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~ 2 Corinthians 2:17

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Harriet Emilie Cady

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Harriet Emilie Cady's

Miscellaneous Writings

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Foreword ~ Finding the Christ in Ourselves ~ Neither Do I Condemn Thee ~ In His Name ~ Loose Him and Let Him Go ~ All Sufficiency in All Things ~ God's Hand ~ If Thou Knewest ~ Trusting and Resting ~ The Spoken Word ~ Unadulterated Truth ~ Oneness With God ~


There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust. Quiet tension is not trust. It is simply compressed anxiety.

Who is there among those that have learned the law of Good and have tried to bring it into manifestation, that has not at times felt his physical being almost ready to snap asunder with the intensity of his "holding to the Truth"? You believe in Omnipresent Life. You attempt to realize it for others. An obstinate case comes to you for help --- a case in which the patient is always in a hurry for results, always wanting to know how much more time will be required, and so forth. Her impatience and unbelief, together with your great desire to prove the law to her, stimulate you, after a few treatments, to greater efforts; and almost immediately you find yourself thinking frequently of her when not treating, and trying to throw more force into the treatment when

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