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~ 2 Corinthians 2:17

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Charles Fillmore

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Charles Fillmore's

Christian Healing

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Contents: - Preface - The True Character of Being - Statements for the Realization of Divine Mind - Being's Perfect Idea - Statements for the Realization of the Son of God - Manifestation - "I AM" Realizations - Formative Power of Thought - Affirmations for Right Thinking - How to Control Thought - Cleansing and Purifying Statements - The Word - Power of Words - Spirituality or Prayer and Praise - Living Words to Quicken Spirituality - Establishing the Perfect Substance - Faith - Faith Affirmations - Imagination - Perfection in Form Established - Will and Understanding - Establishment of Will and Understanding - Judgment and Justice - Judgment and Justice Statements - Love - Love Demonstrated - Study Helps and Questions - Index -

Word of God, that all things are made, are brought into manifestation." "And without him was not anything made that hath been made." The Word is the "only begotten" of God, because there is but one idea of man in Divine Mind, and that idea is the perfect pattern of man's character.

3. In the 1st chapter of John it is implied that there are things made that are not after divine ideals, consequently not real. The creations of the Word of God are permanent and incorruptible. As an imitator of Divine Mind, man has power to form and make manifest whatsoever he idealizes; but unless his thought is unified with Divine Mind and guided in its operations by infinite wisdom, his thought forms are perishable.

4. Mental processes enter into all creations. Physical science has discovered that every atom has substance, force, and intelligence; these are the three constituent parts of mind. Mind is the one and only creative power, and all attempts to account for creation from any other standpoint are futile. The creative processes of mind are continuously operative; creation is going on all the time, but the original plan, the design in Divine Mind, is finished.

5. Man cannot know how the thought, or Word, works except through his own consciousness; consequently he must understand, control, and put in order his own word, for through it he comprehends the Word of God. Our most important study, then, is our own consciousness. The old Greeks recognized

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