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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
How I Used The Truth
"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought from Abrahamic to Vedic. New Thought literature reflects the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy presents a dramatic contrast with the magical thinking of decadent religions that promulgate supersticions standing in the way of progress to shared peace and prosperity." ~ Avalon de Rossett
Contents - Foreword - Why? - Finding the Christ in Ourselves - Neither Do I Condemn Thee - In His Name - Loose Him and Let Him Go - All-Sufficiency in All Things - God's Hand - If Thou Knewest - Trusting and Resting - The Spoken Word - Oneness with God - Unadulterated Truth - Question Helps
THERE IS but one hand in
the universe. It is God's hand. Whenever you have felt that your
hand was empty, it has been
because you have believed yourself something separate from God. Have you
not felt, at times, great desire to give to others something that they
needed or wanted, yet have not been able so to give. Have you not said
many times within yourself, "Oh, if I only had money, how I would
relieve anxiety and distress! If it were only in my power, how quickly
would I give a lucrative position to this one needing work, freedom to
that one wanting release from material bondage," and so forth? Have
you not often said, "if I could only afford it, I would so gladly
give my time and service to others with no thought of return"?
Whence, suppose you, comes this
desire to give? Is it from the mortal of you? Nay, nay. it is the voice
of the Giver of all good gifts crying out through you. It is God's desire
to give through you. Cannot He afford to give whenever and wherever He
will, and not be made poorer, but richer, thereby? Your hand is God's hand.
My hand is God's hand. Our Father reaches out through these, His only hands,
to give His gifts. We have nothing to do with the supply. Our part is to
pass out the good freely and without ceasing. This we can do only by making
a complete consecration (so far as our consciousness goes) of our hands,
our entire being, to the service of God, the All-Good. When we have given
anything to others we no longer consider it our own, but recognize it as
belonging to them. So this conscious consecration of our hands to God,
helps us to recognize them as God's hands in which is (no longer "shall
be") the fullness of all things.
When first the full recognition
of there being but one hand was given to a certain woman, it was so real
that for hours whenever she looked at her right hand she seemed unable
to close it, so running over full of all good things did it seem. She said
to herself: "Then if this be true, I have, in my hand, health to give
the sick, joy to give the mourning, freedom to give those in bondage, money
to give those needing it; it only needs that I keep the hand open for all
good gifts to flow out." To all who came to her that day in need of
anything she said mentally: "Here is just what you desire; take it
and rejoice. All my gifts are in my hand to give; it is God's hand."
And the result of that day's
work almost startled her, with such marvelous swiftness did the external
manifestations of the heart's desire come to everyone to whom she gave
the word. One aged man, who for five years had been in external bondage
and exile in a foreign land, held there by the machinations of another,
and in which case no external law had been of avail to free, was set into
perfect liberty, with the most complete vindication of character and consequent
public congratulations and rejoicings, by the word of liberty spoken for
him through this woman that day. Recognizing her hand as God's hand, she
only said, "Then in this hand are that man's freedom papers,"
and mentally extending to him her hand she said, "Here is your freedom.
It is God's gift; wake up and take it; get up and go forth; you are free."
Then she committed the whole matter to Him who invariably establishes the
word spoken in faith, and He brought to pass the physical out-picturing
of freedom.
"Thou openest thy hand,
and satisfiest the desire of every living thing." Should you like
to be able to do this? Then keep the hand open. Refuse to be hindered by
fear of poverty, fear of want, fear that you will not be appreciated or
justly dealt with. Go right on giving aid to all who need anything. "Only
say the word" of giving. It is God's word spoken through your lips,
and has He not said, "My word shall not return unto me void, but it
shall accomplish that which I please"?
We cannot afford to withhold
from giving our time, our intellect, our love, our money, to him who needs,
for the law is that withholding makes poorer. "There is that scattereth,
and increaseth yet more, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet,
but it tendeth only to want," said Solomon.
The supply is inexhaustible.
Its outflow can be limited only by demand. Nothing can hinder the hand
that is consciously recognized as God's hand from being refilled, except,
as was the case when the widow's oil was multiplied through Elisha, "there
is not a vessel more." Let not the seeming emptiness of your hand
at times stagger your faith for a moment. It is just as full when you do
not see it as when you do. Keep right on recognizing it as God's right
hand in which are all good gifts now; thus you will prove Him who said:
"Prove me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open
you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall
not be room enough to receive it."
God is surely calling us to
"come up higher." To all those who are earnestly seeking Truth
for Truth's sake, and not for the leaves and fishes, nor that they may
be able to "give a sign" to those seeking signs, He is saying
loudly: "Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or,
What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? for your heavenly
Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first
his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added
unto you." "Freely ye received, freely give." "Love
your enemies, and do them good, and lend, never despairing: and
your reward shall be great, and ye shall be sons of the Most High."
God is forever giving, giving, giving, with no thought of return. Love
always thinks of giving, never of receiving. God's giving is the spontaneous
outflow of perfect love. The higher we rise in recognition and consequent
manifestation of the Divine, the more surely we think always of the giving,
not of what we shall receive.
We know now that money, houses,
lands, and all material things can be made to come to us by our holding
them in our thoughts as ours, but that is not the highest that God has
in store for us. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that
love him." What? Self? No, but "that love him"--that love
good more than self. Jesus said: "Every one that hath left houses,
. . . or lands, for my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold." They
that have forsaken, they that have forsaken self, they that dare let their
hands be forever open to their brothers, doing good and lending, hoping
for nothing again, to them is the promise of a hundredfold even in this
God has called us to be stewards
of His. He has chosen us as vessels to carry good to others, and it is
only while carrying to others that we ourselves can be filled. The law
is: "Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down,
shaken together, running over." Give without thought of return.
"But," says one, "am
I to give my time, my money, my best thoughts, to others, and not require
of them something in return? It is not just." Give as God gives. He
knows no mine and thine. He says: "All things that are mine
are thine."
Look only to God for supply.
If anything is returned to you through the one to whom you give, render
thanks for it. If nothing visible is returned, give thanks just the same,
knowing that no man can stand between you and the inexhaustible supply;
that it is he that withholds who is impoverished thereby, not he from whom
anything is withheld.
''Acquaint now thyself with
him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. If thou return
to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, if thou put away unrighteousness
far from thy tents. And lay thou thy treasure in the dust, and the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks; and the Almighty
will be thy treasure.
When we have learned that God is our supply, and that from Him comes all our help, we shall no longer care whether "pay" is rendered for our services or not. We shall simply know that all things are ours now, and out of the fullness of love we shall give freely. God's hand is sure. Your hand is God's hand now, today. It is full now. Give out of it mentally to all who call on you, whatever they need. "Trust also in him, and he will bring it to pass"
Links to Additional Media for How I Used The Truth by Emilie Cady such as audio and ebooks are located at the bottom of this web page.
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