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Charles Fillmore

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Charles Fillmore's

Christian Healing

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Contents: - Preface - The True Character of Being - Statements for the Realization of Divine Mind - Being's Perfect Idea - Statements for the Realization of the Son of God - Manifestation - "I AM" Realizations - Formative Power of Thought - Affirmations for Right Thinking - How to Control Thought - Cleansing and Purifying Statements - The Word - Power of Words - Spirituality or Prayer and Praise - Living Words to Quicken Spirituality - Establishing the Perfect Substance - Faith - Faith Affirmations - Imagination - Perfection in Form Established - Will and Understanding - Establishment of Will and Understanding - Judgment and Justice - Judgment and Justice Statements - Love - Love Demonstrated - Study Helps and Questions - Index -

susceptible to thought through the knowing factor in their construction, and to this susceptibility he appeals. It is through this all-pervading intelligence that man exercises his highest dominion. The scriptural statement of man's power and dominion over all things is true only when his power and dominion are estimated mentally and spiritually.

5. It is the testimony of all philosophers that everything is in a state of construction or destruction. These two states are all-pervading, and they are apparently essential in building the universe. The metaphysician discerns the cause of these two movements to be the "yes" and the "no" of mind. These dual attributes of mind are in evidence everywhere, but they are not understood by those who observe only form instead of Spirit. The positive and negative poles of the magnet are states of mental affirmation and denial. In acid and alkali, in sour and sweet, chemistry is proclaiming "yes" and "no." Day and night, heat and cold, sunshine and shadow, intelligence and ignorance, good and evil, saint and sinner, all are the reflections of mental affirmations and denials. The constructive or destructive factor in all manifestation is "yes" or "no."

6. It is found that, by the use of these mind forces, man can dissolve things by denying their existence, and that he can build them up by affirming their presence. This is a simple statement, but when it is applied in all the intricate thought forms of the universe it becomes complex. The law of mental

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