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Charles Fillmore

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Charles Fillmore's

Christian Healing

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Contents: - Preface - The True Character of Being - Statements for the Realization of Divine Mind - Being's Perfect Idea - Statements for the Realization of the Son of God - Manifestation - "I AM" Realizations - Formative Power of Thought - Affirmations for Right Thinking - How to Control Thought - Cleansing and Purifying Statements - The Word - Power of Words - Spirituality or Prayer and Praise - Living Words to Quicken Spirituality - Establishing the Perfect Substance - Faith - Faith Affirmations - Imagination - Perfection in Form Established - Will and Understanding - Establishment of Will and Understanding - Judgment and Justice - Judgment and Justice Statements - Love - Love Demonstrated - Study Helps and Questions - Index -

Faith Affirmations

(To be used in connection with Lesson Eight)

1. "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen."

2. Holding continuously to the reality of things spiritual establishes them in mind--they become mental substance.

3. I believe in the presence and power of the one Mind, and it is to me substantial intelligence.

4. "According to your faith be it done unto you."

5. My doubts and fears are dissolved and dissipated; in confidence and peace I rest in God's unchangeable law.

6. "Great is thy faith: be it done unto thee even as thou wilt."

7. With my mind's eye I see more and more the reality of the true ideas ever existing in divine principle.

8. "I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

9. Jesus said: "Have faith in God."

10. I am saved from pain and sorrow through my unswerving faith in the protection and care of God.

11. "Lord, increase our faith."

12. My faith grows greater day by day, because it is planted in Truth, and through it the mountains of mortal error are moved into the sea of nothingness.

13. The understanding of Spirit clarifies my faith

page scan



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