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Henry Drummond, early teacher of Bible New Thought

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Henry Drummond's

A Life for a Life

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

A Tribute, by D. L. Moody - A Life for a Life - Lessons From The Angelus - The Ideal Man - Contents -

us that it is not enough to have the roots of religion in us, but that we must be whole and entire, lacking nothing.

     The Angelus, as we look upon it, will reveal to us the elements which constitute the complete life.

     The first of these is work. Three-fourths of our life is probably spent in work. Is that religious or is it not? What is the meaning of it? Of course the meaning of it is that our work should be just as religious as our worship, and that unless we can make our work religious, three-fourths of life remains unsanctified.

     The proof that work is religious is that the most of Christ's life was spent in work. During those first thirty years of his life, the Scriptures were not in His hands so much as the hammer and the plane; He was making chairs and tables and

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