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Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Ella Wheeler Wilcox's

New Thought Common Sense

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought media from Abrahamic to Vedic reflecting the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy contrasts with 'old thought' Religion. Today's 'New Thought 3.0' teaches personal responsibility, self-development, human rights and compassionate action as essential spiritual paradigms." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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The Ancient Lineage of New Thought - The Anti-toxin of Common Sense - Are You Doing the Best You Can? - Be Not Easily Offended - For What Are You Living? - Ignore Misfortune - The Power of Personality - Common Sense and "Goodness" - "Good Business" - The Trapeze Performer - The High Calling of Fatherhood - The High Calling of Motherhood - Thought Building for Children - The New Thought Economy - What Is a Good Woman? - The Color of Your Thoughts - "In God We Trust" - Are You Alive? - Something About Celibacy - The Old and the New Thought View of Life - The Cities Beyond - The Onward March - Common Sense Ideas in Marriage - The Shading of the Picture - Woman and the Cigarette - Sinning Against the "Holy Ghost" - New Thoughts and Beauty - Famous and Infamous Women - Enemies to Happiness - The New Year - Enthusiasm - Brace Up - Universal Need - Every Day Opportunities - The Masters - Building Kindness Cells - What Is Optimism? - What Is the Loving Thing to Do? - A New Thought Rosary - Unto the End - Keep Still and Wait - What Life Means to Me - Contents - Index

voice instead of a loud screech. You will benefit both the people of to-day, and the animal of tomorrow by this course.

Tell them the truth; that animals are very sensitive to noise; that a horse is a timid and loving creature, and that a loud, harsh voice frightens it and hinders it from doing its duty or obeying its owner. A low voice and a gentle hand will make any horse, if taken in time, faithful, willing and safe. A horse will do twice the work and live twice the time in good health, if it is treated with respect, gratitude and love by its owner. Teach this to your children while they are playing with their toys. They will never forget it.

The warden of the Connecticut State prison is a wonderfully good and wise man. He is a student of human nature. He said to visitors one day, if a child is properly educated to the age of ten, no matter what its inheritance, it never becomes a criminal. He did not mean that children sent to fine schools, and given tutors and great advantages, never became criminals.

He meant that children, guided in their thoughts and ideas by wise teachers and parents, should have right ideals, right feelings, and right desires. Children should be taught consideration of the rights of other creatures. That sentence includes all the needed preventives of crime.


Luck is the tuning of our inmost thought

To chord with God's great plan.

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