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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
Eternal Life
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"This is Life Eternal--that they might know Thee, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent." --Jesus Christ.
"Perfect correspondence would be perfect life. Were there no changes in the environment but such as the organism had adapted changes to meet, and were it never to fail in the efficiency with which it met them, there would be eternal existence and eternal knowledge." --Herbert Spencer.
ONE of the most startling achievements of recent science is a definition of Eternal Life. To the religious mind this is a contribution of immense moment. For eighteen hundred years only one definition of Life Eternal was before the world. Now there are two.
Through all these centuries revealed religion had this doctrine to itself. Ethics had a voice, as well as Christianity, on the question of the summum bonum; Philosophy ventured to speculate on the Being of a God. But no source outside Christianity contributed anything to the doctrine of Eternal Life. Apart from Revelation, this great truth was unguaranteed. It was the one thing in the Christian system that most needed verification from without, yet none was forthcoming. And never has any further light been thrown
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eBook downloads for Henry Drummond's Eternal Life include: pdf, Open eBook, OEB, ePub & audio book MP3
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