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Yogi Ramacharaka

Serving New Thought is pleased to present

William Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka's

Bhagavad Gita

Book page numbers, along with the number to the left of the .htm extension match the page numbers of the original books to ensure easy use in citations for research papers and books

Introduction - The Scene; Theme; and Character - Gloom of Arjuna - Inner Doctrine - The Secret of Work - Spiritual Knowledge - Renunciation - Self Mastery - Spiritual Discernment - Mystery of Omnipresence - Kingly Knowledge - Universal Perfection - Universal Manifestation - Yoga of Devotion - Knower and the Known - Three Gunas or Qualities - Consciousness of the Supreme - Good and Evil Natures - Threefold Faith - Renunciation and Freedom - Contents -

Part 9 - The Kingly Knowledge - p. 94

Then spake Krishna, the Blessed Lord, unto Prince Arjuna, saying:

"And, now giveth I to thee, O Arjuna, thou faithful and trusting one, the final and supreme knowledge --- the wisdom royal --- whose secret, when once known to thee, O Prince, shalt set thee free from evil and misfortune. This is the true Kingly Science --- Royal Secret --- Imperial Purifier --- most easy of intuitional comprehension to such as thou art --- not difficult of performance --- and imperishable and never-failing. Those who possess not this knowledge fail to find Me, and therefore return again and again to this world of birth and death.

"This universe, in its parts, and in its entirety, is an emanation of Me, and I fill it in my invisible form --- yea, even I, the Unmanifest. All things are of Me --- not I of them. But, mistake thou not, O Prince, lest thou in error think that even All Things are Myself.

page scan



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