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John Bascom is increasingly being recognized as the true father of New Thought as an increasing number of souls become acquainted with his works.
Links to John Bascom's Works:
During a time in which Pantheism had entered mass consciousness and was largely the accepted view, Bascom articulated the principles that eventually came to epitomize the New Thought movement. His work supports the understanding of the relationship of God to the soul and personality, articulating a theology of a living personal God, human rights and the continuation of the soul after death reconciling Science and Faith through the philosophy, variously called Natural Theology, Science of Mind, and Constructive Realism.
Today Bascom's philosophy, spiritual path and way of life is followed by millions of people. They call it by different names that describe the same thing: Divine Science, New Thought, Science of Mind, Spiritual Living, Divine Living, Truth Teachings etc...
Bascom's teachings preconfigured the teachings of 19th Century New Thought such as Unity and Divine Science, 20th Century New Thought such as Science of Mind, Church of Truth and Universal Foundation for Better Living and continues to unfold in 21st Century forms of New Thought such as DivineUnity which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (U.D.H.R.)
Some believe that Bascom is timeless because of his belief in the "Unity of Mind and Matter", others because of his teaching that "the physical universe is a product of God's thought", others because of his demonstration of health, living to the age of 84 despite physical challenges that brought others to an early demise. Bascom taught that "Physical forces throughout all time are permeated and carried forward by spiritual forces." Bascom's idea that there is "a system of laws which sustain one another and completely cover all the phenomena of the world," was later echoed by Ernest Holmes in the opening of his pamphlet: Lessons in Spiritual Mind Healing. Perhaps what makes Bascom timeless is his teaching that: "Man is both created and creator. A creature of God, he is free to work with God from this time forth." A concept later embodied in New Thought "co-creation".
Bascom's assertion that "The difference between saint and sinner is merely in the use and abuse of powers alike to all," was later reiterated by Ernest Holmes.
Ten years after Bascom's graduation from Williams college in 1849, Charles Darwin's classic tome On the Origin of Species detailing his theory of evolution came onto the scene rocking the world. Bascom was one of, if not the only, major philosopher and theologian to examine, contemplate, then integrate this new theory, thereby putting forth a deeper understanding that has largely become the basis of contemporary New Thought.
In 1836, ten years prior to Bascom's taking a degree, Emerson published his essay on Nature. Bascom joined Emerson in the belief that nature is the house of God yet further emphasized the importance that a man be conscious of his oneness with God at all times, in all places.
In his own life, Bascom demonstrated the importance of embracing the moment celebrating the weather with joy:
"Hot or cold, rain or shine, his greeting was always: Is not this a fine hot day? or a fine cold day? or whatever kind of a day it might be; for it was always a fine day to him."
He was fair minded and universally admired.
Just prior to graduation, Bascom was told that he might never be able to see again, but through his faith and spiritual practice he rekindled his vision and went on to write an immense body of work.
Even in the 21st Century, there are people who hold mutually exclusive concepts within their weltaunschaungs with their religious / spiritual views encapsulated and separated from their scientific concepts. Bascsom's teachings support an integrated spiritual / scientific life.Ten years after Bascom's graduation from Williams college in 1849, Charles Darwin's classic tome On the Origin of Species detailing his theory of evolution came onto the scene rocking the world. Bascom was one of, if not the only, major philosopher and theologian to examine, contemplate, then integrate this new theory, thereby putting forth a deeper understanding that has largely become the basis of contemporary New Thought.
In 1836, ten years prior to Bascom's taking a degree, Emerson published his essay on Nature. Bascom joined Emerson in the belief that nature is the house of God yet further emphasized the importance that a man be conscious of his oneness with God at all times, in all places.
In his own life, Bascom demonstrated the importance of embracing the moment celebrating the weather with joy:
"Hot or cold, rain or shine, his greeting was always: Is not this a fine hot day? or a fine cold day? or whatever kind of a day it might be; for it was always a fine day to him."
He was fair minded and universally admired.
Just prior to graduation, Bascom was told that he might never be able to see again, but through his faith and spiritual practice he rekindled his vision and went on to write an immense body of work.
Even in the 21st Century, there are people who hold mutually exclusive concepts within their weltaunschaungs with their religious / spiritual views encapsulated and separated from their scientific concepts. Bascsom's teachings support an integrated spiritual / scientific life.
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