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Harriet Emilie Cady

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Harriet Emilie Cady's

Miscellaneous Writings

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Foreword ~ Finding the Christ in Ourselves ~ Neither Do I Condemn Thee ~ In His Name ~ Loose Him and Let Him Go ~ All Sufficiency in All Things ~ God's Hand ~ If Thou Knewest ~ Trusting and Resting ~ The Spoken Word ~ Unadulterated Truth ~ Oneness With God ~


There is that within every human being which is capable of being brought forth into the material, everyday life of that person as the abundance of every good thing he may desire.

Here and there a soul who is consciously abiding in the secret place of the Most High, and being taught by the Spirit of Truth, dimly recognizes this and says, "The Holy Spirit abiding within us is able to do all things for us;" while occa5ionally a metaphysician, in whom the intuitional is largely developed, is beginning to apprehend it as a demonstrable truth, and, carefully avoiding all pious words, lest he be considered in the old rut of religious belief, he says, "The outer or visible man has no need which the inner or invisible man cannot supply."

Let us not haggle over terms. There need he no schism. Each means the same thing. The only difference is in words. Each one is getting at the same truth in his own way, and

page scan



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