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Charles Fillmore

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Charles Fillmore's

Christian Healing

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Contents: - Preface - The True Character of Being - Statements for the Realization of Divine Mind - Being's Perfect Idea - Statements for the Realization of the Son of God - Manifestation - "I AM" Realizations - Formative Power of Thought - Affirmations for Right Thinking - How to Control Thought - Cleansing and Purifying Statements - The Word - Power of Words - Spirituality or Prayer and Praise - Living Words to Quicken Spirituality - Establishing the Perfect Substance - Faith - Faith Affirmations - Imagination - Perfection in Form Established - Will and Understanding - Establishment of Will and Understanding - Judgment and Justice - Judgment and Justice Statements - Love - Love Demonstrated - Study Helps and Questions - Index -

Lesson Seven

Spirituality or Prayer and Praise


1. By the employment of many symbols the Bible describes man in his wholeness--Spirit, soul, and body. The symbols used are men, places, tents, temples, and so forth. The name of every person mentioned in the Bible has a meaning representative of that person's character. The twelve sons of Jacob represent the twelve foundation faculties of man. The name of each of these sons, correctly interpreted, gives the development and office of its particular faculty in triune association; that is, its relation to consciousness in Spirit, in soul, and in body. For example, when the sons of Jacob were born, their mothers revealed the character of the faculty which each represented. This is set forth in the twenty-ninth and thirtieth chapters of Genesis.

2. It is written of the birth of Reuben, "Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Because Jehovah hath looked upon my affliction." The emphasis is upon the word "looked," and by referring to the concordance we find that the meaning of the word Reuben is, "One who sees; vision of the son." It is clear that this refers to the bringing forth of sight.

3. "And she conceived again, and bare a son: and said, Because Jehovah hath heard that I am hated." Here the emphasis is upon the word heard, and we find that Simeon means, "That hears or

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