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~ 2 Corinthians 2:17

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William Walker Atkinson

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

William Walker Atkinson's

Thought Force in Business and Everyday Life

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Preface - Dedication - Salutatory - The Nature of the Force - How the Thought Force Can Aid You - Direct Psychic Influence - A Little Worldly Wisdom - The Power of the Eye - The Magnetic Gaze - The Volic Force - Direct Volation - Telepathic Volation - The Adductive Quality of Thought - Character Building By Mental Control - The Art of Concentering - The Practice of Concentering - Valedictory - Contents

lessons, but let me urge upon you now, with all the earnestness of which I am capable, to tear out those wile seeds - Fear and Hate. Tear them out by the roots. They spoil the whole garden and breed a host of other weeds, such as Worry, Doubt, Timidity, Lack of Self Respect, Jealousy, Spite, Malice, Envy, Slander and Morbid Ideas. I am not trying to preach you a sermon, but I know that these vile thoughts are hindering your progress, and you will realize it, too, if you will stop to thinking for a moment. Open the blinds, and let the pure sunshine of Bright, Cheerful and Happy thoughts pour in, and the microbes of Doubt and Despair and Failure will leave, and seek more congenial quarters.

If you were my dearest friend, and I knew that this message would be my last on earth, I would shout to you, as loud as my vocal organs would permit:


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