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John Bascom - New Thought Prophet

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Sanford Robinson's

John Bascom Prophet

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Sanford Robinson knew John Bascom personally. He and his father were both taught by Bascom and he lived about 5 miles away from Bascom.

John Bascom has been called the "often unrecognized father of New Thought." During a time in which Pantheism had entered mass consciousness and was largely the accepted view, Bascom articulated the principles that eventually came to epitomize the New Thought movement. His work supports the understanding of the relationship of God to the soul and personality, articulating a theology of a living personal God, human rights and the continuation of the soul after death reconciling Science and Faith through the philosophy, variously called Natural Theology, Science of Mind, and Constructive Realism.

Links to Sanford's Biography of John Bascom:

Robinson was well read in Bascom's works and was invited to address the "annual meeting of the Alumni Association of Williams College held at Williamstown during the Commencement week of 1922, was devoted to the consideration of John Bascom's life and work."

This book is based upon that talk. It is a short exploration of the life and work of Dr. Bascom and how his groundbreaking philosophy of Constructive Realism reflected a major evolution in theology, religion, philosophy and become the spiritual path and way of life that today is variously called: New Thought, Science of Mind, Divine Science and Spiritual Living.




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