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Serving New Thought is pleased to present
Dollars Want Me
Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books
To the Reader.
This essay upon the Dollar appeared in NOW as one of a series of twelve lessons entitled, "Success and how I won it through Affirmation." It attracted much attention and drew out from its readers many letters. This appreciation has decided "NOW" Folk to reprint it in form for a wider circulation.
This well conserves the purpose for which it was written. I wish to awaken my fellows to a sense of their present possessions and help them to a realization of the Principle which controls Life's expression so that, living being to them "a fine art,- they will cease to look for happiness in some far-off heaven, but will enter into the enjoyment of the one they create here and now
It is believed that this little monograph is the first utterance of the thought that each individual has the ability so to radiate his mental forces that he can cause the Dollar to feel him, love him, seek him and thus draw, at will, all things (page 11) needed for his enfoldment from the Universal Supply.
It will help you to rise above the drudgery of enforced labor and enable you to enter upon the manifold expressions of life with the jolt and spontaneity of childhood. This is the thought which comes to you with this, my Lesson of Success.
HENRY HARRISON BROWN. San Francisco, Cal., May 1, I903.
"Be The Change" Volunteer program.
eBook downloads for Henry Harrison Brown's Dollars Want Me include: pdf, Open eBook, OEB, ePub & audio book MP3
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