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~ 2 Corinthians 2:17

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Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Orison Swett Marden's

Love's Way

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

An Invitation - Try Love's Way - The Greatest Thing in the World - Making Life a Song - The Dream of Brotherhood - Driving Away What We Long For Most - Employers and Employers - Spite Fences - Work and Happiness - Practising Love's Way - Training the Child - How to Lighten Your Words - Survival Value - The Miracle Worker - Our Little Brothers and Sisters - The Thing That Makes a Home - "Stranger, Why Should I NOT Speak to you?" - "I Serve the Strongest" - The Daily Orientation - Scatter Your Flowers As You Go - Love Letters From God - The Harmony Bath - Heroism at Home - What the Bee Teaches Us - Love's Way and Christmas Giving - Contents -



SOMEONE has said: "Some day we shall learn that the little deeds of love wrought unconsciously as we pass on our way are greater in their helpfulness and still shine more brightly in the life than the deeds of renown which we think of as alone making a life great."

Never was there a greater mistake than to think that heroism, courage, daring, are confined to the field of battle. It doesn't matter what post we are assigned to in the battle of life we have an opportunity to do heroic things every day. If we have the spirit of brotherly love; if we are filled with the love of truth and justice; if we are determined always to stand for the right no matter what the cost, we are unceasingly battling for the higher things of life.

It is as heroic to take a firm stand for honesty, when it may cost you your position, because

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