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BF Austin

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

B. F. Austin's

How To Make Money

"Evolution is better than Revolution. New Thought Library's New Thought Archives encompass a full range of New Thought media from Abrahamic to Vedic reflecting the ongoing evolution of human thought. New Thought's unique inclusion of science, art and philosophy contrasts with 'old thought' Religion. Today's 'New Thought 3.0' teaches personal responsibility, self-development, human rights and compassionate action as essential spiritual paradigms." ~ Avalon de Rossett

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is assured and man in the royalty and beneficence of his nature should give like a king. No life can reach its maximum of enjoyment, power and usefulness without wealth.

Is There Great Danger in Acquiring Wealth?

Undoubtedly but greater dangers still in the lack of wealth. The one great danger in acquiring money and in possessing it, is the danger of becoming a slave to gold. This is one of the vilest forms of slavery and, perhaps, no other form of idolatry is quite so benumbing to all the higher and diviner qualities of manhood as avarice. The miser is of all characters most despised and illustrates the truth of the old proverb "Money is a good servant but a hard master." No other type of character exhibits such unreasoning folly and seems so fully to merit the rebuke: "Thou Fool." The one safeguard in the acquisition of wealth is the constant, unremitting cultivation of the human sympathies and the exercise of benevolence. Without this, the acquisition of money is generally attended by a freezing up of the moral nature and a growing love for money for purely selfish purposes, or for money's sake, ending in avarice and the wretched condition of the miser. It is quite easy to see how the rigid economy

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