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Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Kate Atkinson Boehme's

Thinking in the Heart or Easy Lessons in Realization

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Great Reality - Power Within - All there is - God centre - Prayer - Outgrow pain - Consciousnes is really - It has been thought - To enter into realization - Stronger realization - Contents -

essential to it as the vapors which lie between us and the sun and equally illusive.

While consciousness may be only awake to the untrue life we are at the same time living the true life, each and every one of us. That we do not know it makes no difference; it goes on just the same, adjusting our mistakes, inspiring us with new and higher ideals, guiding and guarding us in all endeavor.

The awareness of life which we call consciousness (the human consciousness, I mean, which is a different thing from the Cosmic or Universal Consciousness) first manifests itself within the boundaries of the untrue life. It sees things not as they really are, but as they appear to be. You cannot convince a child that the horizon is not the limit of the world, and it is the limit of his world at the time, but it spreads and enlarges with increasing intelligence.

When his field of vision becomes the subjective realm he is encompassed by another restrictive but ever widening horizon, which at last becomes co-extensive with Being itself and is one with the Cosmic Consciousness.

In our diagram, the star of manifestation, I have drawn an inner star to represent the true life. Between it and the outer limit lies the field of the untrue life, the ephemeral, the changeful. While the consciousness remains

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