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BF Austin

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

B. F. Austin's

How To Make Money

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought media from Abrahamic to Vedic reflecting the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy contrasts with 'old thought' Religion. Today's 'New Thought 3.0' teaches personal responsibility, self-development, human rights and compassionate action as essential spiritual paradigms." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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Cultivate absolute faith, too, in the Laws (which you are now mastering) of Financial Success and remember that the throne of God is no more stable, the revolution of the sun no more certain, the law of gravitation no more a fixture, than is the operation of these fixed laws of financial increase. With faith in self, in your fellows, in the Law, hold your head erect, assert to your own soul your Mastery of Conditions, and with the confidence of the "I can and I will" spirit, enter life's arena. Helen Wilmans, of whose remarkable career we shall have more to say later, declares : "I made myself over completely. From being like a limp rag, I became sufficiently positive to conquer all my environments." In another place she declares, "I became as a God and knew that no power could come against me."


Claim for Yourself Unlimited Power, Wisdom

Until a man gets at least a glimpse into the depths of human nature he can never realize himself or life's possibilities. So long as he measures himself and sets limitations

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