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Harriet Emilie Cady

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Harriet Emilie Cady's

Miscellaneous Writings

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Foreword ~ Finding the Christ in Ourselves ~ Neither Do I Condemn Thee ~ In His Name ~ Loose Him and Let Him Go ~ All Sufficiency in All Things ~ God's Hand ~ If Thou Knewest ~ Trusting and Resting ~ The Spoken Word ~ Unadulterated Truth ~ Oneness With God ~


Hitherto few of us have had any idea of the destructive potency of condemnatory words or thoughts. Even among Truth students who know the power of every spoken word --- and because they know it so much greater is that power --- there is a widespread tendency to condemn the churches and all orthodox Christians, to criticize and speak disparagingly of students of different schools (as though there could be but one school of Christ), and even to discuss among themselves the failings of individuals who, in ways differing from their own, are earnestly seeking to find the Christ.

Let us stop and see what we are doing. Why should we condemn the churches? Did not Jesus "continue to teach in the synagogues"? He did not withdraw from the church and speak of it contemptuously. Nay, but remained in it, trying to show people wherein they were making mistakes, trying to lead them up to a higher view of God as

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