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BF Austin

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B. F. Austin's

How To Make Money

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hypnotized boy who being told he cannot cross a certain line on the floor, struggles in vain to cross it, his belief holding him in captivity and utterly suppressing his natural physical powers. On the other hand, I have frequently heard the hypnotized lad, under suggestion that he was a noted orator, arise and deliver a surprising address, of which he was utterly incapable in his normal state. And I have seen the hypnotized subject leap over a man's head under the stimulus of suggestion a feat he could not possibly accomplish in his waking state. No one knows the reserve powers of the mind. If you would awaken them, you must cultivate daily by Auto-Suggestion unlimited faith in yourself.

Lesson 3. Principles and Methods of Success Make the World Your Debtor: Heaven Will Repay

We know not how much faith the pupil may have in the Unseen Universe or in the Agency of Unseen Intelligences in Mortal Life, yet we shall venture to state the Law of Financial Success which has come down

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