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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
How I Used The Truth
"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett
Contents - Foreword - Why? - Finding the Christ in Ourselves - Neither Do I Condemn Thee - In His Name - Loose Him and Let Him Go - All-Sufficiency in All Things - God's Hand - If Thou Knewest - Trusting and Resting - The Spoken Word - Oneness with God - Unadulterated Truth - Question Helps
"WITHOUT HIM [the Word]
was not anything made that hath been made."
"in the beginning God created
the heavens and
the earth."
Listen: "The earth was
waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. . . .
"And God said, Let there
be light; and there was light. . . .
"And God said, Let there
be a firmament and it was so. . . .
"And God said, Let the
waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the
dry land appear: and it was so. . . .
"And God said, Let the
earth put forth grass . . . and it was so. . . .
"And God said, Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness . . . and it was so."
God, infinite power, might have
thought about all these things till doomsday. He might have wished during
an indefinite time that they were formed and made visible. Nothing would
ever have been created in visible form had there not been the spoken word
put forth into the formless ether. It took the definite, positive "Let
there be," to bring forth order out of chaos
and to establish in visible results the thoughts and desires of even an
infinite, omnipotent Creator.
To create is to bring into visibility;
to form something where before there was nothing; to cause to exist or
to take form that which before was without form and void. To exist (from ex, out from, and sistere, to stand) is to stand out. Being
always is; existence (from Latin, existere, to stand forth, emerge,
appear) is that which stands forth as a visible entity.
God creates. Because man was
created or brought into the visible universe in the image and likeness
of God, he, spiritually, has like powers with God: he has the power of
creating, of bringing into visible form that which before did not exist.
As God created by the spoken word, without which "was not anything
made that hath been made," so man can create by his spoken word. In
fact, there is no other way under heaven to bring into existence the visible
conditions and the things that we want.
Today it is agreed by all scientists
(material as well as spiritual) that there is but one universal substance
out of which all things are made. This substance is divine stuff that,
though invisible and intangible, is lying all about us, as is the atmosphere.
This divine substance is without form and void, as is also this same physical
atmosphere. It is waiting, forever waiting, for man to form it as he wills,
by his spoken word.
What is liquid air? It is compressed
invisibility, is it not? It is invisible, formless substance pressed into
form by a definite and continued process until it becomes visible and tangible.
This God-stuff, divine substance, is likewise subject to the pressure of
man's thought and word.
There are three realms in the
universe: the spiritual, the mental or psychic, and the physical or material.
These three, while in a way distinct, are so blended into one that it is
difficult to know where one ends and another begins. All created things
have Spirit, soul, and body. All things that we desire are now in being
in the spiritual or invisible. But, as someone has said, thought and the
spoken word stand between the invisible and the visible. By the action
of these two--thought and the spoken word--is the invisible made visible.
When we desire anything--I use
this word "anything" advisedly, for did not the Master in divine
things say, "Whatsoever ye pray and ask for," "If ye shall
ask anything"--we must take our thought entirely off the visible world
and center it on God. We begin, as God began in creation, by speaking out
into this formless substance all about us with faith and power, "Let
there be so and so [whatever we want].
Let it come forth into manifestation here and now. It does come forth by
the power of my word. It is done; it is manifest." We continue this
with vehemence a few moments and then let go of it. This should be repeated
with firmness and regularity and definite persistence, at least in the
morning and in the evening. Continue it, absolutely regardless of any evidence
or want of evidence. Faith takes hold of the substance of the things hoped
for and brings into evidence the things not seen.
The moment one takes cognizance
of circumstances, that moment he lets go of faith. Our
spoken word first hammers the thing desired into shape. Our continued spoken
word brings this shaped substance forth and clothes it with a visible body.
The first action brings that which is desired from the formless toward
the external as far as the psychic; the continued action brings it forth
still farther and clothes it with visible form or material body.
This was illustrated to the
writer, a few years ago. A woman, Miss C____, had been for days vigorously
"speaking the word" out into the great universe of substance,
for something she much desired. She had no confidante and recognized no
human help.
One day she wrote an ordinary
business letter to
a friend in the country. This friend, on receipt of the letter, immediately
replied, saying: "What is this strange thing about this letter of
yours? When I took it from the post office it had the appearance to me
of being covered with so and so [the very thing which the writer had been
shaping in the invisible by her spoken word]. I opened the letter,"
she continued, "and for some minutes the opened letter took the form,
to my sight, of a 'horn of plenty,' pouring out in unlimited quantity this
same thing. Have I gone crazy, Or what does it mean?"
Do you not see? The word spoken
by Miss C____, alone in the silence of her own room, had shaped and brought
forth toward the external, as far as the psychic realm, the thing desired.
The vibrations of her thought had permeated, all unknown to her, everything
that she had touched. The friend, having some psychic power developed,
saw, plainly surrounding this letter, the shape that Miss C____ had created,
though it was yet invisible to the natural eye. It is needless to say that
the continued word very soon brought this shape forth another step into
the visible world as a solid manifestation of exactly what Miss C____ desired.
In this process, there are two
conditions that must be carefully observed. One is, do not talk with anyone
about what you are doing. Talk scatters the precious
divine substance; what we want to do is focus it. Needless talk diffuses
and wastes one's power. One might as well pierce full of holes the boiler
of a steam engine, letting the steam ooze at dozens of holes, and then
expect to have enough power in the engine to draw the train. It is impossible
both to diffuse and to focus at the same time.
The other important condition
to observe is to continue with the spoken word. "Let us not be weary
in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Links to Additional Media for How I Used The Truth by Emilie Cady such as audio and ebooks are located at the bottom of this web page.
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