave rise to controversy when Margaret Sanger stated that mothers are a key factor in the creation of healthier children.
Your Forces and How to Use Them
by Christian D. Larson
This book offers readers the ability to learn and apply the greater powers within and thereby richer in thought and stable in feeling. Thereby each becomes a practitioner of the principles of higher thought living ones' ideals and actively working to create a more loving and compassionate world for all beings.
Your Invisible Power
by Genevieve Behrend
Published in 1921, Your Invisible Power is Behrend's first and most famous book. It is a guide to the use of visualization and other New Thought tools for life enhancement and the achievement of personal goals.
Your Lebanon, My Lebanon
by Khalil Gibran
Some remember when Lebanon was a thriving culture of people who took delight in their diversity.
Back then, Druz, Alawites, Shia, Christians and more people lived together in peace creating
prosperity that rivaled Paris. This was before the Saudi's promoted a decadent form of Islam
that distorted the Prophet's Message of Peace.
Some say that today, there are only a handful of people who practice in a way that would please
their prophet. But these folks are increasingly murdered by those who are blinded by delusions having created a cult of death.
Your Thought and Mine
by Khalil Gibran
An elegant exploration of New Thought.
What do YOU think?
New Thought Day was declared by James Edgerton on August 23rd, 1915
During research while expanding the free New Thought Library,
one of the ministers came across an interesting quote from early New Thought Alliance President James A. Edgerton:
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
New Thought Day, August 23rd
, 1915."
Listen to New Thought Radio broadcasts from the New Thought Streams PodCast Archive,
along with a growing collection of New Thought Music directly from New Thought Artists around the world.
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
~ James A. Edgerton, New Thought Day, August 23rd, 1915."
Explore the New Thought Tao and discover deeper wisdom.
New Thought has many forms, Taoist New Thought brings insights to the table that are not so apparent in Abrahamic forms. While many Abrahamics fight to impose their views on the rest of the world. Taoist New Thought teaches the way of acceptance and understanding. Principles in the New Thought Tao provide powerful processes which serve as keys to deeper happiness and inner peace from the inside out.
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