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Serving New Thought is pleased to present

Kate Atkinson Boehme's

Thinking in the Heart or Easy Lessons in Realization

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Great Reality - Power Within - All there is - God centre - Prayer - Outgrow pain - Consciousnes is really - It has been thought - To enter into realization - Stronger realization - Contents -

lulls them to unconsciousness or wakes them to bliss.

William Flagg in his work on Yoga writes of Saint John of the Cross, of whom it was said that "through the silence of the night the sound of his lash would reach the ears of the friars, who trembled when they heard it, for they knew how merciless he was to himself." There came a time, however, when he could devise no penance that did not yield pleasure instead of pain, and Flagg accounts for that fact by supposing that the practice of penance "thoroughly and long persisted in has power, along with other bodily modifications it effects, such as adamantine hardness, control of breath, levitation, Herculean strength, etc., to actually reverse the normal action of the sensory nerves and to convert pain into pleasure, or else so completely overcome pain by pleasure that none is felt, which last, by the way, would hardly be more strange than that a condemned witch could tranquilly slumber on a pile of burning fagots, a thing that has often happened."

I believe that Flagg's supposition is correct and that a turning point can be reached by both an individual and the race where the action of the sensory nerves is reversed, yielding thereafter no more pain, but only pleasure. A subtle sense of this must pervade the minds of those

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