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New Thought Simplified Henry Wood

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New Thought Simplified

by Henry Wood

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett


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Mental and Spiritual Gymnastic Exercises

Self-Development Through Auto-Suggestion

A Few Formulated Lessons for Private Use, or for Reading in Concert by Classes, Assemblies, or Families as a Means of Spiritual, Moral, and Physical Restoration and Growth.


As introductory to the appended suggestive exercises, we may observe that while the effort has been made to present the principles of the New Thought in a lucid and simple way, experience has demonstrated the value of still more concrete lessons for meditation and concentration. There is a power to bring home Truth and to lift the consciousness, when ideals are presented directly in the first person singular which can be gained in no other way. Spiritual vibrations in the mind are thus rendered sharp and distinct.

An intellectual fact may be simply known by a single statement; but higher principles, to become graphic and ruling, need iteration and reiteration, and hence the logic of the process. The average mind is so filled with conglomerate and disorderly material that its displacement by higher thought can be accomplished only by systematic and persistent effort.

The lessons and method are therefore invaluable if one wishes to get "into" the New Thought. The beauty of a picture gallery cannot be understood by gazing at the outside of the building, and likewise the brightest mind cannot discern or interpret the inner transformation from an external view. The critic from without can do no more than criticise at random. Only a cultivated consciousness and a new standpoint can give him qualification.

In one of our former books ("Ideal Suggestion") restorative exercises were presented for meditation and concentration, and as an auxiliary aid the suggestions were given in large type, thereby assisting the mind, through the eye, in the focalizing of Truth. So far as the author is aware, that was the original presentation (1893) of such a method. Thousands of spontaneous testimonies from all parts of the world attest its scientific restorative efficacy. The author therefore has felt that to assure the completeness of this work, and to render it fully effective, a few simple lessons should be added in an appendix. They are only suggestive, and give hints of what one, if he choose, may improvise for himself.

It is admitted that the method of the lessons may be "unto Jews a stumbling block and unto Gentiles foolishness; but unto them that are called" (discerners of the principle), they will bring help and inspiration in proportion as they are faithfully assimilated. They will be useful, not merely for invalids and semi-invalids, but for all who wish to unfold a healthful and harmonious inner consciousness. Prevention is far better than cure. "The kingdom of heaven is within you." The purpose is not to pour in new facts of an occult order, but to unfold and educe the spiritual selfhood.

(Note: In answer to frequent questions, the author would state that he is not a professional healer, and that the pressure upon his time renders it impracticable for him to teach in any systematic manner, outside of his writings.)

Mental and Spiritual Gymnastic Exercises

Specific Practical Directions.

First. -- Retire each day to a quiet apartment, and be alone in the silence.

Second. -- Assume the most restful position practicable; breathe deeply and rather rapidly for a few moments, and thoroughly relax the physical body, for suggestive correspondence thus renders it easier for the mind to be passive and receptive.

Third. -- Bar the door of thought against the external world, and also shut out all physical sensation and imperfection so far as possible.

Fourth. -- Rivet the mind upon the suggestive lesson. After repeated reading and the absorption of its truth, fasten the attention upon the final ideal which is shown in larger type. Do not merely think about it, but try to feel it with every nerve centre in the body. Give yourself to it until it fills and overflows the whole consciousness.

Fifth. -- Alternate, at intervals of a few minutes, periods of intense concentration with those of utter relaxation. It takes the positive and negative to make the unit. The whole exercise may be continued anywhere from ten minutes to an hour, as circumstances render practicable and experience guides.

Sixth. -- Call your most needed ideal into consciousness during every wakeful hour at night. If the mind wanders, gently but persistently call it back. The power of control will grow steadily. For a night thought, feel that the divine and the human are in positive contact. You are in God (Omnipresent Love) and cannot get away even if you should try.

Seventh. -- If disordered conditions are chronic and tenacious there need be no discouragement if progress is not rapid, or if "ups and downs" occur. Absorb the ideals repeatedly until they live in and with you. They will increasingly become a spontaneous and well-defined feeling. The cure is not magical, but a natural growth. Ideals tend toward expression and actualization.

Eighth. -- For use in assemblies, groups, or families, the exercises should be read slowly, in concert, followed by concentration, in the silence, upon the ideal which forms the climax. The exhibition of the respective emphasized suggestions, in large text, upon the walls of the room in sight of all will greatly aid concentration. If made in gold or bright material especially, they may afterward be reproduced in consciousness and stand out to the mind's eye, notably at night, in letters of fire. They photograph an idea upon the mind.

If you wish to get rid of disorderly and depressing thoughts, the way has been plainly indicated by which they may be displaced. You gradually create a new world for yourself.

The process is scientific, but so simple that, conventionally, we have looked right through and beyond it.

Be assured that if you enter the mental and spiritual gymnasium, and earnestly develop your inner powers for six months in the way suggested, you will value the acquirement beyond possible estimate. Divine Singles are our soulmates

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