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The Law Of Mind in Action
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Method of Reading and Study - Metaphysics - The One Law - How to Use the Law - Spirit - Creative Mind in the Individual - Creative Mind in the Universal - Man ~ Master on the Planet - Matter, or Thought in Form - The Creative Word - The Outer and the Inner Universe - The Infinite Self - Law of Attraction - Choosing the Law - Feeling and Emotions - Instinct to Create - Our Immaculate Conceptions - Intensified Consciousness - Is Evil a Power? - The Thing I Fear - Nothing Matters - Courage Regained - Creative Imagination - One-Pointedness - Faith, An Attitude of Mind - Mental Poise - The Will To Win - Creating Atmospheres and Prosperity - The Personal Spirit - Intuition and Ideation - Ultimate Reality & the Fatherhood of God - The Supreme Affirmation - Use of Formulas - How to Help Others - Whom to Treat - How Long to Treat - What Kind of Cases to Be Treated - My Good Night Prayer - Contents -
OUR gifts from heaven are those only which we will receive. We must learn that we can receive from the Law only what we give to the Law; that the Law assumes toward us just the attitude we assume toward it. If we conceive of God as a loving Father, he becomes that to us and comes out with open arms to welcome his loved one home. If, on the other hand, we see in Him only a stern and relentless judge, we find the Law reacting to us relentlessly. If, further, we look upon the Law as our antagonist, that it becomes to us, and is the "adversary" of which Jesus spoke who will "not let us go until we have paid the utmost farthing." We can conceive of the Law as a magic mirror which creates in form and substance just what we reflect into it. Infinitely exact and creative, it takes the loveliest reflection of face and form and makes it into a breathing thing of flesh. Or it takes the hideous face like that of the Medusa and it becomes a living creature with its writhing locks of serpents. But this magic mirror reflects that which is more subtle than flesh; it catches the vision of our thoughts; it takes the imaginations of our heart, and breathes them into life and form. So the loveliest thought draws forth its own sweet self clothed in flesh; and base thought and passion are moulded into deeds
Links to Additional Media for The Law Of Mind in Action by Fenwicke Holmes such as audio and ebooks are located at the bottom of this web page.
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