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How I Used The Truth Emilie Cady

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How I Used The Truth

by Emilie Cady

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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Question Helps

These questions are to be used in connection with the study of How I Used Truth. Each student should study his lesson with these questions before him. It is a very good practice to write out the answers and bring them to the class. Each student should recite as often as possible, but should not monopolize the class period. Every member of the class should have opportunity to express his realization on any subject. These questions need not necessarily be answered, but may be used to call attention to the central idea contained in the paragraph under consideration. A class should not cover more than five questions at a meeting. Remember, never argue! Keep to the subject! Be considerate of everyone's ideas! Your purpose is to find Truth.


1. Is Christ lost? Why do we speak of "finding" the Christ in ourselves?
2. Explain how God lives and works.
3. How are you the son of man? How the Son of God?
4. Why does man lose the consciousness of his spiritual identity?
5. How is Jesus the Elder Brother and Saviour of mankind?
6. Explain how your body is "a temple of the living God." What takes place in a temple?
7. In what phase of our nature do truths have to be imbedded before they become for us living principles?
8. What is the distinction between a "reflection of God" and an "expression of God''?
9. Explain fully the "will of God."
10. Is salvation to be ours at some future time in a faraway place, or when is it acceptable?        When is man really "saved"?




1. Why is the "spoken word" regarded as having more power than the "unspoken word"?
2. What is the meaning of the word criticize as used here, and how is condemnation related to it?
3. What is "righteous judgment"?
4. Why should there be no condemnation of any person?
5. How does one work against God?
6. Explain: "Whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them, and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
7. In the light of Jesus' teachings how can one handle the attitude of condemning another?
8. What causes a condemnatory attitude of mind?
9. How shall we rid ourselves of a condemnatory habit of mind? Explain the meaning of "habit."
10. How are we one with God and with one another?




1. What is the purpose of a name?
2. What does God's name designate?
3. Explain the third commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
4. What is the meaning of I AM?
5. Why should one not use such phrases as "I am sorry" and "I am afraid"?
6. How do we ask "in His name''?
7. What did Jesus mean by the statement: "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full"?
8. How can we tell whether or not we are using His name righteously?
9. Explain how all power is given to the Christ.
10. What is an "overcomer," and what is to be overcome?




1. What fact seems particularly difficult for one person to remember in regard to another?
2. What is a sure sign of a free man?
3. How are you your "brother's keeper"?
4. What does proselyting mean, and why should one not be anxious about the welfare of another man?
5. What causes a person to seek that which is higher than he is today?
6. How do counselors and teachers often stand in the way of a student's attaining a desired consciousness?
7. To whom should each man turn for guidance?
8. What did Jesus mean when He said, "I am the way," and, "I am the door"?
9. Should the one who is apparently going wrong be specifically treated for his "sins"?
10. How do you "loose him and let him go"?




1. What is it that is capable of supplying each man with the fulfillment of his own particular desires in abundant measure?
2. What do we mean when we speak of God "Immanent" in man and in the universe?
3. What is divine substance, and what is its relation to manifest objects?
4. What is the Holy Spirit, and what is its relation to the Father, and to the Son, or Christ?
5. Explain how God is the supply and the supplier.
6. What governs the "shape" of our supply, and what fixes the "time" and the "quantity" of it?
7. Is it safe to teach that supply is a "gift" and that it does not depend only on the labor of head or hands?
8. What governs the outpouring of divine substance, and what inhibits its flow?
9. In its true sense, what is work?
10. From what phase of our being do we bring our world into manifestation?




1. What does the hand represent or symbolize?
2. Why does a person sometimes feel he is "empty-handed"?
3. Why do we say that man's hand represents the "hand of God"?
4. When do man's hands serve as the "hand of God"?
5. How did the woman cited in the text serve to bring freedom to a man?
6. Where does giving first take place?
7. Explain the phrase, "only say," and relate it to giving.
8. What is the relation between the "word" and the "hand" ?
9. Of what is "giving" the natural outflow?
10. What blessings came to the one who serves as the "hand of God"?




1. Give a definition of the word negation, and  show how it is used in this lesson.
2. Where does the belief in the "absence of good" exist?
3. Explain the meaning of the words temporal and eternal.
4. How would you help a dear one who appears to be "going wrong" and expresses unkindness?
5. How would you "heal" the suffering of poverty?
6. Explain how the condition of evil is a "delusion of the senses."
7. What is a gift, and what is the greatest "gift" to man?
8. What is grace, and how is God's grace manifested?
9. What is meant by "the Godhead"?
10. Explain the meaning of the Scripture, "The Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."




1. What is meant by the statement, "holding to the Truth" ?
2. What is a "treatment"?
3. What is it that heals all infirmities?
4. What is "tension," and what is its effect on yourself and others?
5. Where does your responsibility end and God's commence?
6. What part does praise have in spiritual treatment?
7. What has "time" to do with the answers to prayer?
8. What is the "stone" that is so great that is rolled away?
9. What is the "Lord" that is to he trusted implicitly?
10. What is peace, and how is the consciousness of peace attained by the individual?





1. Read Genesis 1 and John 1. To what phase of the creative process does each chapter refer?
2. To what do we refer when we write "word" with a capital "W"?
3. Name the days or steps in the creative process as given in Genesis 1 and 2, explaining the six days or periods of activity, culminating in the seventh day (step) or Sabbath. What follows these days or steps?
4. Why is it that man's prayers are often just wishes?
5. What distinguishes man as the highest manifestation of God?
6. Why do we say that divine substance is forever "waiting for man"?
7. When man prays, does God "withhold" from him what is not for his good?
8. How does man "make" his body and his world?
9. What place in creation has thought? Where does the spoken word act?
10. What part does faith play in the process of bringing forth good in our life? What other condition should be observed for perfect results?




1. What is absolute Truth?
2. What is demonstration, and how is it made?
3. What is the primary cause of failure, poverty, sickness, death?
4. Explain each of the following terms: omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience.
5. Explain "substance" and "life," and show how they are related to Spirit.
6. How may we be free from all undesirable conditions and circumstances?
7. What is meant by the statement, "There is no evil"?
8. When is anything "manifest"?
9. Why do we say that it is the spoken Truth that makes manifest?
10. Why is it necessary that we "realize" omnipresence?




1. Where and how is true prayer exercised?
2. What mental faculty is of prime importance in the exercise of true prayer?
3. How can we say that good is the only reality in the universe?
4. Explain the meaning of the word fact and what it is to "contemplate the facts of life from the highest point of view."
5. What is meant by "conscious oneness with the Father," and how is this conscious oneness attained?
6. Name some of the results that come from conscious oneness with God.
7. What is meant by "God's will" in you?
8. How do you "Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"?
9. Explain the distinction between "revelation" and "inspiration" as used in this lesson.
10. How do you seek directly from the "Fountainhead," and how does its supply come to you?




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